Thursday, March 22, 2012

Above the Rules

According to the Gingrich plan, come the August convention, he'll have well more than the necessary number of delegates in a good deal more states than five. That's because the Gingrich plan ignores the primary process where his fortunes are concerned. As he tells it, all these caucuses and primaries are simply exposing Mitt Romney's deficiencies. Sure, Romney keeps winning and amassing delegates, but in a few Southern states he has not won. That regional blemish is evidence of a?irreparable?flaw that will deprive him of the 1,144 delegates he needs to win the nomination, so the Gingrich story goes. By the end of primary season in late June, the Republican Party will have "a real conversation," as Gingrich calls it, about who can defeat Barack Obama. In that chat, Gingrich, who will likely be more than 800 delegates behind Mitt Romney, will convince hundreds of delegates that he is the best person to beat Obama. They will suddenly drop their allegiance to other candidates and at the Tampa convention? 1,144 of them will vote for Gingrich.?Since rule 40(b) applies to your delegate count at the convention?and not at the time the states vote?Gingrich will rise on the shoulders of these newly converted delegates and easily smash the five-state threshold to get on the ballot.?Did you think something like Rule 40(b) could stop a man of destiny?


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