Friday, March 16, 2012

Birth Control Needs, Methods & Info Accessible For Today's Ladies ...

The existing world?s population is estimated to be around 6.four billion with annual growth of 76 million and hence, it?s estimated to reach 9 billion by year 2050. In subsequent 2 decades, world?s two extremely populous countries, China & India are expected to reach the population of 1.five billion each i.e more than one 3rd of the total world population of that time. It is alarming circumstance for the world to control this ?population explosion?. So, United Nations are urging countries specially extremely populated countries to control their population.

As per the survey report for birth control methods if applied in 169 countries, 137 million girls willing to delay their contraceptives, 64 million girls are using less efficient birth control measures. If these ladies are helped with adequate birth control treatment (like pills, condoms), 23 million of unplanned births, 22 million induced abortions & 1.4 million infants could be avoided as estimated by United Nations Population Fund.

Besides population, HIV/AIDS is also especially necessary factor forcing the need for birth control. An estimated, world has 38 million folks have either AIDS or infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). In 7 African countries, 1 out of five adults is infected with HIV. Birth control procedures are, subsequently, grow to be imperative to control further spread of HIV/AIDS, specially in these countries. The population in these countries is projected at 35% lower by 2025 free from HIV/AIDS. It will further decrease the total life expectancy by an average of 29 years in these countries.

History of Birth Control

200 AD, Greek gynecologist Soranus mentioned that women become fertile throughout ovulation. He advised many birth control guidelines for girls to keep clear of unwanted pregnancy like smearing olive oil, pomegranate pulp, ginger, or tobacco juice around vagina to kill sperm, drinking water used by blacksmith to cool hot metals & jumping 7 times backward after the sexual intercourse. Loads of birth control approaches like ayurvedic treatments used centuries ago (aside from sexual abstinence). On the other hand, there are many historical records of Egyptian ladies are identified who were using some herbal or acid substances like crocodile dung or lubricants like honey or household olive oil as vaginal suppository, which they might have located effective at killing sperm.

Though, commercial use of birth control strategy began in 1960 in the form of birth control pill. It was in 1950, when Planned Parenthood Federation of America invited biologist Dr. Gregory Pincus to develop oral contraceptive pill that would be harmless, universally acceptable and secure for husband and wife. After below going lots of tests with more than six,000 ladies in Puerto Rico & Haiti , it was 1960 when the very first commercially produced birth control pill named Enovid-ten was introduced to girls in USA . This first oral contraceptive was made with two hormones Estrogen (100 to 175 microgram) and Progestin (ten mg). They were proved to be 99% useful if taken as directed. With estimation, more than 18 million girls in US are relying on birth control pills

Types of birth control pills

In contrast to the decades old oral contraceptive pills (which had higher quantity of hormones), today?s birth control pills are in low-dose forms with health positive aspects. So, girls can take birth control pills with much fewer health risks.

Primarily there are three sorts of birth control pills accessible

one. Progestin only pills (POP)

It?s also known as ?mini-pill? containing no estrogen. It?s suggested for breastfeeding ladies due to the fact estrogen minimised milk production. This POP pill works by thickening the cervical mucus and hence stopping sperm to enter uterus

two. Mixture birth control pills

The widely accepted birth control pills are having blend of 2 hormones progestin and estrogen. These types of oral contraceptive pills come with the pack of 21 ?active pills? & seven ?placebos? , which don?t include any hormones. These are, in reality, known as ?reminder pills?

These blend pills are further sub-divided into three sorts of pills thanks to the quantity of two hormones progestin & estrogen.

i) Monophasic birth control pills

Here, every active pill contains the equal number of progestin & estrogen. The other seven pills are placebo having no hormones. Menstruation begins when these placebo pills are taken

ii) Multiphasic birth control pills

They are also known as biphasic or trphasic oral contraceptive pills thanks to distinctive levels of hormones in active pills. These pills are necessary to be taken at distinct time in its complete pills schedule. Multiphasic birth control pills help offsetting the risks of oral contraceptives.

iii) Continuous birth control pills

it?s also known as 365 days pills to be taken constantly throughout the year without the year. This really is the new entry of oral contraceptive pills in the birth control market. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Lybrel, which is the only continuous birth control pill approved so far and accessible for general girls use. Girls do not get menstrual period while they are under the treatment of Lybrel, then again, they could find some breakthrough bleeding or spotting, specifically at the up-front stage.

3) Emergency birth control pills

Also known as ?morning after pills?, these are created for instant pregnancy protection after the unprotected sex. It is highly advised to take emergency pills inside 48 hours & maximum 72 hours to be effective in avoiding pregnancy. These are unique than usual oral contraceptive pills where you plan your birth control much in advance. Emergency pills are also taken when the ladies are sexually assaulted. FDA has approved Plan B as the safest emergency pills. Thanks to OTC (over the counter) approval by FDA for women above 18 years, Plan B can now be ordered behind pharmacy counter.

Be sure to visit New birth control to find out more of Estrogen birth control.


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