Monday, August 13, 2012

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options-Many are Available, But Which One is

August 12, 2012 on 10:03 am | By admin | In Daily Health News

Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition. When you suffer from OSA, you stop breathing for a minimum of ten seconds and this happens repeatedly throughout the night. Symptoms of this condition include daytime fatigue, heart disease, a history of a stroke, heat disease or episode of apnea witnessed by others. If you have any of these symptoms, you may suffer from OSA. Contact a Northeast Atlanta Ear Nose Throat specialist and make an appointment. He or she can rule out other conditions, such as allergies or a nasal obstruction. Once you have been diagnosed with OSA, you will find that there are many treatments available.

The most common of the sleep apnea treatments is a CPAP. This is a nasal mask that the patient wears while sleeping. With this mask, the airway is opened using a small amount of pressure. Another option is an oral appliance that is custom fit to the patient?s mouth. When this appliance is used, the lower jaw is moved forward. A Northeast Atlanta Ear Nose Throat specialist with experience in sleep dentistry will fit this appliance or recommend a dentist or oral surgeon to do the job.

Surgery is needed in some cases of obstructive sleep apnea. Thermal ablation can be used to reduce tissue bulk in the soft palate, the nasal turbinates or the base of the tongue. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is another surgery used to remove excess tissue in the soft palate. This helps to open the airway while also stiffening the tissue vibration. If the doctor decides to do this in conjunction with a tonsillectomy, the air passage may be enlarged. If the lower throat is collapsing, a genioglossus and hyoid advancement may be performed. This prevents the collapse while also pulling the tongue muscles forward.

Your doctor may also suggest that the soft palate be stiffened with the injection of an irritating substance of by inserting Pillar implants into the soft palate. If you are significantly overweight, your doctor will recommend you get down to a healthy weight as this can help with OSA. Visit to learn more about this condition and sleep apnea treatment options. Help is available so don?t live with this condition any longer.


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