Thursday, January 3, 2013

Exploring the Various Phases of Web Application Development

Believe it or not! Over past 12 years Internet usage has increased by over 500%. With Internet technology booming at such a rapid rate, web trade and online promotion are also evolving at an exceptional rate.

Entrepreneurs and marketers are investing in innovative and new age web application development techniques that can facilitate online business processes and promotions. And surprisingly, it has also provided business owners with an effective mode of communicating with their prospective customers. Business-centric web applications facilitate the completion of various non-viable tasks almost immediately, making it easier for businesses to outreach the masses.

Web Application and the World Wide Web:

Web apps are used as business tools and techniques that are launched on the World Wide Web by businesses, who wish to extend their data services to both online and offline customers. These applications constitute the ?Gen-X? of Internet evolution. These days, several business firms are seeking aid of web application development processes to target potential customers and buyers in a more effective manner. The primary aim of these business-centric apps is to promote products and services and expand the customer base with the help of targeted marketing. Thus, these web applications act as the primary interface between businesses and their customers that allow them to expand their service offerings and target potential audience to improve their bottom line.

The Web Application Development Process:

Web application development is a full cycle process that involves multiple stages, each of which plays a significant result in delivering a qualitative output. Being a multi-level process, development is intricate yet easy to perceive. Normally, before a web app in launched, it has to go through 4 major stages of development. Let?s take a deeper look at the major phases involved in the development process:

Verification: This is the foremost stage in the development process. In this stage, the direction and purpose of the web app is verified. This phase demands the management team to come together and jot down the goals and purpose of the web application. It includes numerous sub-stages such as scheduling, judging limitation and installing updates. At the end of this phase, there is a clear overview about the main purpose of the application.

Devising: This stage involves devising plans about the various instances involved in development. Which scripting language is to be used or which features need to be incorporated in the website is decided during this phase.

Judging: This stage involves job allocation and judgment regarding the functional scheme of the web app. This is the concluding stage that ensures that the application is developed in flow. All significant decisions are made at this stage.

Development: This is the phase wherein coders and programmers play a pivotal role. This stage calls for the developers to pull their socks and develop data variables, entities and various code snippets required to get the application running. Post completion of the development activities, the team of programmer?s hands over a completion document to the management team for review.

Stability: As the name suggests, this stage tests the stability of the application built during the development stage. At this stage, the functionality of the app is thoroughly tested and verified. It includes removal of any errors that may occur and updating the application thereon.

Web application development is an intricate process. With so many stages involved, it requires a professional firm to bring about the desired results. If you are also planning to develop a web app for your online business, you can hire the services of a professional web development firm or you can outsource your app development project.

Author's Bio:?

Steve Graham is a Sr. Content Writer in Xicom technologies. Xicom is a leading Website Development Company and Mobile Apps Development company which provides different array of genuine software solutions like Custom Software Development,Web application development services to its clients globally.


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