Friday, August 12, 2011

Facial Cosmetic Surgeon Reveals Non-Surgical Secret for a Youthful ...

When patients come to me for facial plastic surgery in San Francisco, they often tell me that afterward they feel both physically and emotionally rejuvenated. It is not uncommon for patients to find new joy in looking in the mirror or having their photo taken.

I recognize, however, that not every patient wants to consider surgery. The challenge: how to achieve a more youthful, fresh look for those individuals? To develop a non-surgical treatment approach, I researched and analyzed which aspects of the face and features are most prone to the signs of aging.

I read a 2009 study by David A. Gunn et al. and it reinforced to me the importance of treating wrinkles around the mouth and enhancing lip volume to maintain a youthful appearing face.? JUV?DERM? is a great option for treating the lips and around the mouth.

This study of twins ranging in age from 45 to 81, one that looks noticeably younger than the other, indicates that skin wrinkles, particularly around the mouth, and thinning lips can make you look older. In contrast, women who are perceived as looking young for their age have fuller lips and smoother facial skin. To create that youthful appearance for my patients, I have developed a treatment plan that focuses on two areas:

  • smoothing wrinkles around the mouth and filling in facial folds
  • enhancing the lips by adding volume

Minimizing Wrinkles around the Mouth

Although I use BOTOX? Cosmetic for San Francisco area patients who are concerned specifically with ?frown lines? and ?crow?s feet,? it is not as effective for wrinkles around the mouth or facial hollows. For that purpose, dermal fillers, such as JUV?DERM and Restylane?, tend to be a more appropriate solution.

For example, I frequently use JUV?DERM for San Francisco area patients who look older because of naso-labial folds, which are lines around the mouth sometimes referred to ?parentheses.? A gel-like dermal filler that can diminish wrinkles by filling in underneath the skin, JUV?DERM helps to achieve younger-looking facial skin. It is composed of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that adds both volume and moisture to your skin from within.

JUV?DERM also can be used to sculpt facial features such as your cheeks and chin and fill in hollows that add to that undesirable ?looking older than you feel? appearance.

Plumping Up the Lips

Your lips thin as you grow older, due to a decrease in soft tissue volume. Your lip contour tends to become flatter as well. To address that concern, JUV?DERM?s smooth consistency is ideal for filling in lip wrinkles and plumping the lips. If you are concerned about asymmetrical lips, I can also use this filler to achieve a more balanced appearance. In addition, if you have so-called ?lipstick bleed lines,? I can use JUV?DERM to fill in those lines. Your lips will look naturally younger and smoother after your rejuvenation treatment.

For a small percentage of patients, JUV?DERM may cause mild side effects such as redness, tenderness, swelling and bruising around the injection site. However, if these symptoms occur, they are temporary. I recommend that my patients avoid rigorous activity, alcohol, and sun exposure for a minimum of a day after their treatment.

Although the benefits from these non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments are not permanent, they do last from six months to a year or more. With regular maintenance, many patients continue to enjoy these enhancements for years.


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