Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adoption infographic: How many children in Britain find new families ...

The number of adoptions in England and Wales rose by six per cent in 2011, figures released by the Office for National Statistics revealed earlier this month.

There were 4,734 adoptions entered into the Adopted Children Register (ACR) following court orders made last year, compared to 4,481 in 2010.

Adoption groups said they were pleased to see the increase, emphasising that adoption can mean a positive result for both children from the care system and their new families.

They pointed out that the ONS figures include children adopted from care but also those adopted by relatives and step-parents, something which government figures do not cover.

The ONS statistics showed that 62 per cent of children adopted in 2011 were between the ages of one and four, rising from 58 per cent in 2010 and 34 per cent in 1998. In total, 77 babies were adopted last year, down from 86 in 2010.


According to the NSPCC and the government, there are about 90,000 children in the care of local authorities in Britain at any one time.

Children described as ?looked after? are those who are looked after by the state ? those children subject to care orders and those looked after on a voluntary basis at the request of their parents.

The majority of looked after children (73 per cent) are in foster care, the Department of Education says, while ten per cent are in children?s homes.

The remainder are in different settings such as residential schools and placement with parents.

Erika Pennington from Adoption UK said: ?Adoption UK is encouraged by the ONS figures that show the number of adoptions increased in 2011.? When properly supported, adoption offers positive outcomes for children from the care system, including providing children with a permanent, stable family that many of them might not have if they remained in the care system.

?Adoption UK also welcomes the current Government focus on improving the adoption system in England for children in care and their future adoptive families.

'The reforms will address some of the shortcomings in the system, particularly those around the length of time that it takes to place children for adoption and the negative experiences that many adoptive parents have of the adoption system. Adoption UK would also like to see adoption support services strengthened to ensure the long-term success of adoptive placements.

?There are fewer babies placed for adoption today due to the changing nature of modern-day adoption. The focus should be on all of the children waiting for permanent homes and the support those families need.?


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