Thursday, August 18, 2011

Articles 20VN | Make Blogging Your Online Business | internet ...

Turn Blogging into one of your many Income Streams

Blogging is a fantastic way to enter Internet Marketing and I must say I am thoroughly enjoying my journey as a blogger. The best way to create relationships with your customers and subscribers is by setting up a blog where they can communicate and converse with you on their chosen topic. Blogs are a very friendly business model and providing you do it correctly there should be a real sense of community. Building strong relationships with your customers is regarded as a massive part of successful Internet Marketing and I feel that if you have a blog this becomes much easier. As you already know I am setting up a forum for the Internet Marketing Blog as I am sure there is quite a high demand for such a service. There are so many forums out there which are flooded with experts, where the beginner feels out of there depth because they just don't understand the topics of discussion. My new forum will be for beginners to bounce ideas off of each other and converse about topics of their choice, and also a place for experts to give advice to help those people with their online success.

The place to start when setting up your own blog is to install WordPress. Although the initial installation of WordPress can be quite complicated and daunting, once it is up and running there is no further 'techie' work required. If you do get stuck with the installation of your WordPress blog simply type 'installing WordPress' into Google and there will be plenty of tutorials and videos which will guide you down the right path.

Once you have set up your blog and it is fully published all you need to do now is write your content. Although I am not an expert at writing and I would never claim to be, I really enjoy writing for my blog. Many marketers have been known to outsource their blog post writing to others because they would rather pay someone else to do it rather than put in the time and effort doing it themselves. I would not recommend this approach in the slightest as your readers are very likely to realise that you have just set up a blog for promotion and marketing purposes - not a great way to build relationships.

"Search engines, like Google, love WordPress sites"

A great benefit of having a blog and setting it up using WordPress is that search engines, like Google, love WordPress sites. WordPress sites are much more likely to rank better than blogs created on other blogging platforms. WordPress is the most innovative piece of software because it is completely web based and it provides the blogger with so many features to enhance their blog. WordPress comes complete with a very easy to use and user friendly dashboard which is like your control panel where you will do everything. From this one dashboard you can create, edit and delete posts, create pages, install plugins, change your theme, change your widgets to alter the design, reply to post comments and so much more.

The very first tip in this blog post was to get yourself on Twitter, well blogging and social networking go together very well because you can use your social networking sites and profiles to promote your latest posts or products. If you would like to learn more information on Internet Marketing and are currently seeking the right guidance to get you off on the right foot, let me help you... Click Here to see how I can help you get started with your online business


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