Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Organization Enhances Property Management ? eboden Brand ? Street ...

Organization Enhances Property Management

Article by Jack Landry

Building Owners and Managers Association is one such organization that regulates the industry of property management. They are put in place to ensure that home buying is a possibility for everyone and to regulate the field.

Just like a manager of any industry, the role of a property manager is to operate commercial, industrial or residential real estate. It may also include the management of personal property, equipment, tooling and physical capital assets acquired and used for building, repairing and maintaining end item variables.

The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA International) was founded in 1907 and is a professional organization for commercial real estate professionals. It is the oldest and largest foundation in its industry.

Its members consist of building owners, managers, developers, leasing professionals, medical office managers, corporate facility managers and asset directors. Its publication is called The BOMA Magazine.

BOMA?s North American membership represents a combined total of more than nine billion square feet of downtown and suburban commercial properties and facilities. Their territory is vast and increasing.

One of the main purposes of BOMA International staff is advocacy. They monitor and lobby pertinent legislative, regulatory codes and standard issues, including electricity deregulation, capital gains, tax relief, telecommunications, indoor air quality, private property rights, risk assessment and codes and standards.

They are like a uniting tool for property managers all over the world to verify and define conditions. Recently, BOMA International helped the industry secure key victories in capital gains tax relief, terrorism insurance extensions and energy efficiency tax deductions.

They are a single voice for the real estate community and stand up for rights and deductions whenever possible for the betterment of communities worldwide. With many interactive social media weapons, the Building Owners and Managers Association International is constantly looking for new ways to stay connected with its followers with tools such as facebook, LinkedIn, twitter and Youtube.

Their website is also all inclusive and contains news, contact information, free downloads and all types of information involving property real estate management. If you are involved in this or a relevant field, it could be a valuable benefit to research this institution and learn the ins and outs of the political industrial standings.

Their role is to communicate issues, trends, statistics and news of the commercial real estate industry to its members through several publications and media including The BOMA Magazine, their official publication, the Experience Exchange Report and a compilation of income and expense data for office facilities across America reporting on over 1 billion square feet of space and the industry standard for more than 85 years. They also provide information on everything involved in the real estate field such as many how-to guidebooks with information on writing a commercial real estate lease as well as standard methods for measuring floor area and everything in between.

Throughout each summer season, the BOMA International hosts its Annual Conference and The Office Building Show. This is a premier educational networking conference and trade show that brings together over 4,000 commercial real estate professionals to grow, collaborate and learn from one another.

They come each year with many groundbreaking educational sessions, renowned speakers and showcases of cutting edge technology and products. One of the most looked forward to highlights of this annual conference is the presentation of the Office Building of the Year (TOBY) and Earth Awards, the most prestigious and coveted awards in the commercial real estate business which honors outstanding performance in building operations and environmentally-friendly buildings.

Each year the bar is set higher and higher and real estate investors travel from around the world to see who is up there in the running for the TOBY. It is a great honor.

Also there are two other annual conferences held to support the field and its workers and stimulate market growth. One is in January in which the BOMA International sponsors a Winter Business Meeting while the other is in the spring and hosts the National Issues Conference to raise awareness of important measures that need to be taken in the industry.

The field of property management is constantly growing as construction continues to build opportunities. There are property managers to help with all sorts of asset control.

The BOMA is only one of the associations out to enhance the workplace performance for real estate agents and company owners. They are constantly coming up with new ways to improve their chosen field and implementing new technology to increase awareness of important issues and services provided by property management.

About the Author

Jack R. Landry is a resident of Las Vegas and has written hundreds of articles relating to tourism and Las Vegas homes for rent. He has been involved in local travel and tourism for over 20 years.

Contact Info:Jack R. LandryJackRLandry@gmail.com


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