Tuesday, September 6, 2011

WordPress Friends - Ector Ward

Womanhood and God?s Dominion Call
A Free PDF Booklet ??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? DOWNLOAD NOW

Women need to know the power that God has entrusted to them to effect their culture.? Womanhood and God?s Dominion Call is written for women to find the Biblical call to female authority and to show them how to implement that authority in their families and their communities.

Some excerpts:

?What is dominion?? ?
Our promise is the same as God gave to Joshua when he led the children of Israel into the Promised Land, ?Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you.?
The degree to which we can affect our environment increases in proportion to our personal growth in subjection to God?s dominion over our own lives.? Dominion begins by our living in our homes and among our own family members as Jesus would.? From there we yield ourselves to God?s dominion order in our churches, our communities, our nation, and even beyond.?

?The creation of Woman was not God?s after-thought.?

?When a society loses its respect for motherhood, it makes a mockery of motherhood?s provision for future generations, and it loses its regard for the family.?

?Outside our homes is a world of needs.? The peace that the dominion woman enjoys in her home must be shared with others.?

Chapter Headings:

  1. ?Dominion ? What is it?
  2. Womanhood ? God?s Gift
  3. Motherhood
  4. In the Church ? Where is the Dominion Woman?
  5. The Dominion Woman in her Community
  6. Conclusion

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Source: http://ectorward.wordpress.com/2011/09/04/womanhood-dominion-call/

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