Saturday, March 3, 2012

Men show 'disturbing' lack of prostate cancer knowledge | Men ...

Last updated?02 March 2012

18371 x 554 801308471 0 0 14015736 300 Men show disturbing lack of prostate cancer knowledge

Men often fail to act on possible symptoms of prostate cancer because they lack knowledge of the disease, new research suggests.

A survey commissioned by the Prostate Cancer Charity found that just 34 per cent of men over the age of 45 ? who are most at risk of prostate cancer ? knew any of the disease?s risk factors.

The poll also revealed that only 48 per cent of men with concerns about prostate cancer had visited their GP, while 27 per cent of worried men had not sought medical advice because they did not think it was an urgent problem.

Owen Sharp, chief executive of the Prostate Cancer Charity, said: ?It is disturbing to see so many men needlessly risking their health by putting off confronting their concerns about prostate cancer.

?Not all men who are worried about prostate cancer will have the disease. Yet for those for whom this disease will become a reality, a timely chat with their GP may make all the difference.?

Symptoms of prostate cancer include frequency and difficulty in urinating, and in some cases blood in the urine.18371 justcopyright Men show disturbing lack of prostate cancer knowledge

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