Monday, August 15, 2011

Biology ? Characteristics of Insects ? Introduction

There are about a million species of insects and many others are yet to be discovered. These include, for example, ants, bees, wasps, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies and fleas. They vary in size from small insects to large terrestrial beetles and butterflies, but all share some common features.

Their bodies are divided into about 20 segments, divided (six fused segments) in the head, thorax (3 segments) and abdomen (11 segments). All insects have aExoskeleton consists of a cuticle company.

The head bears the sense organs and mouthparts. There are a couple of antennas that are sensitive to touch and smell. There are also a pair of compound eyes of hundreds of separate lenses and sensory cells exists. This detects light, movement and color and can form crude images of shapes. In accordance with these bees and butterflies, the insects can be found on the sources of the nectar of flowers by their color, shape and smell.

There are three groups ofMouthparts performed outside the head. A pair of mandibles (jaws) bites parts and passes them in the mouth. To help a pair of jaws and taste, to manipulate the food and the lip (the lower "lip") has a variety of functions depending on the species of insects.

All insects have three pairs of legs, one pair for each thoracic segment. There are five sections for each leg joints between the sections, which give the leg the ability to move in different directions. TheExoskeleton at the joints is a flexible cuticle together, so that the freedom of movement.

Although each of the second and third segments of the thorax is usually one pair of wings, although in some insects (flies and mosquitoes, for example) to a pair and a number of ways to reduce no wings at all.

In the mature insect the abdomen bears no appendages help of another device on the final leg with spawning.

The company supports the exoskeletonInsects, retains its shape and protects them from damage and from evaporation. The hard exoskeleton prevents insects grow steadily and the growth takes place in steps. The outer layer of the cuticle is shed and the insect expands its body, until the new layer of the cuticle hardens and forms. This process of molting (or ecdysis) occurs 5 times or more until the insect attack, for which there is no growth or ecdysis.

The growth takes place in intermittentLarva or nymph stages of the life cycle of an insect. Insects such as butterflies or bees that have complete metamorphosis, larval stages of very different adult worms or caterpillars like flying butterfly. The results describe the penultimate in a resting phase, the cocoon in which the characteristics of the adult form. The suit shows the last mature insect.

In insects such as cockroaches and grasshoppers, have incomplete metamorphosis, are the first steps as nymphs andsimilar to the adult, except that their wings were formed. Small changes in shape occur at any winged insect ecdysis appears to ripen.


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