Thursday, August 9, 2012

Seeking Life-Work Harmony Isn't Only for Working Moms


There is a lot of attention being paid to our increasingly diverse workplace. There are all types of differences including race, gender, generations and thinking styles, just to name a few. LTAW?s focus this month is on some of the key diversity dimensions and how to navigate them for greater productivity and engagement.

Once we realize there?s no separation between our professional and personal lives, we can begin the process of achieving harmony. We only have one life. Spiritual, family, love, personal, work and hobbies converge into one living gumbo. The ?balance? of them all is frequently talked about by self-development ?gurus? and others. But is it really realistic? That?s subjective. Sacrifice is realistic. Better yet, it?s real. Some people must sacrifice one or all the other aspects of life for their livelihood and others. Take military personnel for example, they surely don?t have ?balance? because it?s simply not possible. We all should seek harmony and peace that can be taken with us wherever we go.

Some of us can control our time and how it?s used. If a part of your life is lacking, life has a funny (or sometimes not-so-funny) way of telling you about a void that must be filled. If you find yourself constantly stressed, maybe you need to take time to meditate or relax with your family. If you notice that you?re not meeting deadlines, perhaps you are too hobby-focused. Shift a reasonable portion of your attention to your work in that case. In all situations, avoid complacency. If a move needs to be made, make the move.

Let?s talk a little bit about how we use our time at work. We can?t always control the hours we work, but we can control our productivity while at work. This is important for everybody, not just working moms. Dads/boyfriends, pulling long hours at the job while neglecting the needs of your family or significant other isn?t worth the fallout that will certainly surface sooner than later. As for time management, being highly productive is crucial to excellence. As you excel, your options increase. As you gain more options, you gain more opportunities for various kinds of freedom (time, authoritative, creative and more). With freedom, your time for things you enjoy and value increases. Sure, you might really enjoy your career but let?s be sure to keep everything in perspective. Here are a several tips for having harmony in your one-life:

  1. Stop compartmentalizing your life activities and take a wholistic approach. Every aspect of life has an impact on the others.
  2. ::Blending Can be More Rewarding than Balancing

  3. Look for clues that tell you that you might be doing too much of one thing.?If you notice disharmony in your relationships, you should evaluate how your time is being used.
  4. If you?re a working dad, don?t think that it?s okay to pull long hours at work just because of your sex. The world is different so it?s time to upgrade.
  5. If you?re a working mom who usually handles more tasks at home than her spouse, it?s okay to be more ?selfish? with your time. Take some time to recharge away from work and home.
  6. Exercise, eat a healthy diet and do other activities that will optimize your energy and propel you through all the phases of your day.

Value differences! Live inclusively!

Christopher Craft is the Founder/CVO of Nao Media and Consulting, a hybrid firm (media/branding/marketing/design) working in the fields of business, entertainment, sports, food and information technology. He blogs regularly at the Nao blog. You can follow Chris on Twitter, connect with him on LinkedIn and circle him on Google+.



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