Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cancer-casting felon in tax dodging magic underwear launches ...

Twitter conservatives race to defend him from an OUTRAGED press corp, noting that Romney?s offense is not that he made the joke, just that the joke itself wasn?t funny ? and concluding that Mitt really should stick to the economy and various invocations of the word ?delightful? and leave the comedy to those who don?t typically wear spiritual undergarments.

So he got off easy, did Mitt.? This time.? Meaning, I don?t think we?ll hear any very public, principled calls for him to step down just yet.? Although it should be noted that Twitter conservatives reserve the right to lick a finger and keep it in the air just in case there?s some shift in the political winds they feel the need to get out ahead of.? For freedom.



update: Oh. Akin held a press conference. He?s staying in.? And is attacking McCaskill.

Of course, he?s unelectable now ? because he made a dubious medical claim in an inelegant way and most certainly not because an entire conga line of Republicans, led by the rightside Twitterverse and the Rove cabal that doesn?t even exist, signed their names to shit saying the moronic extremist woman hater rape apologist and his outlandish belief in the magic cooter has to get out of the race, then spent the next few days trying to get the selfish selfish man (who is only worried about his own career and reputation, not the future of the country, like those more polished and perfect patriots who insist he do as they say) to bend to their wills instead of covering for him while going after tax cheat ObamaCare strumpet McCaskill.

Just so we?re clear.



Posted by Jeff G. @ 3:51pm
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