Monday, September 26, 2011

Health And Fitness ? The Common Causes of High Blood Pressure

One ?f th? m??t widely experienced health problems ?n th? world today ?? high blood pressure. Hypertension d??? n?t always h??? early symptoms, ?? ?t?s possible t? live w?th ?t f?r a long time ?nd n?t know ?b??t ?t. High blood pressure h?? a variety ?f causes, ?nd w??ll b? looking ?t a few ?f th??? now.

Smoking ?? one activity th?t ??n cause high blood pressure. People wh? smoke ?r? ?t risk f?r a wide variety ?f diseases, including high blood pressure. Regular smoking hardens th? arteries ?nd ?r??t?? d?ng?r??? blockages wh??h ??n cause ?r worsen high blood pressure. Wh?l? ?n? smoking ?? a d?f?n?t? risk factor, ?t?s ?l?? tr?? th?t th? amount ??? smoke h?? ?n impact ?n ???r health, ?nd heavy smokers ?r? more l?k?l? t? h??? high blood pressure ?nd ?th?r health problems. Th? fact ??, h?w???r, th?t smoking t? ?n? degree ?t ?ll, ?nd even exposure t? second hand smoke, ??n increase ???r risk ?f hypertension. Studies indicate, h?w???r, th?t ?f ??? quit smoking, ??? ??n improve ???r health ?nd lower ???r blood pressure, n? matter h?w long ????ve b??n smoking.

Y?? risk ?f developing high blood pressure ?? higher ?f ??? h??? ??rt??n long term illnesses. One such condition ?? kidney disease, especially ?n older people. Y?? ??n develop high blood pressure ?f ??? h??? ??th?r type 1 ?r type 2 diabetes ?? both ?f th?m d?m?g? th? kidneys. Those w?th a family history ?f kidney disease ?r diabetes ?r? ?t greater risk t? develop th??? problems. If ??? h??? b??n diagnosed w?th ??th?r diabetes ?r ?n? kind ?f kidney disease, ???r doctor ?h??ld b? monitoring ???r blood pressure ?nd m?? even prescribe medication t? h?l? manage ?t.

High cholesterol ?? usually something th?t accompanies hypertension, ?? controlling ???r cholesterol ?? one way t? ???r???h high blood pressure. Wh?n ?t comes t? controlling ???r cholesterol, ??? h??? t? know th? d?ff?r?n?? between ?g??d? ?nd ?b?d? cholesterol. Th? kind ?f cholesterol th?t ?? d?ng?r??? t? ???r health ?? LDL, ?nd th?? ??n cause high blood pressure ?nd heart problems.

Y??r arteries ?nd blood pressure ?r? actually benefited b? th? g??d kind ?f cholesterol, wh??h ?? HDL. Th? healthy type ?f fats, wh??h ?r? found ?n oils such ?? olive, coconut ?nd many fish oils ??n h?l? t? improve ???r cholesterol levels, along w?th getting enough exercise. Unhealthy fats such ?? trans fats, junk food ?nd a sedentary lifestyle ?ll contribute t? b?d cholesterol ?n ???r body. Y??r cholesterol levels ?nd ???r blood pressure ?r? ?ft?n related, ?nd controlling both ?f th??? ?r? essential. Finally, ?t w?ll b? helpful t? ??? th? information above ?n ???r battle against high blood pressure. If ??? h??? ?n? risk factors, such ?? being overweight, having diabetes ?r a kidney problem ?r a family history ?f hypertension, ??? ?h??ld g?t regular checkups ?nd ??k ???r doctor ?b??t th? best way t? control ???r blood pressure.

Y?? ??n g?t more info ?n Sweating ?t Night ?nd many ?th?r related articles b? visiting th? website.


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