Friday, August 3, 2012

5 Ways Web and Social Media are Important to Your Startup Business

If you?re starting a new?business, there are hundreds of things on your mind. It?s easy to get lost in the details and lose sight of the big picture. However, there is one detail that you do not want to overlook?your web presence. If you want visitors to stumble upon your site and stay, you might want to sign up with a reliable host first. A great source that will lead you to the web hosting company that?s right for you is?best10webhosting, a review site that researches web hosts and what they can offer for you.

You might think that this is something that can come later down the road, perhaps even after you?ve built a customer base. While in the past, this may have been a possible consideration, today more than ever you need to take advantage of the Internet and all it has to offer your start-up. Consider these five ways that the web and social media are the lifeblood of your start-up business.

1. Worldwide Exposure

Depending on your particular company, this may or may not be very important. If you have a product to sell you may be surprised by how many people outside your city, state or even country are interested in purchasing and having the item shipped. It really is a worldwide marketplace; taking advantage of the Internet as a whole, and social media in particular, gives you exposure to customers that would have never found you in the days where printing a catalog was really the only way to reach a customer base outside your zip code.

2. Social Media is Huge

Think social media is all about playing Farmville on Facebook? Consider these?statistics:

  • 20% of all page views on the Internet occur on Facebook
  • There are over 175 million ?tweets? each day.
  • There are over 2 billion YouTube views every day.
  • Pinterest?is the fastest site in the history of the web to break the 10 million unique visitor mark

Keeping these figures in mind, you can see how huge social media is today. If you?re starting a business, you want to harness some of this power for your company, don?t you? Conduct a website review and find ways to engage your current customers and meet new ones and they will keep coming back for more.

3. Getting Your Business Online is Easy

When the web was new, it was not an easy task to put your business online. You had to find server space, write HTML by hand and keep the site regularly updated. Barring that, you were paying a developer to do this for you. Now, nearly anyone can make accounts on the social media sites and easily reach customers.

According to a recent?Business Insider?article, Facebook has recently put in many tools for small businesses, making et easier for them to get online and communicate with customers. Some companies offer pre-installed WordPress which can make building that official site easier than you dreamed.

4. Easy Advertising

They say the best advertising is word of mouth. On the internet, and especially in social media, this can be right at your fingertips. For instance, if you make a post on your Facebook page with a coupon or special deal, there?s a very good chance your customers and fans will share that post with their friends. The viral aspect of social media is very appealing. Conduct a website review and see if you have implemented easy ways for your visitors to share information.

5. Everybody Else is Doing it

About 80 percent of small business owners and execs use social networking and nearly 60 percent use web-related tools as part of a marketing strategy. When you fail to take advantage of these tools, you lag behind the competition and appear weak or out of touch in the eyes of potential customers.

While the old marketing rules still apply, there are more high-tech ways to connect with your customers than ever before. Creating a web presence is not hard, and by making yourself and your business available online, you have a direct connection to your customers at all times?something that was beyond the wildest dreams of business owners a few years ago.

Jenn is a married mother of 4 that loves her family and spending time traveling the country! She enjoys to travel and blog about awesome travels, giveaways, reviews and anything else fun and exciting. You can also visit her on Pink Ninja Blogger, Mom's Vacation Spots, and Simply Shawn & Jenn.

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