Saturday, January 5, 2013

Play the Slate News Quiz

The dying days of the winter holidays typically make for a slow news week, but this year even Congress?not always a symbol of tireless diligence?made New Year's a working holiday. I hope you didn't celebrate too hard to keep track of the latest-breaking events of 2012 and the first ones of 2013. Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Not as long as the Slate News Quiz is around.

Question 1 of 12

"I'm willing to get this done," said Sen. Mitch McConnell on Sunday, "but I need a dance partner." Who became McConnell's "dance partner" in new fiscal cliff negotiations that night?

The vice president had worked with McConnell to hammer out similar down-to-the-wire fiscal deals in 2010 and 2011.

Question 2 of 12

"2013" is the first calendar year in a long time to be composed of four sequential digits (in this case, 0, 1, 2, and 3). How long ago was the last such year?

It hasn't happened since 1432.

Question 3 of 12

Neurobiologists at the University of Rochester announced this week that which of these could be a cause of Alzheimer's disease?

Working at NASA, the scientists learned that deep-space radiation had serious cognitive impact on mice, a discovery that could affect manned missions to Mars and beyond.

Question 4 of 12

In retaliation for U.S. legislation condemning Russian human rights abuses, Vladimir Putin signed a bill last Friday banning what from Russia?

Question 5 of 12

What is the Kulluk, grounded on Monday due to stormy conditions?

There is currently no sign of leakage from the drilling ship, which ran aground near Kodiak Island.

Question 6 of 12

What famed 88-year-old, who celebrated his 80th and 85th birthdays by taking up skydiving, spent the holidays in intensive care with a bronchitis scare?

The recovering former president, who was moved out of intensive care on Saturday, has been in good spirits and "even singing," said his spokesman.

Question 7 of 12

Belgium authorities have announced plans to charge what group, whose European arm is based in Brussels, as a criminal organization?

Prosecutors expect to charge the religious organization on counts including extortion, fraud, and illegally practicing medicine.

Question 8 of 12

In an attempt to resolve the fiscal cliff stand-off, Starbucks instructed its Beltway-area baristas to write what Beatles song title on every coffee cup served?

The crisis was resolved within the week, no doubt thanks in large part to Starbucks' heroic efforts.

Question 9 of 12

United Nations peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi warned Sunday that 100,000 people could die next year due to strife in what country?

Brahimi said that Syria is doomed to "hell" if a political deal can't be reached soon.

Question 10 of 12

Last Friday, Japan's Jirouemon Kimura became the longest-lived man in world history at 115 years, 253 days. To what personal motto does he attribute his longevity?

Rice porridge and miso soup make up a typical meal for Kimura, who was born in 1897, with Queen Victoria still on the British throne.

Question 11 of 12

If actress Kate Winslet takes her new husband's last name, what will her new surname be?

Ned Rocknroll (the former Ned Smith) is his uncle Richard Branson's "Head of Astronaut Relations and Marketing."

Question 12 of 12

Marching crowds in Hong Kong donned what unusual garb on New Year's Day to protest the city's controversial chief executive Leung Chun-ying?

The long-nosed masks refer to accusations that Leung has lied in an ongoing scandal over building projects at his home.

You got 8 out of 12 answers correct in 20 minutes 30 seconds.


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