Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Wisdom of the Ailing

Now suppose the Blue Cross offers them all the same policy for, say, $10,000 per year, based on data showing that the annual medical costs of cancer victims is about $8,000 on average. Who is going to take the insurer up on the offer? A patient who expects his expenses to cap out at just a few thousand dollars won?t sign up?for him, the coverage isn?t worth it. But the patients who have already decided that they?ll take advantage of aggressive and expensive treatments will enroll. The cost per person of all patients with a cancer diagnosis may be $8,000, but if the only patients who enroll are the ones who expect their costs to be more than $10,000, that?s a money-losing proposition for the insurer.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=168d0ba3332f097f89077f70337fce71

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