Monday, August 29, 2011

Who wants to become a Chef: More About Culinary Schools ...

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Who wants to become a Chef: More About Culinary Schools, Colleges & Universities

Article by Gergely Farkas

Culinary schools can train you to work in any locale, which is their best benefit. Of course, they are also much more expensive and are often located outside of the United States, and require that you cover your room and board at their institutions. Colleges and Universities offer the most extensive training out there. They will get you a level III certification and will let you meet AQF in commercial cookery. It is the best method next to culinary institutes. In colleges you can expect to study any or all of these subjects:

* Art and communications: Art will help you to present an attractive dish and will help you to effectively blend the right foods together in a way that will be more appealing to the customer. * Biological sciences: Knowing biology will help you to steer away from poisoning your clientele. It will help you to identify any poisonous or harmful food stuffs. * Business: you need to know business as you will be responsible for the ordering of foods, and supplies. It is also good if you plan to someday run a restaurant of your own. * Economics and even politics: Understanding economics is needed in every profession as you will have to keep up with economic trends in the locale that you are working in. For example, you can?t expect an expensive restaurant to thrive in an area that is generally poor. * Foreign Languages: Knowledge of foreign languages is an asset to a chef. It is quite common for a chef to travel to foreign locations when looking for inspiration for a new dish. So it helps to speak the native language. * History, cultural studies, and sciences: The study of the social sciences is a necessity when becoming a chef, because you will often be cooking foods from a different culture. Knowing the history of a country is an asset when trying to emulate their foods. * Human relations: You must be able to relate to other people on their level if you are a chef because you will be dealing with quite a few of them daily, and none of them will be the same. * Math: As a chef, you will often be required to estimate pricing for foods that balances out with the cost of preparing it. You will also be required to estimate the cost of supplies and ingredients, and you must remain on or below your budget. You need to study all of these subjects so that you can effectively learn * to calculate * to estimate and organize food stuffs * to communicate effectively with your clients * what foods are eaten in what cultures * how to effectively imitate the taste

About the Author

FG is the rapporteur of the ?>Search Cooking Schools Website

Written by: Dan on August 28, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at 10:54 am?
Filed under College University ? Tagged with About, become, Becoming A Chef, Biological Sciences, Chef, Clientele, Colleges, Colleges And Universities, Colleges Universities, Commercial Cookery, Culinary, Culinary Colleges, culinary schools, Different Culture, Economic Trends, Extensive Training, Food Stuffs, Foreign Languages, Gergely, Harmful Food, Language History, Level Iii, More, Native Language, schools, Social Sciences, Understanding Economics, Universities, wants


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