Monday, August 27, 2012

Romney stars in Obama camp?s ?The Do-Over?

Tampa - President Barack Obama's campaign may be tempted to throw everything but the kitchen sink at Mitt Romney before election day, but for now they'll settle for "Sirens, Etch-A-Sketches, Fire, Severely Conservative VP Choices, The Go Back Team, Press Quotes, And Romney Jogging."

Team Obama has released a movie trailer-style digital video mocking Romney over media reports that the former Massachusetts governor plans to use his nominating convention in Tampa this week (Isaac Willing) to overhaul his image and win over skeptical voters. "A GOP Convention Reinvention. Some Material May Be Hilarious and/or Infuriating."

The nearly two-minute digital short includes many favorite Democratic attacks on Romney -- charges that his Bain Capital destroyed jobs, "corporations are people, my friend" "I stand by what I said whatever it was," and of course the Etch-a-Sketch. And, yes, footage of Romney jogging.

"On August 30th, Mitt Romney stars in 'The Do-Over,'" the narrator says, referring to the day when Romney is due to deliver his acceptance speech. "Rated 'N' for not gonna work."

UPDATE 10:15 a.m.: The reviews are in from Team Romney. Thumbs down!

"President Obama continues to prove he has little he can say about his indefensible record in office," said Romney campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg.

"With public confidence in the President falling, his campaign will continue to rely on negative attacks that will be rejected by the American people.? Middle-class families are looking for a path forward which leads to sustained economic growth and job creation," she said. "Mitt Romney has that plan, while Barack Obama's policies have failed."


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