Friday, September 16, 2011

Home Improvement ? Blog Archive ? Remodeling a Kitchen/Having ...

Homeowners go through various stages in their lifetimes. A newly married couple starts out in a small townhouse or apartment with a simple and functional kitchen that suits their present needs. But as they slowly add children or perhaps additional family members to the equation, their kitchen needs change. They may want to add additional pantry space, add space for an eat-in kitchen or even add additional appliances.

When remodeling a kitchen there are several things to consider. We encourage you to keep these factors in mind when choosing to upgrade your kitchen so that we can help you meet your needs for a functional and fabulous kitchen.

1. First consider your finances. How much money are you willing to put into remodeling a kitchen or even into creating a dream kitchen? A kitchen is one of the most important rooms of the house and will greatly add to your home?s value. Keep in mind that a kitchen can be the deciding factor when someone chooses whether or not to buy your home when and if you choose to sell it.

2. Because the kitchen is the heart of the home, what do you feel you need in this room to make the family a more whole and loving unit?

3. Do you want new or even custom made cabinets or can you resurface the cabinets you already have?

4. Do you want new counters or can you use the ones you already have? Keep in mind color and style themes so that you can match your counters and cabinets.

5. Can you use the appliances you now have, or did you want newer more energy efficient ones?

6. Do you need new flooring or are your current floors in good condition?

7. Do you need more space? Can three or more people work easily in the kitchen without getting in each other?s way?

8. Do you want to add a pantry? A separate place to keep the food greatly adds to the organization of a kitchen.

9. If you don?t already have a dishwasher is there room for one? A dishwasher is an efficient addition to a kitchen.

10. Do you require room for a larger refrigerator?

11. How about your oven? Is it still in good working order?

12. Did you want to incorporate an eating area? Add a breakfast nook or perhaps add a table for an eat-in kitchen?

13. Can a bar area for just a few family members serve as an eating area at a counter?

14. Consider the lighting in the kitchen. Do you want to add lighting under the cabinets or overhead? Perhaps a skylight would add not only light but open up your kitchen space?

15. Do you want to add fixtures to match the style of the kitchen? Old fixtures just don?t look right in a modern kitchen. It might be time for an upgrade.

16. What color scheme do you want your kitchen to have?

17. Consider the style you want. Perhaps a modern stainless steel style of kitchen or even a throw-back to the turn of the century style?

18. When would be the best time to remodel? Just after the holidays? Over summer vacation?

By answering these questions for yourself, you enable us to help you create your dream kitchen. And, thanks for choosing us to help when remodeling a kitchen! We are sure you will be pleased with the results.


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