Sunday, August 12, 2012

Introducing: Leviathan Gaming ? VanillaTF2

ShoX ?North America have pulled together their 2 finest squads with the hope of spoiling the eurozone party at i46. I caught up with the leader of Leviathan Gaming ?enoryt to bring you a crash course in all things LG as well as the answers to the questions everyone has been thinking but no one has been asking.

After the jump we?ll find out about who he thinks could let his team down, how much his medic gets laid and his prediction for the top spot at i46.

Welcome to VanillaTF2, enoryt! i46 is fast approaching and it occured to me that my euro brothers may not even know the first thing about you or your team. In short, who the hell are LG?

Hey what?s up Rob! We are a North American team that has been competing at the highest levels of TF2 for quite some time now and have been together for 3 years.

I believe we are the current oldest ?pro? tf2 team in existence our roster has been generally pretty stable for the most part, and b4nny mackey and I have been playing together almost throughout the teams entirety.

We have made 6 playoff appearances in Texas and have won 3 championship events and are widely considered a top 8 team in NA, haha.

3 of the championships were all on?LAN, as in North America the top 4 teams play out the finals on LAN.

(Left to right) Shade, enorty, mackey, b4nny, cyzer, clockwork

Excellent, how about you hook a brother up (that?s what you cool kids say, right?) with details of your i46 roster.

We are using a backup in mackey, originally daveac was supposed to attend but had personal issues and won?t be attending.

Having a name like Dante Funari must lead to a whole lot of vaginal activity. Can you confirm/deny?

Haha, he has recently (last year?) gotten together with non other than the infamous KoolB, so I?m assuming he has his fair share, although you?d have to confirm with them to be sure.

She?s a north american player who has been in the scene for quite some time, she was once a top medic in the game, you can see her, as she makes guest appearances on shade?s stream @

It?s entirely possible.

That sounds like a follow up post to me! Correct me if I?m wrong but the average ESEA LAN is what? 100-150 players? At 3000 players does i46 daunt you at all?

It?s definitely going to be an atmosphere change, I think the energy will be completely different as i46 is a lot more communal, and I?d assume not as hostile. At the ESEA lans, the teams come to win, and there really is no crowd to cheer and taunt.

Its something we just won?t be able to fathom until we actually get to that setting, but its something we are extremely looking forward too.

The ESEA LAN consists of 6 x 1.6 teams, 6 x css teams, and 4 x tf2 teams with very few spectators it?s mainly an event for the players and does not cater to spectators at all; there are absolutely 0 spectating seats, and no real grand stand to speak of. It?s an intimate event where North America?s best battle it out.

I think the states have always been a touch jealous of your massive community LANs.

Is there anyone in your team who you?d single out as being a weak or strong link in such a new environment? Euro players like Qun have famously choked when on the stage, despite playing well online do you see that happening?

Hmm I guess if we HAVE to choose a weak link, it would have to be myself. I tend to be really streaky as of late, with mostly bad and some good games. Most times in predictions and match analysis from casters, it comes down to which Tyrone shows up to this event and I?m hoping it the decent one haha.

Our team has had issues before with choking, and closing out matches, but I wouldn?t blame that on any one specific player. If we choke, we are the ones to blame with preparation, hopefully thats an issue we won?t have to worry about. Right now our biggest worry is the potential to not have 120hz monitors as that may be a huge issue especially for our scouts.

Luckily for me, I am surrounded by some of in my opinion, the best players in the world. Shade with his fancy footwork , b4nny and his incredible field vision, clockwork and cyzer both coupled with nasty aim and movement, and of course, mackey?s antics. I find watching our team hilarious and playing with the guys just as if not more enjoyable. I feel lucky to have some of the best teammates in the game (outside of clockwork cuz he?s a jerk)

Who are the players from europe that worry you? I mean bybben is going to rape clockwork, right?

Haha honestly I don?t know, I?m hesitant to really say much. It?s always tough judging another player especially if you have never played them. I think we were in for a bit of a surprise when we lost our exhibition match to Epsilon, they?re alot tougher than we imagined, and its something that definitely kept us in check. It?s always tough to compare scenes because our formats are so different along with play styles, and one thing to note is that EU playstyles are no joke.

We would mainly watch out for the super star names, such as numlocked, the fearsome shocky, ?extremer, kaidus, dunc (lol)

Much is said of the teams that are tipped to do well, if you had to pick a top team (Epsilon, Mixup, Infused, TCM etc) who you think will underperform who would it be?

Lol underperforming!? Hmm, I?m not quite sure, I think anything less than a first place from either mix up, epsilon would be considered ?underperforming? in the communities eyes. I personally would say TCM as I?ve seen the most amount of ?chokes? coming from them, as I?ve heard there mumble self destruct from previous casts wtih mumble comms. I pray it doesn?t bite me in the ass, this is not a dig at TCM, only I?ve seen it happen to them before, so its a possibility. In my ideal world, we all just play the clock, stale mate every map, tie every game, and than afterwards hold hands and drink till the sun comes up.

You?re going to get freakin? wasted, whether you like it or not. I?ve saved the most obvious question for last, who features in your i46 top 3, brah?

I?m going to have to go with top 3 as;

Classic Mixup

Thanks for taking the time! Any shoutouts?

Shoutouts to the guys on my team, Leviathan Gaming for always supporting us! Twitch John for pimpin out TF2 and getting it plays on the main twitch page. My stream viewers @, I?d also like to thank my twitter @ ummm?. also wanted to especially thank for letting me admin it.

Shoutout to eXtelevision and?ESPECIALLY?the community for sending us to i46, without them we never would have made it and it would have always been just a pipe dream.

Much love, hombres. Next up, Pyyyour from Mixup.


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