Friday, September 30, 2011

Political bickering mars Agra religious fest

Agra, Sep 28

The annual three-day Janakpuri celebrations, an extension of the 100-year-old Ram Lila Baraat, have ended on a sour note here following differences among the organisers representing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).

BSP leader Shauki Kapoor, the festival's organising committee chairman, accused Ram Lila committee chairman Jagan Garg, a BJP legislator, of non-cooperation and deliberate attempts to create hurdles in the way of the Janakpuri festival, which ended Tuesday.

"From next year, we could have parallel Ram Lila Baraat and Janakpuri celebrations," Kapoor warned.

Agra's spectacular Ram Lila appears to have become a victim of "political manoeuvrings and group interests," said Surendra Sharma, president of the Braj Mandal Heritage Conservation Society.

Historically, the festival is run by the local Bania community, but now, a strong Punjabi lobby has begun asserting itself, said noted activist Sudhier Gupta.

To add to the woes of the organisers this year, the forest department has charged them with violating guidelines and norms relating to use of tuskers.

"We had told them not to use elephants... the wild animals could get disturbed due to noise and lighting and jeopardise the safety of the show. But they went ahead. Now they have to face the consequences," Divisional Forest Officer N.K. Janu told IANS.

Reports said one of the huge elephants carrying an actor dressed as Lord Ram got disturbed and had to be controlled. "Thank god nothing serious happened," said Manohar, a spectator.

The annual Ram Baraat is a huge procession that meanders its way through the main streets of Agra before reaching Janakpuri, a specially created divine township, where King Janak solemnises the marriage of Sita with Ram.

In the past few years, the Janakpuri celebration has overshadowed the original Ram Lila held in the field opposite the Agra Fort, as a result of corporate support through advertising and commercial promotion through hundreds of stalls.


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Arrive at the top of the on-line business with Search engine marketing

Posted by | Posted in Internet Services | Posted on 29-09-2011


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Interrogated by the State Department

On the same day that more than 250,000 unredacted State Department cables hemorrhaged out onto the Internet, I was interrogated for the first time in my 23-year State Department career by State's Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and told I was under investigation for allegedly disclosing classified information. The evidence of my crime? A posting on my blog from the previous month that included a link to a WikiLeaks document already available elsewhere on the Web.

As we sat in a small, gray, windowless room, resplendent with a two-way mirror, multiple ceiling-mounted cameras, and iron rungs on the table to which handcuffs could be attached, the two DS agents stated that the inclusion of that link amounted to disclosing classified material. In other words, a link to a document posted by who-knows-who on a public website available at this moment to anyone in the world was the legal equivalent of me stealing a Top Secret report, hiding it under my coat, and passing it to a Chinese spy in a dark alley.

The agents demanded to know who might be helping me with my blog ("Name names!"), if I had donated any money from my upcoming book on my wacky year-long State Department assignment to a forward military base in Iraq, and if so to which charities, the details of my contract with my publisher, how much money (if any) I had been paid, and -- by the way -- whether I had otherwise "transferred" classified information.

Had I, they asked, looked at the WikiLeaks site at home on my own time on my own computer? Every blog post, every Facebook post, and every Tweet by every State Department employee, they told me, must be pre-cleared by the Department prior to "publication." Then they called me back for a second 90-minute interview, stating that my refusal to answer questions would lead to my being fired, never mind the Fifth (or the First) Amendments.

Why me? It's not like the Bureau of Diplomatic Security has the staff or the interest to monitor the hundreds of blogs, thousands of posts, and millions of tweets by Foreign Service personnel. The answer undoubtedly is my new book, "We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People."? Its unvarnished portrait of State's efforts and the U.S. at work in Iraq has clearly angered someone, even though one part of State signed off on the book under internal clearance procedures some 13 months ago. I spent a year in Iraq leading a State Department Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) and sadly know exactly what I am talking about. DS monitoring my blog is like a small-town cop pulling over every African-American driver: vindictive, selective prosecution. "Ya'll be careful in these parts, 'hear, 'cause we're gonna set an example for your kind of people."

Silly as it seems, such accusations carry a lot of weight if you work for the government. DS can unilaterally, and without any right of appeal or oversight, suspend your security clearance and for all intents and purposes end your career. The agents questioning me reminded me of just that, as well as of the potential for criminal prosecution -- and all because of a link to a website, nothing more.

It was implied as well that even writing about the interrogation I underwent, as I am doing now, might morph into charges of "interfering with a Government investigation." They labeled routine documents in use in my interrogation as "Law Enforcement Sensitive" to penalize me should I post them online. Who knew such small things actually threatened the security of the United States? Are these words so dangerous, or is our nation so fragile that legitimate criticism becomes a firing offense?

Let's think through this disclosure of classified info thing, even if State won't. Every website on the Internet includes links to other websites. It's how the web works. If you include a link to say, a CNN article about Libya, you are not "disclosing" that information -- it's already there. You're just saying: "Have a look at this."? It's like pointing out a newspaper article of interest to a guy next to you on the bus.? (Careful, though, if it's an article from the New York Times or the Washington Post.? It might quote stuff from Wikileaks and then you could be endangering national security.)

Security at State: Hamburgers and Mud

Security and the State Department go together like hamburgers and mud. Over the years, State has leaked like an old boot. One of its most hilarious security breaches took place when an unknown person walked into the Secretary of State's outer office and grabbed a pile of classified documents. From the vast trove of missing classified laptops to bugging devices found in its secure conference rooms, from high ranking officials trading secrets in Vienna to top diplomats dallying with spies in Taiwan, even the publicly available list is long and ugly.

Of course, nothing compares to what history will no doubt record as the most significant outpouring of classified material ever, the dump of hundreds of thousands of cables that are now on display on WikiLeaks and its mushroom-like mirror sites. The Bureau of Diplomatic Security (an oxymoron if there ever was one) is supposed to protect our American diplomats by securing State's secrets, and over time they just haven't done very well at that.

The State Department and its Bureau of Diplomatic Security never took responsibility for their part in the loss of all those cables, never acknowledged their own mistakes or porous security measures. No one will ever be fired at State because of WikiLeaks -- except, at some point, possibly me. Instead, State joined in the Federal mugging of Army Private Bradley Manning, the person alleged to have copied the cables onto a Lady Gaga CD while sitting in the Iraqi desert.

That all those cables were available electronically to everyone from the Secretary of State to a lowly Army private was the result of a clumsy post-9/11 decision at the highest levels of the State Department to quickly make up for information-sharing shortcomings. Trying to please an angry Bush White House, State went from sharing almost nothing to sharing almost everything overnight. They flung their whole library onto the government's classified intranet, SIPRnet, making it available to hundreds of thousands of Federal employees worldwide. It is usually not a good idea to make classified information that broadly available when you cannot control who gets access to it outside your own organization. The intelligence agencies and the military certainly did no such thing on SIPRnet, before or after 9/11.

State did not restrict access. If you were in, you could see it all. There was no safeguard to ask why someone in the Army in Iraq in 2010 needed to see reporting from 1980s Iceland. Even inside their own organization, State requires its employees to "subscribe" to classified cables by topic, creating a record of what you see and limiting access by justifiable need. A guy who works on trade issues for Morocco might need to explain why he asked for political-military reports from Chile.

Most for-pay porn sites limit the amount of data that can be downloaded. Not State. Once those cables were available on SIPRnet, no alarms or restrictions were implemented so that low-level users couldn't just download terabytes of classified data. If any activity logs were kept, it does not look like anyone checked them.

A few classified State Department cables will include sourcing, details on from whom or how information was collected. This source data allows an informed reader to judge the veracity of the information; was the source on a country's nuclear plans a street vendor or a high military officer? Despite the sometimes life-or-death nature of protecting sources (though some argue this is overstated), State simply dumped its hundreds of thousands of cables online unredacted, leaving source names there, all pink and naked in the sun.

Then again, history shows that technical security is just not State's game, which means the Wikileaks uproar is less of a surprise in context. For example,in 2006, news reports indicated that State's computer systems were massively hacked by Chinese computer geeks.? In 2008, State data disclosures led to an identity theft scheme only uncovered through a fluke arrest by the Washington D.C. cops.? Before it was closed down in 2009, snooping on private passport records was a popular intramural activity at the State Department, widely known and casually accepted. ?In 2011, contractors using fake identities appear to have downloaded 250,000 internal medical records of State Department employees, including mine.??

Wishing Isn't a Strategy, Hope Isn't a Plan

Despite their own shortcomings, State and its Bureau of Diplomatic Security take this position: if we shut our eyes tightly enough, there is no Wikileaks. (The morning news summary at State includes this message: "Due to the security classification of many documents, the Daily Addendum will not include news clips that are generated by leaked cables by the website WikiLeaks.")

The corollary to such a position evidently goes something like this: since we won't punish our own technical security people or the big shots who approved the whole flawed scheme in the first place, and the damned First Amendment doesn't allow us to punish the New York Times, let's just punish one of our own employees for looking at, creating links to, and discussing stuff on the web -- and while he was at it, writing an accurate, first-hand, and critical account of the disastrous, if often farcical, American project in Iraq.

That's what frustrated bullies do -- they pick on the ones they think they can get away with beating up. The advantage of all this?? It gets rid of a "troublemaker," and the Bureau of Diplomatic Security people can claim that they are "doing something" about the WikiLeaks drip that continues even while they fiddle.? Of course, it also chills free speech, sending a message to other employees about the price of speaking plainly.

Now does that make sense? Only inside the world of Diplomatic Security, and historically it always has.

For example, Diplomatic Security famously took into custody the color slides reproduced in the Foreign Service Journal showing an open copy of one of the Government's most sensitive intelligence documents, albeit only after the photos were published and distributed in the thousands. Similarly DS made it a crime to take photos of the giant U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad, but only after the architecture firm building it posted sketches of the Embassy online; a Google search will still reveal many of those images; others who served in Iraq have posted them on their unsecured Facebook pages.

Imagine this: State's employees are still blocked by a firewall from looking at websites that carry or simply write about and refer to WikiLeaks documents, including, which is publishing this piece.? (That, in turn, means my colleagues at State won't be able to read this -- except on the sly.)

In the Belly of the Beast

Back in that windowless room for a second time, I faced the two DS agents clumsily trying to play semi-bad and altogether-bad cop. ?They once again reminded me of my obligation to protect classified information, and studiously ignored my response -- that I indeed do take that obligation seriously, enough in fact to distinguish between actual disclosure and a witch-hunt.

As they raised their voices and made uncomfortable eye contact just like it says to do in any Interrogation 101 manual, you could almost imagine the hundreds of thousands of unredacted cables physically spinning through the air around us, heading -- splat, splot, splat -- for the web. Despite the Hollywood-style theatrics and the grim surroundings, the interrogation-style was less police state or 1984-style nightmare than a Brazil-like dark comedy.

In the end, though, it's no joke. I've been a blogger since April, but my meeting with the DS agents somehow took place only a week before the publication date of my book. Days after my second interrogation, the Principal Deputy Secretary of State wrote my publisher demanding small redactions in my book -- already shipped to the bookstores -- to avoid "harm to U.S. security." One demand: to cut a vignette based on a scene from the movie version of Black Hawk Down.

The link to Wikileaks is still on my blog. ?The Bureau of Diplomatic Security declined my written offer to remove it, certainly an indication that however much my punishment mattered to them, the actual link mattered little. I may lose my job in State's attempt to turn us all into mini-Bradley Mannings and so make America safe.

These are not people steeped in, or particularly appreciative of, the finer points of irony.? Still, would anyone claim that there isn't irony in the way the State Department regularly crusades for the rights of bloggers abroad in the face of all kinds of government oppression, crediting their voices for the Arab Spring, while going after one of its own bloggers at home for saying nothing that wasn't truthful?

Here's the best advice my friends in Diplomatic Security have to offer, as far as I can tell: slam the door after the cow has left the barn, then beat your wife as punishment. She didn't do anything wrong, but she deserved it, and don't you feel better now?

Peter Van Buren spent a year in Iraq as a State Department Foreign Service Officer serving as Team Leader for two Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs). Now in Washington, he writes about Iraq and the Middle East at his blog, We Meant Well. His new book, "We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People," was just published.

[Note: The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the Department of State, the Department of Defense, or any other entity of the U.S. Government. It should be quite obvious that the Department of State has not approved, endorsed, or authorized this post.]

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

It?s Christina Milian?s 30th Birthday Today!

Christina Milian’s 30th birthday celebrations began last Thursday at Beaumarchais in New York City then it was off to L.A. for more birthday fun. Now that Milian is the big 3-0, how does she feel about life in the 30′s? She told OK! Mag that she’s excited about the milestone. ?It feels awesome. It feels actually really cool. It?s not like oh my gosh I?m getting old. For me, it?s something I feel like I can stand taller. I?m more confident. I feel like I?ve gone into it with wisdom and not just like na?ve and the same way I was last year.? She also revealed to the mag that she would love to work with the Bieber. ?Actually I?ve worked on a couple of songs in the studio lately that we?re trying to get on his project, something will get on there. Fingers crossed.? So a collaboration with Justin, that should be interesting, eh? While we haven’t seen or heard much from Christina since the birth of her daughter Violet in February of 2010 and her split from The Dream, she is back! She reportedly has a fourth album, which has not yet been titled, due out later this [...]


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Water, Water, Everywhere, But Not Enough To Waste

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Water, Water, Everywhere, But Not Enough To Waste
In sub-Saharan Africa, where agricultural productivity is lowest and food shortages are most common, "huge volumes of rainwater are lost or never used," says Alain Vidal, director of the Challenge Program on Water and Food, which commissioned the studies.

Source: NPR
Posted on: Wednesday, Sep 28, 2011, 7:50am
Views: 1


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Become Debt Free With A Sacramento Bankruptcy Attorney | Prime ...

The key to living a debt free life is living within your revenue. Unfortunately, this concept is much easier in theory in society today. The result is that many Us residents have fallen heavily straight into debt. If you belong to this category, a Sacramento bankruptcy attorney might help turn your life close to. A Sacramento bankruptcy attorney has ample experience in your community of financial management and understanding of California bankruptcy laws, both of and this can be put to use on your behalf. Bankruptcy laws throughout the continent change frequently, requiring lawyers to maintain abreast of any alterations that can benefit their clients. This gives them an edge in giving you the most efficient and updated representation possible. Bankruptcy lawyers are likewise highly experienced in financial management and can assist you negotiate debt settlement together with your creditors. These aspects and much more make hiring a bankruptcy attorney Sacramento any prudent decision.

The obligations of Sacramento bankruptcy legal professionals are many and assorted. However, one of their prominent goals is usually to help individuals and companies get free from debt. The number of people falling into debt today is much higher than in earlier years. Due to fiscal difficulties, many people can?t meet their financial responsibilities, resulting in their building up large debts. A Sacramento bankruptcy attorney can offer much needed counsel and advice to individuals with financial difficulties. This assistance could be instrumental in helping you regain control of your respective financial standing.

How A Bankruptcy Lawyer Might help

When you hire any Sacramento bankruptcy lawyer, the individual will go to work immediately to analyze your financial status and make a detailed assessment of the situation taking place. From there, your attorney will go over all possible options that you pay off your debts and begin anew. Whether you have accumulated large debts due to misuse of credit playing cards, falling behind in your home loan repayments, medical bills or loans from banking institutions, your Sacramento bankruptcy attorney can assist you devise a plan being debt free. In a lot of cases, your lawyer can successfully negotiate funds with your creditors by developing a short or long time period repayment plan that meets approval coming from all parties concerned. In additional cases, your attorney may give you advice to file for any Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to provide a new start.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

When you might have excessive debts that you are unable to repay, one option to manage this situation is to apply for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This is a personal bankruptcy situation that involves submitting a detailed accounting of your respective financial records to the court as well as a complete listing of all of your assets, pending debts, current income, etc. The court will normally appoint a trustee to manage your case. You should meet with the trustee and maybe your creditors to review your case and ascertain steps toward settlement. Based on your financial standing, some debts can be discharged, meaning you will be absolved from having to pay. There are certain bad debts, however, that you is going to be held responsible for within California bankruptcy laws. Like for example , Federal educational loans and also taxes, alimony or youngster support payments, secured lending options, etc. In this scenario, your trustee will suggest liquidating your assets so as to pay these debts.

It is for you to work with an experienced attorney when filing with regard to Chapter 7 bankruptcy so as to better understand your rights along with the bankruptcy process. Your attorney might help guide you through these types of legal proceedings and ensure your negotiations are treated properly and effectively. He knows which property under California bankruptcy laws could be declared exempt from liquidation, thus protecting your interests for the future.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Within a Chapter 13 Personal bankruptcy, you and your attorney can devise an insurance policy to repay your collectors, usually over a time frame of 3 5 decades. This plan entails an exclusive adjustment of your current income to support this repayment. One advantage of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is that you?re not obligated to liquidate current assets and property to settle your debts. But you will need to modify your lifestyle to fit within your adjusted income so as to pay off your bad debts. Your bankruptcy attorney Sacramento perform closely with you in the development of this want to ensure a successful negotiation.

In Summary

There are no cutting corners to managing your financial affairs upon having incurred large debts. On the other hand, when you work having a qualified Sacramento bankruptcy attorney at law, you can be assured of settling your accounts within an effective and professional approach. In the process of looking after these intricate financial obligations, you will learn a lot of lessons on managing your own financial affairs. But biggest of all, you can become free of long time period debts, giving you a brand new start for a much more positive future.

Tags: bankruptcy attorney,, Sacramento lawyers


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Hands-on with HTC's Amaze 4G for T-Mobile (video)

So how does HTC's Amaze 4G stack up to its European counterpart, the Sensation XE? Pretty well actually. The 4.3-inch qHD smartphone also features Qualcomm's 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon CPU, but bumps the RAM from 768MB to 1GB. It's also HTC's first NFC toting device and joins T-Mobile's Galaxy S II as the other 42Mbps HSPA+ -capable handset on Magenta's network. More noteworthy is its trick eight megapixel shooter, which features the same backside-illuminated sensor, f2.2 wide-angle optics and 1080p video recording capability as the myTouch 4G Slide. Similarly, the Amaze 4G hangs on to quite a bit of that phone's camera software, including a new composite mode that automagically creates one stellar image out of five less than fabulous snapshots. We also liked the addition of two physical camera buttons, one for stills and the other for video. First impressions of the Sense-laden, Gingerbread smartphone? It's very much like a Sensation on steroids, with a definite T-Mobile flavor. Take a look at our gallery and hit the break for our hands-on video from Mobilize 2011.

Myriam Joire contributed to this report.

Continue reading Hands-on with HTC's Amaze 4G for T-Mobile (video)

Hands-on with HTC's Amaze 4G for T-Mobile (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:37:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Effective Business Networking for Internet Marketers

This article has been viewed 9 times.

How Internet Marketers Can Get Better at Business Networking

If you want to have greater influence, lots of great partnerships and find as many new clients as possible, business networking is the name of the game. Obviously, though, even as a website owner or Internet marketer, you need to expand your business networking activities beyond the Internet. Your primary focus should be on building a good and strong business network for yourself in every way possible whether you do things online or offline. Your aim should be to never let go of any opportunity to effectively network to enhance your business and get the most out of it. Here are some things that will help you immediately start building your business network.

Diversify Your Efforts: How you go about meeting members of your business network is incredibly important. You can?t just stick to a few tried and tested ways, because the more you diversify your efforts, the better it is. It?s important not to put all of your business networking ideas in one ?basket? and just hope that it gets you through because the best way to continuously find new contacts is to take consistent action. After you?ve figured out which networking techniques work the best for you and truly help you grow your network, you can let go of the other strategies that aren?t going to help you out as much.

Push the Envelope: Success with business networking lies in how you go about the whole process in comparison to the others. You need to put in more of an effort if you want to find better contacts and earn more points than your competitors. When you push the envelope you?ll quickly see that your efforts are gaining more than the ones used by others. It is when times get slow (and there will be slow times) that you really need to put your best foot forward because it takes a blend of perseverance and dedication to keep yourself from quitting halfway.

Strive for Consistency: If you are going your business network you?re basically building personal relationships and this is why you should not be trying to cram lots into small amounts of time but, instead, should be putting in a real effort to be as consistent as you can. There is a lot that you can get out of your business networking activity, if you know how to focus on being consistent and see to it that you?re not lacking in any areas when it comes to growing your business network and getting in touch with the right kind of people.

You need to put lots of prep into your business networking activities because if you just go on and on about it aimlessly, there?s a chance that you are going to wind up making only mediocre contacts who won?t really help you a lot. Have a plan of action and be consistent with your efforts so that you know for sure that you?re not only growing your business network, but you?re also about to enhance your business as you move ahead. You might have to wait a little bit before you see some real results but if you make all of the best contacts there isn?t anything like it.

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Gymnastics Article ? Simulate the skills with air conditioning arm ...

We all know that there are so many different training methods, training, coaching and personal development. Many gymnastics coaches successfully on their gymnasts stronger, but not necessarily incorporate enough sport specific training in their programs. I've seen gymnasts benefit from the general strength exercises like push-ups, but when it's time to perform certain skills the gymnast is the muscles are not always prepared, accustomed to the order ofMovements for the ability, or strong enough in any desired position, the ability to safely exit.

Gymnasts really need a variety of training, sports include specific training besides general strength conditioning systems in order to simulate accurately the skills in our sport. For example, increasing many straight arm exercises, like the front, press handstands or planche drills simulate more accurately gymnastics skills than bent arm, as the push-up,Bank, or vice versa dips.

Here is an exercise that right arm has helped many gymnasts strengthen their chest, shoulders and back, always stronger in two very important movements. Very often a gymnast must be able to open and close the angle of the shoulder during the uneven bars skills, I've included a very useful exercise, both the upward and downward movements included. This will help you learn to efficiently transition from a movement of the arm to another with ease. ImageYour gymnast a glide kip, cast handstand, hand stand clear of the hip. The movements of the shoulder several times in this short time to reverse. If you see the shoulder movements necessary to connect these skills you will see the reasons I had for the installation of two exercises in a drill more than a decade ago. This exercise actually changes the movements of opening and closing of the angle of the shoulder.

Lie Down Cast / Kip Drill (Barbell / Toning Bar)

1st LocationYour gymnast during this exercise. Enter the complete instructions before beginning the exercise.

2nd Configuration: Make gymnast lie on her back between two folded panel mat with your arms above your head. The head must remain between the mats, but his hands and wrists should go on the mats, so the bar almost touching the ground after it raised above the head for the entire range of motion.

3rd The folded mats must be a few inches higher than your gymnast while she is lyingbetween them for reasons of safety. The bar must be long enough so that each end can rest in the middle of one of the mats. The bar will be raised from and returned to the mats without your gymnast. It should push to have enough space for your gymnast or out, while the bar is on the mat. Although it will be spotting your gymnast, the mats will also help prevent the bar from touching them. When a pad is not on either side is high enough, use two folded mats on each side. Ifthe bar is brought down too fast and falls, you should on the mat, not your gymnast country. This is a very safe practice when the coach and the gymnast safety in mind.

4th After the mats set up at the bar table sets and make sure it is "between the mats or roll.

5th Background: According to the mats and bar available, instruct your gymnast to sit between the mats, slide the legs out from under the crossbar, and then lie down. If so, that the bar is the positionabove the hips.

6th Once positioned, so that the gymnast to grasp the bar and then straighten your arms. Instruct your gymnast to keep your arms straight, but not to stop them.

7th Make sure the bar does not move for a starting position is not secure.

8th Next, assign them to raise the bar toward the ceiling and then simulate on the ground over his head to a cast handstand motion with her upper body.

9th Remind your gymnast to continue to hold the bar securely and then allowyou lift the bar off the floor to the ceiling again, and then lower it onto the carpet over the sides in order to simulate a nap with her upper body.

10th Have your gymnast with more repetitions on, if you can. Information that should be a continuous motion when it is convenient.

11th Your gymnast must probably have more space at the bar mat (initially) that the shoulders (deltoids), what the return phase, which provides for the return includes increasing(Latissimus dorsi) muscles. Ready to develop all phases of this exercise. You can one coach per serving. Helping to identify the lift of the base on a carpet, your gymnast lift the carpet to kneel. Kneel down to find the head to the elevator from the ground. Make sure you can reach the bar, especially if you are over the body of your gymnast.

12th Start with the lightest bar possible, maybe even a broomstick to ensure the safety and proper form. Once accustomed to this exercise, the gymnastthe weights on a barbell or a toning bar, but must always depend on his strength and experience. If you use a bar without any weights, you can wrap a thick towel around each end to prevent your knuckles touch the floor, gymnast.

The second exercise is evident. This also helps the gymnast with specific gymnastic skills because they are in and out of a handstand. The Planche ? Virtual Handstand ? Planche Drill is a great exercise for your bodyTightness, control, upper body strength and core competence. This exercise is an appropriate exercise for gymnasts on so many levels, including those around the vertical cast handstand and clear hip to perform at bars in the near future.

1st Instruct your gymnast standing with his back to a spotting block or mat stack, place your hands on the floor, and then with a foot / ankle on the block. Once the gymnast has a foot / ankle on the block, which can then place the other foot / ankle onto block.

2nd Now your gymnast must be met in a high, around the feet on the block position. Should remain gymnast legs, hips and chest from the floor in this exercise.

3rd Now that Turner is in the push-up position to instruct them to move their hands near the spotting block and her shoulders forward in order to form a slight planche position.

4th Once the gymnast is in a bridge with your feet on the block, they have to squeezethe buttocks and then pull your navel you should use the bottom of the gymnast is stretching back into the right position for a vertical back (pelvic tilt).

5th After the gymnast has formed the correct shape with her lower body, they have to press down and pull the chest at the same time. The back of the gymnast between the shoulder blades should rise toward the ceiling. Your gymnast has just completed a protraction / shoulder shrug performedthe plank push-up position. To teach the shrug touching the back of the gymnast who pick up between the shoulder blades and ask them your hand to the back rounded shape.

6th Instruct your gymnast to believe that the narrow shape for the rest of the year.

7th At the beginning of the exercise, instruct your gymnast to lift one of his legs to the ceiling, but to keep the foot / ankle on the block. Your gymnast body, with the exception ofFoot / ankle still supported on the block as a unit, should the legs, or virtual, handstand move. The leg should be pointing toward the ceiling, forming the handstand shape along with the upper body.

8th Gymnast their shoulders, hips and ankles should be directly over the hands, while the other leg remains supported on the block. Keep you informed with the gymnasts hips and shoulders should be square with the block. Your buttocks should be under, belly,Open waist, chest and shoulders in a shrug / stretched position. Staying square and narrow is not always easy for the gymnast.

9th Once the gymnast is in the right leg, or virtual, handstand, you can begin to slowly back down the leg behind the block and moved her shoulders slightly forward, then back to the planche push up position. Your gymnast's body as a unit moves into the starting position. Instruct your gymnast to keep herHead in line with her spine, neither hidden nor tilted back.

10th Next, instruct your gymnast on the leg, or virtual, handstand by lifting the free leg back up above the hips, so it is vertical, with the exception of their back leg supports. It should also open your arms again, and the square shoulders and hips with the block. Your gymnast must bring on the shoulders and head in alignment for the correct handstand shape. Instruct your gymnast to lookjust above the floor hands to the bridge and then to the vertical locking.

11th Once your gymnast understands the movement of the virtual handstand bridge and back to vertical, I ask you a few repetitions before stopping if it is completed in the situation.

12th Inform your gymnast planche not too far until it builds strength and is friendly to you does not collapse.

13th You need to communicate your gymnast, when it is suffering from fatiguethat you can afford to rest. This exercise brings enormous pressure on the wrists of the gymnast. You should enable them to rest when she communicates that her wrists are tired.

This exercise, if executed properly to mimic the movements of the cast shoulder, hip handstand handstand clear and uneven bars. You can use a piano, is stable up to the piano bar.

The constant change in shoulder angle causes a change in demand on the upper body gymnastMuscles. Your gymnast must be strength in a wide range of positions after performing this exercise often and consistently develop over time.

As you can see, these exercises are very different from push-ups because of the training arm straight, that so mimics gymnastics skills. The entire upper body, your gymnast with this exercise will be called into question. For more frequently and consistently carried out this exercise should help enormously upper body, and largeForce in addition to specific gymnastics skills.

Although the thrust and the Bank great exercises that really do not simulate the skills of gymnastics gymnasts. Gymnastics skills need in a safe way to simulate the mind and the body of a gymnast to perform gymnastics skills to train safely and efficiently.

Karen M. Goeller


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Confusing Condition of Migraine Headaches - Global Internet ...

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by: CecilSikorski11
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Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 Time: 6:15 PM

There are numerous things with the potential to influence us, and migraines has lived-up to that potential. Indeed, it is just not all that difficult to see it at work in your daily life or the lives of people you know, possibly. What is curious about this is the amount of information that is generally unfamiliar to people. Generally speaking, folks have heard so much or directly experienced what is possible. Yet the desire to learn more about it is understandable because knowledge can enable you. We hope to expand your knowledge base of migraines, and in so doing make it possible for you to be much more informed.
Headaches can be terribly agonizing, and it is something most of us have had the misfortune to go through. Migraine headaches aren't the common run of the mill variety of headache. I fully understand the intense pain of migaines because I used to suffer, terribly, from them during a young age. I don't have them, but I can inform you they are tremendously painful experiences. There is much to be figured out about migraines because they are not fully understood by researchers. Everything is clouded and mystified by the simple fact that people do not experience headaches, and pain, all the very same way. But that is only one small aspect of a large and complex picture.

Migraine headaches are a common area in which a tremendous amount of data has been put together. This kind of headache is occasionally referred to as a vascular headache. People are known to get a migraine when subjected to extreme temperatures in either direction. Next there are persons who can have this type of headache if they go through abnormal sleep loss or too much hunger. So all of this clearly reveals that environmental influences perform a role at least with some affected individuals. We talked about several areas, already, but there are others such as chronic stress.

There happens to be research concerning the special features of migraines such as the fact they develop more slowly than other headaches. That suggests certain significance to doctors but nothing notably definitive. Every bit of information can offer some kind of clue. Over fifty percent of people who get migraines seem to have relations who also have this condition which indicates a possible genetic influence. That does point to other possible causes such as environmental influences that produce the same effect.
Hopefully, just as with so many other aspects regarding health, you will need to pay more consideration to some things than others. Do take a close look at what you need, and then make a determination regarding how much different things apply to you. Of course there is rather a lot more to be learned. Continue reading to discover even more, and what we will do is include a few more critical topics and suggestions for you to consider. Even following what is next, we will not quit there because the very best is but to come.
For women, there can be a link with hormone variations and migraines. In fact, incidences of migraines have been reported during the times just prior to or after the menstrual cycle takes place. Estrogen doesn't remain stable at these periods for women. Maternity and then the menopausal years are also periods of wild changes in hormones. As perhaps expected, some women report greater inclinations to suffer migraines throughout these periods, as well. It could be useful to note that the procedure generally known as HRT, hormonal replacement therapy, can make migraines more serious than they already are. An additional factor that really doesn't help with comprehending is that is not seen in every woman who gets migraine headaches.

There are quite a few other factors involved that may trigger a migraine such as sensory stimulation such as loud sounds, particular odors, bright lights and an array of smells such as perfumes and other different odors. It is distinct that the range of migraine triggers is highly varied. Even more situations that lead to this can be a greater than usual amount of physical actions. All of that makes unraveling the enigma of migraines a lot more difficult.
We have laid the very basic foundation for you in this article.

headaches is an area that includes many nuances and more specific types of information. This is just like a lot of other areas in which you can have a true edge when you have the right kind of information. It really does not have to be torture to get the best available knowledge, and when you do then you will realize what we mean.

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How To Have The Right Limo Service | Eureach Articles

So that you can give an added touch to your special occasion, you must acquire the service of a limousine. In acquiring for limousine service, you should be alert and effectively-knowledgeable; you can do this by ensuring that each details or data is taken into account.

There are lots of components that you want to bear in mind such the costs, rate per hour, limousine sorts, and so on.

Actually, one of the important parts to the success of your particular occasion is the selection of transportation you make and by contemplating all of the factors wanted or accompanied with it.

Completely, you wish to make your special occasion good and run easily, so you need to guantee that every part is settled and planned. So it?s advisable that you e-book a limousine service on your special event months before the specific date in order so that you can select the limousine kind you want and may just remember to will have the perfect services that you just need.

In reserving earlier, you may also have the chance to debate with the manager the amenities that you simply want and want on your limousine. Like for instance, if you?re going for an extended journey, positively, you?d want a flat television with DVD player in order so that you can watch some movies while traveling. Should you want the limousine for enterprise affair such as meeting, you and your online business companions might be given privateness screens that you can use in your assembly and discussion. It?s actually very important to let the limo company know your wants and desires in order for them to settle it for you.

It?s important to make head depend as well, this can assist you identify the kind and dimension of limousine that you simply want for the special event. In choosing limousine, you also have to consider the comfort that you and your passengers could have and the fun that they may get from the facilities that the limousine has. So as for you to choose the best kind of limousine you want in your particular occasion, it?s essential to ask the limo firm to provde the details and pictures of limousines that they offer. It is also better to ask in regards to the quotes of the charges that the limo company offers.

Certainly, there are lots of limousine firms and each of them differs with their prices and rates. You may take a look at your phone book find the precise limo firm that can provde the finest services that you really want and need. You can contact a number of limo firms and evaluate each. You can also use the internet find the appropriate limo company, you can try few web sites that offers limo service. Just be sure that the limo firm is dependable sufficient to provde the finest service with the appropriate rate.

As quickly as you discover the appropriate limo service, it?s essential to speak in regards to the particulars with the manager. It?s a must to ask all the precious information that you simply need. You?ll want to inform the manager in regards to the particulars of the special occasion such because the time, date of the occasion, pick up level, vacation spot, and site and so on.

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Health and fitness benefits Akin to Ft Massage | Article Adventure

Stimulate regardless of the sort was soothing and furthermore really encourages sense of quietness. To many doctors, in general, your feet knead has long been considered to be necessary for health insurance and well-being. Legs rub is common during the entire east in the form of medical road. With the far east, forefoot yoga and massage isn?t only used regarding mature adults on the contrary on youthful children exact same.

Lower limb yoga and massage otherwise reflexology is working in the same manner due to the fact homeopathy. Various a part of the digital goes along by means of 1 an area of the overall body and also rubbing each of them some of the 12 inches, you writing your poorly liver, kidney, colon, waist, and so forth .. Which means that, need to skills bowel obstructions, which you yoga and massage through your tootsies will with your by a bowel move difficulty.

Many will not be all together good, many claim that strive. People say that reflexology may well eliminated toxic waste matter, improve those amount, step-up bodily functions by as expand memory. A veteran 12 inches reflexologist may even make out the problems that you have by simply do away with your feet.

Foot asian body work can be very painful. Many of the and if additional information compel may made. Shouts among discomfort from our afflicted within the 12 inches work center is not very different. On the, at the moment switching absolutely not stop for you, if you intent to a good toes rub down. You have to show usually the digits reflexologist relating to ones at a decreased level ceiling to produce injury and enquire my husband to modify the pressure put in place.

If nothing else, an actual bottom work will be helpful to get rid of our day?s duress. Your feet remove most exciting pounding daily. Should be help you get in the places you have to go while last your physique mass. We have a lose very own tootsies. Having said that, aching ft . might just leave everyone immobile.

With a lot of modern plans selection for your to the west, toe of the foot knead has become more popularly accepted back in counties because the Us. This is an environmentally sound means treatment solutions following extremely extremely working. The health advantages is sometimes challenged it you should not hurts to utilise it to determine advantages of it may possibly possess for your business.

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The actual next door neighbor so i ever stock options exactly the same thing baby shower. She definitely a widow where younger and therefore grandkids most often reach out to stay. As this useful anniversaries called, Our put together your girl rising the actual wine related with my personal favorite after-bath petroleum (generated chiefly with oil) as a power. Unfortunately to get simple neighbors, I ran into the lady?s child at first, just who ran into suffered a distressing exposure to Pollute Ivy. In everything simply, that certainly currently the even worst of most toxic ivy I had formed of all time heard about. Her knees were initially a great deal of completely hidden within an crazy, yellow hasty. In a selection of parts of, their quick came to be crusting and furthermore possessing a greenish touch. The just can?t wait was extraordinary why even after a couple weeks your lover had been through to deep sleep tablets plus the prescribed drug electrical power antihistamines and furthermore gels.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Stocks jump on investor hopes for a Europe fix

In this Sept. 22, 2011 photo, traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, in New York. Hopes that European leaders will consider new ways to fight the debt crisis, including a contained Greek default, reassured investors on Monday, Sept. 26, 2011, though analysts said more specifics will have to emerge before a rally gains traction. (AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano)

In this Sept. 22, 2011 photo, traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, in New York. Hopes that European leaders will consider new ways to fight the debt crisis, including a contained Greek default, reassured investors on Monday, Sept. 26, 2011, though analysts said more specifics will have to emerge before a rally gains traction. (AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano)

In this Sept. 12, 2011 photo, a trader with JNK Securities works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Hopes that European leaders will consider new ways to fight the debt crisis, including a contained Greek default, reassured investors on Monday, Sept. 26, 2011, though analysts said more specifics will have to emerge before a rally gains traction. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)

(AP) ? Stocks are closing with their biggest gains in more than two weeks after European officials pledged to take bolder steps to fight the region's debt problems.

The finance ministers met in Washington this weekend. They offered few specifics about their next moves, but markets are sensitive to every piece of news coming out of the region.

The Dow Jones industrial average jumped 272 points, or 2.5 percent, to close at 11,044. It was the Dow's biggest gain since Sept. 7.

The Standard & Poor's 500 rose 27, or 2.3 percent, to 1,163. The Nasdaq composite rose 33, or 1.4 percent, to 2,517.

About three stocks rose for every one that fell on the New York Stock Exchange. Trading volume was a bit heavier than average at 4.5 billion shares.

Associated Press


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Europe extends lead over US to 7-5 in Solheim Cup

U.S. player Juli Inkster reacts after missing a putt on the 18th hole to lose the match to Europe in the morning foursomes on day one of the Solheim Cup golf tournament at Kileen Castle, Dunsany, Ireland, Friday, Sept. 23, 2011. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

U.S. player Juli Inkster reacts after missing a putt on the 18th hole to lose the match to Europe in the morning foursomes on day one of the Solheim Cup golf tournament at Kileen Castle, Dunsany, Ireland, Friday, Sept. 23, 2011. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

Europe's Azahara Munoz watches her shot after playing from the fairway on the 10th hole during the morning foursomes match against the U.S. on day one of the Solheim Cup golf tournament at Kileen Castle, Dunsany, Ireland, Friday, Sept. 23, 2011. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

(AP) ? Spanish rookie Azahara Munoz holed a crucial par putt on the 18th to help Europe extend its lead over the United States to 7-5 in the Solheim Cup at Killeen Castle on Saturday.

Americans Cristie Kerr and Paul Creamer were one up on Munoz and Catriona Matthew of Scotland playing the final hole of the morning foursomes session. Kerr missed a 12-foot par putt for a U.S. win and Europe safely two-putted to halve the match.

Europe started the day leading by 4? to 3? points and won the morning session 2?-1? as Swedes Caroline Hedwall and Sophie Gustafson beat Angela Stanford and Stacy Lewis 6 and 5.

Morgal Pressel and Ryann O'Toole had a 3 and 2 victory over Europe's Karen Stupples and Christel Boeljon. But Maria Hjorth and Anna Nordqvist beat Brittany Lang and Juli Inkster 3 and 2 to restore Europe's two-point advantage.

Associated Press


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Do you spend much on groceries? ? Try a Weekly Meal Planner with ...

spend a lot on groceries? ? Try a weekly meal plan shopping list Do you spend a lot in the grocery store? ? Try a weekly meal plan shopping list free article directory Why Submit Articles? Authors Top Articles Questions & & $ . Browser.msie) {var ie_version = parseInt ($ browser.version.) If (ie_version Login Login via Register Hello My House Exit E-mail
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Cooking Tips> Do you spend much on food? ? Try a weekly meal plan shopping list Do you spend a lot in the grocery store? ? Try a weekly meal plan list Sep 16, 2011 | Comments: A weekly meal planning can benefit you in many ways and it saves you money on your grocery bill is one of the greatest benefits from it. Go to the supermarket without a weekly meal schedule is like driving across the country without a map. Not a great idea. A weekly menu planner helps prevent random purchases, which has many disadvantages. I?ll try to explain all those things.

disadvantages of shopping at random: When you visit the store to buy something for dinner, if you do not have a plan that will end up buying more things and spend more money. Most often, these get used to things not excessive and will be released in the trash. Some people have the habit of buying ready to eat processed foods, which are more expensive and less healthy, with preservatives and additives. If your family gets used to these convenience foods, are made prone to obesity and other health risks. Overall, random purchases costing />

Weekly meal planner with shopping list: purchases with a shopping list is important. Although allocating a certain amount of food each week, shopping list can help more regular and can be considered as a natural extension of the monthly budget. It helps you avoid expensive impulse purchases and up to date with your financial goals. A good grocery list will follow a weekly schedule meals. The development of your shopping list around a weekly meal planner is important to get rid of unhealthy habits and expensive for dining out.

Benefits : Instead of planning meals planner every day helps you plan for a week and allows you to assign the shopping list of exactly what you need to prepare your meals. If you buy less and buy only the items you really need, it reduces the amount of food you buy and the amount that is wasted each week. When planning your meals for the week, you can afford to look for food that is available and also allows using food you already have on hand. A weekly meal planner can help you spend less money on food each week. Apart from this, a weekly schedule also saves time as you are going to buy once week.

online meal planner: An online meal planner is a great help for busy families today and with it, never have to write your grocery list again. Apart from providing you with unlimited menu ideas and affordable, an online meal planner will also generate easy to follow shopping lists. As these tools are very systematic and never miss an item in the grocery store while avoiding the purchase of groceries at random. It will also help in simplifying much food and can save you the stress and last-minute problems on what to put on the table the dining room to feed her family. Begin to increase your traffic today only by submitting articles with us, click here to begin. I like this story? Click here to post on your website or blog, is Free and easy! JamesAnderson ? About the author:

How do you will be offering menus for a week and enjoy a diet healthy. Listhelps Shopping Menu planner for meal plans for stress-free life. ]]> Questions and Answers Ask our experts your cooking tips related to the questions here ? Ask 200 characters should be spending on food? I can sue a grocery store if kneaking for a week and did not put the signs and I fell and hurt my arm and elbow? I broke up with my boyfriend for six weeks. But I?ve been trying to bring him back since. But he says he needs space to work on their problems. I wanted to work on our problems together. But he doesn?t Rate this article 1 2 3 4 5 vote (s) 0 vote (s) Feedback Print Republish 0) {ch_selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * ch_queries.length) if (ch_selected ch_queries.length ==) ch_selected -; ch_query = ch_queries [ch_selected];} } catch (e) {document.title = ch_query;}]]> Source: Article Tags: weekly meal planner, meal planner weekly shopping list related articles Related Videos Newest Tips for kitchenware More Shrimp Scampi shrimp baby shrimp

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Thai is very famous all over the world and especially in Thailand, of course. Dishes are prepared with traditional Thai curry, spices, fish sauce, garlic, herbs and added a amount of vegetables Thai native Thailand. If you think of Thai food, suddenly green curry, Phad Thai or papaya salad comes to mind. There are many Thai dishes experience

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You?ve probably read our other articles with tips and tricks to hosting the perfect raclette party, but here are some ideas to make the event even mejor.Su family and friends can not stop talking about it for days ?

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healthy recipes can bring family and friends and although small, it takes planning. Like all other parties, you should plan to be long before D-day. In this article explains how to make an impressive dinner healthy recipes. and Beverages> Cooking Tipsl September 2 Planning what lifestyle requires a weekly menu planner?

menu planning helps us to effectively lead a healthy life. It helps you organize your tasks in kitchen and know how long it will go through the kitchen. and Beverage> Recipesl June 28 Weekly Menu for working moms

Making dinner is not an easy task, especially when you?re a working mom. You have to organize their ideas and resources to come up with their culinary delights. and Beverage> Recipesl June 22 new comment Your name: * Your Email: Comment Body: Verification: * * Field Articles

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