Thursday, January 31, 2013

Economic data shows eurozone steadier, still weak

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) ? The euro area's economy is showing modest signs of improvement, as new figures Wednesday indicated more consumer optimism and steadier bank finances. Weak demand for bank loans, however, made it clear the recovery was still some way off.

The European Union's economic sentiment indicator, which mixes business and consumer outlooks, rose by 1.4 points in January to 89.2 for the 17 EU countries that use the euro. It was the third straight monthly increase. The jump was fed by increased confidence among consumers and from businesses in the construction and service sectors of the economy.

Meanwhile, sentiment in industry and the retail trade remained broadly flat.

The survey is one hopeful sign as the eurozone struggles to get out of a recession that saw its economy shrink in the second and third quarters of 2012. A drawn-out crisis over too much government debt is weighing on growth as countries cut back on spending to reduce their deficits.

Nonetheless, the sentiment indicator remains well below its long term average of 100 for 1999-2012. And much of the improvement in consumer sentiment came from just one country, Germany.

The data mean that the eurozone probably bottomed out in October and that "growth prospects are brightening, " IHS Global Insight analyst Howard Archer said. Still, he said it "remains to be seen to what extent and how quickly this will feed through to boost eurozone economic activity.

The European Central Bank expects the economy to shrink 0.3 percent throughout the course of 2013, but to make a modest recovery later on in the year.

Bank lending data from the ECB confirmed Wednesday that the recovery remains a ways off. Its quarterly lending survey, released Wednesday showed a "pronounced net decline" in business loan demand in the last three months of last year. The main reason: Companies are not seeing a need to finance new fixed investment such as buildings and machinery, a key component of any economic recovery.

The survey also shows banks continue to tighten credit standards.

The ECB survey of senior loan officers at 131 banks indicated that the banking system is on a steadier footing. Banks are now reporting better access to funds from deposits and borrowing.

Banks, key to growth as suppliers of credit, were hit hard during the eurozone debt crisis by losses on government bonds. This made it harder for them to borrow from other banks and bond investors due to fears they might not pay the money back.

Banks are also facing regulators' demands to hold back more money as a financial buffer against losses. These requirements can also mean less money available to lend out.

Eurozone financial markets have been more stable since the ECB offered to buy bonds issued by indebted countries in the secondary market if those countries promise to reduce their deficits. That offer has lowered government borrowing costs although no bonds have actually been bought.

The improvement on stock and bond markets, however, has yet to be seen in the wider economy.


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FSA to review pensions annuity market - Independent

LONDON (Reuters) - The Financial Services Authority will announce a review of the multibillion-pound pensions annuity market due to concerns that some individuals are losing out on thousands of pounds of income a year upon retirement, the Independent reported on Thursday.

The regulator will consider whether insurers are doing enough to encourage pension savers to shop around and move their savings in order to get the best annuity when a pension fund is converted into income for life, the paper said.

The review will take up to 12 months and will look into whether annuities are fairly priced and marketed, reported the newspaper.

(Reporting By Costas Pitas; Editing by Eric Walsh)


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Heather Gould, Mathematics Education, Ph. D. - Teachers College

Heather Gould

Heather Gould is a fourth-year Ph. D. student in the Mathematics Education program. She grew up in Stone Ridge, a small town in Ulster County, New York. She attended the University at Albany ? SUNY and earned a bachelor?s degree with a double major in mathematics and anthropology. She also earned two master?s degrees from SUNY Albany, one in mathematics and the other in curriculum development and instructional technology.

Soon after, she started working on a research project entitled ?National Study of Writing Instruction? at SUNY Albany, where she was a research assistant and mathematics adviser.? She tutored at SUNY Ulster in their mathematics lab and taught college courses at SUNY Ulster, Dutchess Community College, and Hudson Valley Community College.

She then continued her academic career by attending TC. The faculty in the mathematics education program at TC have a range of expertise and Heather knew that, wherever her studies led her, she would have a faculty member to guide her. This and the location of TC in New York City, where she has always wanted to live, were the major contributing factors to Heather attending TC.

Heather has been offered various opportunities to work with faculty in the mathematics program at TC. Professor Vogeli emphasizes student publications, and Heather recalls, ?every time he offered me an opportunity to publish or gave me an idea to publish I tried to do so.? In addition to support with publication endeavors, she has been able to work with faculty to continue to do research in mathematics education.

Heather is beginning her fourth year of doctoral studies in mathematics education. She has written the first few chapters of her dissertation and has begun to collect data. She states, ?my first couple of chapters are decent works, the literature review is never done ? I am currently collecting data.?

Heather began with the intent of studying mathematics language acquisition but her knowledge of the current needs in mathematics education research has grown and with it, her interests have evolved. She is currently studying how teachers understand mathematical modeling, particularly with reference to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. ?With the introduction of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, new emphasis has been placed on mathematical modeling. Unfortunately very few teachers seem to have a complete grasp of what mathematical modeling is?. That?s not a knock on teachers. That?s just the state of what has been taught before and what has not been taught,? she says.
Her academic interests outside of those she researches are mathematics manipulatives, mathematical language acquisition, and ethnomathematics (the study of how different cultures perceive mathematics).

Heather was the chair of the editorial board for the Teachers College Mathematical Modeling Handbook, which is a Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) publication. The handbook was written and completed within the Mathematics Education program as a response to the release of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and its call for mathematical modeling. This was the beginning of her interest in mathematical modeling. She believes this has been the largest project that she has been involved with at TC.

She was given the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for both Professors Pollak and Professor Garrity. While assisting Dr. Garrity, she worked with pre-service and in-service elementary teachers, addressing the development of their mathematical content knowledge. Heather was able to learn more about teaching elementary mathematics, how elementary teachers understand mathematics, their difficulties with the subject, and what can be done to address those difficulties.

Heather is currently co-teaching an experimental mathematical modeling workshop with Dr. Pollak. The focus of the course is twofold: for the participants, it is to learn about mathematical modeling, with a particular emphasis on the process of modeling; for her and Dr. Pollak, the purpose is to see how teachers react to mathematical modeling and how teachers feel after completing mathematical modeling activities, with particular emphasis on the activities found within the COMAP handbook. The general goal is for the participants to feel comfortable teaching mathematical modeling and to learn how to teach mathematical modeling better. ?The great thing about teaching teachers is that they are always able to give you good criticism about what you can do better, so they in turn learn better,? Heather says.

Heather recently completed an exciting mathematics course with the Summer Institute for the Gifted After School program, teaching sports statistics to 6th ? 8th grade gifted students. She developed an investigative, real-world curriculum in which students were given the opportunity to develop their very own statistic for the sport of their choice. Gifted students from all over the city chose to participate in the course. At the end of the course, the students presented their statistical work to their parents giving oral reports. The parents were very pleased by the work that their children had completed within this program and they showed their admiration at the end of the presentations with roaring applause. This was a heart-warming experience for Heather and she hopes to teach in this program again in the future.

Heather was the editor for the Spring-Summer 2012 issue of the Mathematics Education program journal, the Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College. Each issue has a special focus theme, with assessment being the theme of the Spring-Summer 2012 issue. In addition to that, she has played a small role as an adviser for the Teachers College Handbook on Mathematical Modeling Assessment that will be published by COMAP in the near future.

Over the summer, Professor Walker offered Heather the opportunity to work as a curriculum developer on an interdisciplinary curriculum project entitled Understanding Fiscal Responsibility. The project includes lessons in mathematics, economics, civics, history, and government. She helped to develop and write some of the mathematics lessons intended to help students understand and look critically at the federal budget and national debt.

After completing her degree, Heather hopes to continue her research as a professor of mathematics or mathematics education and to provide professional development for teachers on mathematical modeling. She states, ?I haven?t taught college classes in a while and I miss it.?

She is an active member of National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), attends conferences regularly, and has published in NCTM?s elementary education journal, Teaching Children Mathematics.

Aside from her busy academic schedule, Heather enjoys spending time with her fianc? and her two pets. She is also an avid fan of baseball and the New York Mets, in particular; she watches most games and attends them when she is able. Heather enjoys building with LEGO bricks and would eventually like to own an educational toy store.



By Deiana Jackson, Graduate Student, Mathematics Education Ed.D.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Giffords appeals for gun control

WASHINGTON (AP) ? In a dramatic appeal, wounded former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords urged Congress on Wednesday to enact tougher curbs on guns, saying, "too many children are dying" without them.

"The time is now. You must act. Be bold, be courageous, Americans are counting on you," she told the Senate Judiciary Committee at Congress' first gun control hearing since 20 elementary school children were shot to death in Newtown, Conn., late last year.

Giffords spoke haltingly, a result of the wounds suffered when she was shot in the head in an attempted assassination two years ago that left six others dead.

But in conflicting testimony a little more than an hour later, a top official of the National Rifle Association rejected bans on certain assault weapons and high capacity magazines advocated by President Barack Obama and gun control advocates in Congress.

Under persistent questioning from Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., the panel's chairman, the NRA's Wayne LaPierre also conceded that in a reversal, his organization no longer supports universal background checks for gun purchasers. He said criminals wouldn't subject themselves to a background check and the current system is a failure because the administration doesn't prosecute potential violators aggressively.

"Back in '99 you said, 'no loopholes, nowhere,' " said Leahy, referring to testimony delivered more than a decade ago. "Now you do not support background checks for all."

Other Democrats on the panel disagreed with LaPierre.

"That's the point. The criminals will not go to purchase the guns because there'll be a background check. It will stop them from original purchase. You missed that point completely. It is basic," said Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois.

Giffords was not on the list of witnesses released in advance of the hearings, and in an unusual show of respect, members of the committee greeted her warmly outside the hearing room as she and her husband, former astronaut and retired Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, made their way inside. The former Democratic congresswoman was grievously wounded in an assassination attempt in Tucson, Ariz., a little more than two years ago, and has become a public advocate for gun control.

Kelly spoke as well, describing the effect on his wife of the events of two years ago.

"Gabby's gift for speech is a distant memory. She struggles to walk, and she is partially blind. Her right arm is completely paralyzed," he told a rapt committee room.

In the aftermath of the Newtown, Conn., massacre, Obama has issued a call for gun control legislation.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat and member of the committee, has introduced a bill to ban numerous assault-style weapons as well as high-capacity ammunition magazines.

The prospects for Senate passage are not strong, in part because of opposition from the NRA and in part from a reluctance among rural-state Democrats ? Leahy among them ? to support limitations sought by some advocates of restrictions on firearms.

Republicans pledged to listen carefully, and no more.

Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, the panel's senior Republican, said that while the shootings in Arizona and Connecticut were terrible tragedies, they "should not be used to put forward every gun control measure that has been floating around for years.." He also said any serious discussion of the issue 'must include a complete re-examination of mental health as it related to mass shootings."

In an opening statement of his own, Leahy said it is "a simple matter of common sense" that there should be a strengthening of background checks and that doing so would not threaten gun owners' rights. The checks are currently required for gun purchases from licensed dealers but not at gun shows or other private transaction.

At the same time, he said the Constitution's second amendment "is secure and will remain secure and protection....No one can or will take those rights or our guns away," he said.

He added, "let us forego sloganeering, demagoguery and partisan recriminations. This is too important for that."

Giffords' appearance ? not only her words, but her obvious difficulty in speaking ? served to underscore the emotion surrounding the issue of gun curbs.

The gunman in Tucson, Jared Loughner, used a 9 mm Glock pistol with an extended ammunition magazine in the attack that wounded the former congresswoman and killed six. The handgun would not have been illegal under a federal assault weapons ban that lapsed more than seven years ago, but the magazine that held more than 30 bullets would have been prohibited.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., indicated that whatever the committee produced wouldn't necessarily be the final product, saying the package would be debated by the full Senate and senators would be allowed to propose "whatever amendments they want that deal with this issue."

Despite the horrific Newtown slayings, it remains unclear whether those advocating limits on gun availability will be able to overcome resistance by the NRA and lawmakers from states where gun ownership abounds. Question marks include not just many Republicans but also Democratic senators facing re-election in red-leaning states in 2014. They include Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Begich of Alaska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.

Knowing that television cameras would beam images of the hearing nationally, both sides were drumming up supporters to attend Wednesday's session.

A page on an NRA-related website urged backers to arrive two hours early to get seats, bring no signs and dress appropriately. The liberal urged its members to attend, saying the NRA "will try to pack the room with their supporters to deceive Congress into believing they are mainstream."

Earlier this month, President Barack Obama proposed a package that includes banning assault weapons, requiring background checks on all firearms purchases and limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.

Giffords underwent a lengthy rehabilitation process and has regained some ability to speak, but has retired from Congress. A gun owner, she and her husband Mark Kelly, a retired astronaut, have formed a political action committee called Americans for Responsible Solutions to back lawmakers who support tighter gun restrictions.

The massacre in Newtown has also set off a national discussion about mental health care, with everyone from law enforcement leaders to the gun industry urging policymakers to focus on the issue as a way to help prevent similar mass shootings. The issue of mental health has arisen in four recent mass shootings, including Sandy Hook, the Tucson shooting, the incident in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater last year and Virginia Tech in 2007.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Study demonstrates health benefits of coming out of the closet

Study demonstrates health benefits of coming out of the closet [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jan-2013
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Contact: William Raillant-Clark
University of Montreal

"Coming out is no longer a matter of popular debate but a matter of public health," says lead author Robert-Paul Juster

Lesbians, gays and bisexuals (LGBs) who are out to others have lower stress hormone levels and fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression, and burnout, according to researchers at the Centre for Studies on Human Stress (CSHS) at Louis H. Lafontaine Hospital, affiliated with the University of Montreal. Cortisol is a stress hormone in our body. When chronically strained, cortisol contributes to the 'wear and tear' exerted on multiple biological systems. Taken together, this strain is called "allostatic load". "Our goals were to determine if the mental and physical health of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals differs from heterosexuals and, if so, whether being out of the closet makes a difference. We used measures of psychiatric symptoms, cortisol levels throughout the day, and a battery of over twenty biological markers to assess allostatic load," explained lead author Robert-Paul Juster. "Contrary to our expectations, gay and bisexual men had lower depressive symptoms and allostatic load levels than heterosexual men. Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals who were out to family and friends had lower levels of psychiatric symptoms and lower morning cortisol levels than those who were still in the closet."

Montrealers of diverse sexual orientations were invited to the laboratory of Dr. Sonia Lupien, Director of the CSHS. Lupien's team recruited eighty-seven men and women, all of whom were around twenty-five years of age. Over the course of several visits, the researchers collected psychological questionnaires, asked participants to provide saliva samples to measure cortisol over two days, and calculated allostatic load indices using results from blood, saliva, and urine samples. "Chronic stress and misbalanced cortisol levels can exert a kind of domino effect on connected biological systems," Lupien said. "By looking at biomarkers like insulin, sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, adrenalin, and inflammation together, an allostatic load index can be constructed and then used to detect health problems before they occur."

Stigma-related stress might force LGBs to develop coping strategies that make them more effective at managing future stressors. "Coming out of the closet is a major milestone in lives of LGBs that has not been studied extensively using interdisciplinary approaches that assess stress biomarkers" said co-author Dr. Nathan Grant Smith. These exciting findings underline the role self-acceptance and disclosure has on the positive health and wellbeing of LGBs. In turn, this has important implications for ongoing political debates. "Coming out might only be beneficial for health when there are tolerant social policies that facilitate the disclosure process" said Juster. "Societal intolerance during the disclosure process impairs one's self-acceptance that generates increased distress and contributes to mental and physical health problems."

"As the participants of this study enjoy progressive Canadian rights, they may be inherently healthier and hardier," Juster said. "Coming out is no longer a matter of popular debate but a matter of public health. Internationally, societies must endeavour to facilitate this self-acceptance by promoting tolerance, progressing policy, and dispelling stigma for all minorities."


The research was published in Psychosomatic Medicine on January 29, 2013. The University of Montreal is officially known as Universit de Montral.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Study demonstrates health benefits of coming out of the closet [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jan-2013
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Contact: William Raillant-Clark
University of Montreal

"Coming out is no longer a matter of popular debate but a matter of public health," says lead author Robert-Paul Juster

Lesbians, gays and bisexuals (LGBs) who are out to others have lower stress hormone levels and fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression, and burnout, according to researchers at the Centre for Studies on Human Stress (CSHS) at Louis H. Lafontaine Hospital, affiliated with the University of Montreal. Cortisol is a stress hormone in our body. When chronically strained, cortisol contributes to the 'wear and tear' exerted on multiple biological systems. Taken together, this strain is called "allostatic load". "Our goals were to determine if the mental and physical health of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals differs from heterosexuals and, if so, whether being out of the closet makes a difference. We used measures of psychiatric symptoms, cortisol levels throughout the day, and a battery of over twenty biological markers to assess allostatic load," explained lead author Robert-Paul Juster. "Contrary to our expectations, gay and bisexual men had lower depressive symptoms and allostatic load levels than heterosexual men. Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals who were out to family and friends had lower levels of psychiatric symptoms and lower morning cortisol levels than those who were still in the closet."

Montrealers of diverse sexual orientations were invited to the laboratory of Dr. Sonia Lupien, Director of the CSHS. Lupien's team recruited eighty-seven men and women, all of whom were around twenty-five years of age. Over the course of several visits, the researchers collected psychological questionnaires, asked participants to provide saliva samples to measure cortisol over two days, and calculated allostatic load indices using results from blood, saliva, and urine samples. "Chronic stress and misbalanced cortisol levels can exert a kind of domino effect on connected biological systems," Lupien said. "By looking at biomarkers like insulin, sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, adrenalin, and inflammation together, an allostatic load index can be constructed and then used to detect health problems before they occur."

Stigma-related stress might force LGBs to develop coping strategies that make them more effective at managing future stressors. "Coming out of the closet is a major milestone in lives of LGBs that has not been studied extensively using interdisciplinary approaches that assess stress biomarkers" said co-author Dr. Nathan Grant Smith. These exciting findings underline the role self-acceptance and disclosure has on the positive health and wellbeing of LGBs. In turn, this has important implications for ongoing political debates. "Coming out might only be beneficial for health when there are tolerant social policies that facilitate the disclosure process" said Juster. "Societal intolerance during the disclosure process impairs one's self-acceptance that generates increased distress and contributes to mental and physical health problems."

"As the participants of this study enjoy progressive Canadian rights, they may be inherently healthier and hardier," Juster said. "Coming out is no longer a matter of popular debate but a matter of public health. Internationally, societies must endeavour to facilitate this self-acceptance by promoting tolerance, progressing policy, and dispelling stigma for all minorities."


The research was published in Psychosomatic Medicine on January 29, 2013. The University of Montreal is officially known as Universit de Montral.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Is This What the Next iPad Will Look Like?

9to5Mac has an image that shows a prototype design for the next iPad and guess what, it looks a lot like the iPad Mini. These pictures are only unconfirmed images, but if proven to be real, it looks like the big iPad might follow in the iPad Mini's footstep of lovely chamfered edges. More »


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Chiefs from mass-shooting towns to meet with Obama

FILE - In this Jan. 16, 2013, file photo, President Barack Obama, accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden, talks about proposals to reduce gun violence at the White House in Washington. Obama has called for a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines and is pushing other policies in the wake of the mass shooting last month at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. In response, gun-rights advocates have accused Obama and others of ignoring the Second Amendment rights of Americans. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

FILE - In this Jan. 16, 2013, file photo, President Barack Obama, accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden, talks about proposals to reduce gun violence at the White House in Washington. Obama has called for a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines and is pushing other policies in the wake of the mass shooting last month at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. In response, gun-rights advocates have accused Obama and others of ignoring the Second Amendment rights of Americans. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama will meet with police chiefs from three communities that have experienced mass shootings, part of his administration's push to address gun violence.

Obama is drawing attention to the worst shootings of 2012, inviting the police chiefs from: Aurora, Colo., where 12 were killed in July; Oak Creek, Wis., where six died in a Sikh temple assault: and Newtown, Conn., scene of the most recent mass tragedy that left 20 first-graders dead.

A White House official says representatives from the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Major County Sheriffs Association will also participate in Monday's White House meeting.

Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano will attend.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the meeting publicly.

Associated Press


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Must See HDTV (January 28th - February 3rd)

There's a football game this week, in case you hadn't heard -- but that's not all. Netflix is debuting the series that it claims will change internet TV, and there's also a few other new options to keep an eye out for. Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames.

The Americans
Add another basic cable series to your watchlist this week, as FX debuts The Americans. Based in 1981, it focuses on a family of Soviet spies living in the US during the Cold War. The show already has a two year commitment to air in the UK, so it's unlikely to face a quick hook -- feel free to settle in.
(FX, January 20th, 10PM)

Super Bowl XLVII
It's the Super Bowl. All other Sunday night programing has been pushed aside, so you'll either be huddled around the flatscreen watching 49ers/Ravens or... we're not sure what.
(CBS, February 3rd, 6:30PM)

House of Cards
Netflix's next venture into the world of original programming begins Friday morning, when it will make the entire first season of its series House of Cards available for streaming. Starring Kevin Spacey, it has all the trademarks of a well produced cable series, it's just not on cable -- it's on the internet.
(Netflix, February 1st)

Blu-ray & Games

  • Downton Abbey (S3)
  • Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Part 2)
  • Hotel Transylvania (3D)
  • Seven Psychopaths
  • Paranormal Activity 4
  • Amazing Ocean (3D)
  • Fascination Coral Reef (3D)


  • Dallas (season premiere), TNT, 9 & 10PM
  • The Bachelor, ABC, 8PM
  • Bones, Fox, 8PM
  • Continuum, Syfy, 8PM
  • The Carrie Diaries, CW, 8PM
  • Switched at Birth, ABC Family, 8PM
  • WWE Raw, USA, 8PM
  • The Following, Fox, 9PM
  • 90210, NBC, 9PM
  • Being Human, Syfy, 9PM
  • Bunheads, ABC Family, 9PM
  • Lost Girl, Syfy, 10PM
  • Deception, NBC, 10PM
  • Castle, ABC, 10PM
  • Catfish, MTV, 11PM


  • The Taste, ABC, 8PM
  • NCIS, CBS, 8PM
  • Raising Hope, Fox, 8PM
  • Betty White's Off Their Rockers, NBC, 8 & 8:30PM
  • Hart of Dixie, CW, 8PM
  • Pretty Little Liars, ABC Family, 8PM
  • Go On, NBC, 9PM
  • The Lying Game, CW, 9PM
  • NCIS: LA, CBS, 9PM
  • New Girl, Fox, 9PM
  • Happy Endings, ABC, 9PM
  • Emily Owens M.D., CW, 9PM
  • Dual Survival, Discovery, 9PM
  • The Ultimate Fighter, FX, 9PM
  • Top Gear (US) (winter premiere), History, 9PM
  • Happy Endings, ABC, 9 & 9:30PM
  • The Mindy Project, Fox, 9:30PM
  • The New Normal , NBC, 9:30PM
  • White Collar, USA, 10PM
  • Africa, Discovery, 10PM
  • Vegas, CBS, 10PM
  • Cougar Town, TBS, 10PM
  • Justified, FX, 10PM
  • The Burn with Jeff Ross, Comedy Central, 10:30PM


  • The Americans (series premiere), FX, 10PM
  • American Idol, Fox, 8PM
  • Arrow, CW, 8PM
  • Whitney, NBC, 8PM
  • WWE Main Event, Ion, 8PM
  • The Neighbors, ABC, 8:30PM
  • Guys With Kids, NBC, 8:30PM
  • Supernatural CW, 9PM
  • Modern Family, ABC, 9PM
  • Inside the NFL, Showtime, 9PM
  • Suburgatory, ABC, 9:30PM
  • Workaholics, Comedy Central, 10PM
  • Necessary Roughness, USA, 10PM
  • NFL Turning Point, NBC Sports Network, 10PM
  • Nashville, ABC, 10PM
  • Unsung: Midnight Star, TV One, 10PM
  • The Kroll Show, Comedy Central, 10:30PM


  • 30 Rock (series finale), NBC, 8PM
  • Do No Harm (series premiere), NBC, 10PM
  • Impact Wrestling, Spike TV, 8PM
  • The Big Bang Theory, CBS, 8PM
  • The Vampire Diaries, CW, 8PM
  • Grizzlies/Thunder, TNT, 8PM
  • American Idol, Fox, 8PM
  • Two and a Half Men, CBS, 8:30PM
  • Person of Interest, CBS, 9PM
  • Beauty & the Beast, CW, 9PM
  • Glee, Fox, 9PM
  • Grey's Anatomy, ABC, 9PM
  • The Office, NBC, 9PM
  • The Office, NBC, 9:30PM
  • Anger Management, FX, 9:30PM
  • King of the Nerds, TBS, 10PM
  • Archer, FX, 10PM
  • Elementary, CBS, 10PM
  • Scandal, ABC, 10PM
  • Bellator MMA Live, Spike TV, 10PM
  • Suits, USA, 10PM
  • Legit, FX, 10:30PM
  • Mavericks/Warriors, TNT, 10:30PM
  • Totally Biased with W Kamau Bell, FX, 11PM


  • House of Cards, Netflix
  • Heat/Pacers, ESPN, 8PM
  • Nikita, CW, 8PM
  • WWE SmackDown, Syfy, 8PM
  • Malibu Country, ABC, 8:30PM
  • CSI: NY, CBS, 9PM
  • Spartacus: War of the Damned, Starz, 9PM
  • Friday Night Fights, ESPN2, 9PM
  • Lakers/Timberwolves, ESPN, 9:30PM
  • Real Time with Bill Maher, HBO, 10PM
  • Banshee, Cinemax, 10PM
  • Merlin, Syfy, 10PM
  • Portlandia, IFC, 10PM


  • Victorious (series finale), Nickelodeon, 8PM
  • Cops, Fox, 8 & 8:30PM
  • NFL Honors, CBS, 9PM
  • Girls, HBO, 10:05PM
  • Enlightened, HBO, 10:35PM


  • Super Bowl XLVII, CBS, 6:30PM
  • Downton Abbey, PBS, 9PM
  • Elementary, CBS, 10PM

Filed under: ,



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Report: Japan to air ultra-high-def TV in 2014

11 hrs.

TOKYO???The Japanese government is set to launch the world's first 4K TV broadcast in July 2014, roughly two years ahead of schedule, to help stir demand for ultra high-definition televisions, the Asahi newspaper reported on Sunday without citing sources.

The service will begin from communications satellites, followed by satellite broadcasting and ground digital broadcasting, the report said.

The 4K TVs, which boast four times the resolution of current high-definition TVs, are now on sale by Japanese makers including Sony, Panasonic and Sharp. Other manufacturers include South Korea's LG Electronics.

Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications had aimed to kick-start the 4K TV service in 2016. That has been brought forward to July 2014, when the final match of the 2014 football World Cup is set to take place in Brazil, the Asahi report said.

In Japan, the development of super high-definition 8K TVs is in progress, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications plans to launch the test 8K TV broadcast in 2016, two years ahead of schedule, it said.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Quotes from the Screen Actors Guild Awards

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Quotes from the 19th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.


"I'm just so thrilled I have dental." ? Best supporting actress winner Anne Hathaway after accepting her Screen Actors Guild award for her role in "Les Miserables."


"Just tape the 'Big Bang Theory' for once, for crying out loud." ? Best supporting comedy actress winner Tina Fey, whose show "30 Rock" is ending its run this week and is going up against a show more popular in the ratings.


"If I made him laugh a couple of times, I think he'd be happy enough with that." ? Best actor winner Daniel Day-Lewis on what President Abraham Lincoln might think of his performance.


"To me this has nothing to do with me, it has to do with the incredible people who were in this movie." ? Ben Affleck, whose film "Argo" won for best movie cast.


"You can probably tell from my public speaking that I haven't gotten that much advice. I'm still waiting to get a couple tips on how to shut up." ? Best actress winner Jennifer Lawrence, joking backstage with reporters.


"We are so not expecting this. Ahhhh, shut the French Windows. Will somebody grab this?" ? Penelope Wilton, accepting the best drama ensemble Screen Actors Guild award for "Downtown Abbey."


"Oh, and my husband and my baby!" ? Best actress in a drama series winner Claire Danes, who shouted thanks to her family after her acceptance speech appeared to be over and her fellow actors had started clapping.


"Oooh, It is so good to be bad. I am so pleased and so honored to receive this award." ? Best actor in a drama series winner Bryan Cranston, who received his first Screen Actors Guild Award on Sunday night for "Breaking Bad."


"Oh my God. It's ridiculous." ? Alec Baldwin on his seventh consecutive Screen Actors Guild win for best male actor in a comedy series for "30 Rock."


"I'm sorry sir to have overlooked you. I know how it feels." ? Affleck, talking to a reporter backstage and referencing his Oscar snub.


"My wonderful colleagues, every single cast member gave their characters the kiss of life. Have no doubt that this is an ensemble award." Day-Lewis on his co-stars in "Lincoln."


"Aren't we lucky that we found a line of work that doesn't require growing up?" ? Screen Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement award recipient Dick Van Dyke, who received a lengthy standing ovation from his fellow actors.


"Now I have this naked statue that means some of you even voted for me, and that is an indescribable feeling. Thank you." Lawrence, speaking to fellow actors who awarded her a trophy for her performance in "Silver Linings Playbook."


"I remember posing for this a while back." ? Cranston, joking backstage with reporters while admiring his award, which is called The Actor.


Associated Press Writers Anthony McCartney, Christy Lemire and Beth Harris contributed to this report.


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Brazil nightclub fire kills more than 230 people

A man carries an injured man, victim of a fire at the Kiss club in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, early Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Firefighters say that the death toll from a fire that swept through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil has risen to 180. Officials say the fire broke out while a band was performing. At least 200 people have been injured. (AP Photo/Agencia RBS)

A man carries an injured man, victim of a fire at the Kiss club in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, early Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Firefighters say that the death toll from a fire that swept through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil has risen to 180. Officials say the fire broke out while a band was performing. At least 200 people have been injured. (AP Photo/Agencia RBS)

Relatives of victims react as they wait for news near the Kiss nightclub in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. According to police more than 200 died in the devastating nightclub fire in southern Brazil. Officials say the fire broke out at the club while a band was performing. (AP Photo/Ronald Mendes-Agencia RBS)

Firefighters work to douse a fire at the Kiss Club in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Firefighters say that the death toll from a fire that swept through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil has risen to 180. Officials say the fire broke out at the club while a band was performing. At least 200 people were also injured. (AP Photo/Agencia RBS)

People help an injured man, victim of a fire in a club in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. According to police more than 200 died in the devastating nightclub fire in southern Brazil. Officials say the fire broke out at the Kiss club in the city of Santa Maria while a band was performing. At least 200 people were also injured. (AP Photo/Agencia RBS)

A crowd stands outside the Kiss nightclub during a fire inside the club in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. A blaze raced through the crowded nightclub in southern Brazil early Sunday, killing 245 people as the air filled with deadly smoke and panicked party-goers stampeded toward the exits, police and witnesses said. It appeared to be the world's deadliest nightclub fire in more than a decade.(AP Photo/Roger Shlossmacker)

(AP) ? Flames raced through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil early Sunday, killing more than 230 people as panicked partygoers gasped for breath in the smoke-filled air while stampeding toward a single exit partially blocked by those already dead. It appeared to be the world's deadliest nightclub fire in more than a decade.

Witnesses said a flare or firework lit by band members may have started the blaze.

Television images showed smoke pouring out of the Kiss nightclub as shirtless young men who had attended a university party joined firefighters using axes and sledgehammers to pound at windows and walls to free those trapped inside.

Guido Pedroso Melo, commander of the city's fire department, told the O Globo newspaper that firefighters had a hard time getting inside the club because "there was a barrier of bodies blocking the entrance."

Teenagers sprinted from the scene desperately seeking help. Others carried injured and burned friends away in their arms.

"There was so much smoke and fire, it was complete panic, and it took a long time for people to get out, there were so many dead," survivor Luana Santos Silva told the Globo TV network.

The fire spread so fast inside the packed club that firefighters and ambulances could do little to stop it, Silva said.

Another survivor, Michele Pereira, told the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper that she was near the stage when members of the band lit flares that started the conflagration.

"The band that was onstage began to use flares and, suddenly, they stopped the show and pointed them upward," she said. "At that point, the ceiling caught fire. It was really weak, but in a matter of seconds it spread."

Police Maj. Cleberson Braida Bastianello said by telephone that officials counted 232 bodies that had been brought for identification to a gymnasium in Santa Maria, a major university city with about 250,000 residents at the southern tip of Brazil, near the borders with Argentina and Uruguay.

An earlier count put the number of dead at 245. Another 117 people were being treated at hospitals, he said.

Brazil President Dilma Roussef arrived to visit the injured after cutting short her trip to a Latin American-European summit in Chile.

"It is a tragedy for all of us," Roussef said.

Most of the dead apparently suffocated, according to Dr. Paulo Afonso Beltrame, a professor at the medical school of the Federal University of Santa Maria who went to the city's Caridade Hospital to help victims.

Beltrame said he was told the club had been filled far beyond its capacity during a party for students at the university's agronomy department.

Survivors, police and firefighters gave the same account of a band member setting the ceiling's soundproofing ablaze, he said.

"Large amounts of toxic smoke quickly filled the room, and I would say that at least 90 percent of the victims died of asphyxiation," Beltrame told The Associated Press by telephone.

"The toxic smoke made people lose their sense of direction so they were unable to find their way to the exit. At least 50 bodies were found inside a bathroom. Apparently they confused the bathroom door with the exit door."

In the hospital, the doctor "saw desperate friends and relatives walking and running down the corridors looking for information," he said, calling it "one of the saddest scenes I have ever witnessed."

Rodrigo Moura, identified by the newspaper Diario de Santa Maria as a security guard at the club, said it was at its maximum capacity of between 1,000 and 2,000, and partygoers were pushing and shoving to escape.

The event featured a group called Gurizada Fandangueira, which plays a driving mixture of local Brazilian country music styles. It was not immediately clear if the band members were among the victims.

Santa Maria Mayor Cezar Schirmer declared a 30-day mourning period, and Tarso Genro, the governor of the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, said that all possible action was being taken.

"Sad Sunday" Genro tweeted. He planned to be in the city later in the day.

The blaze was the deadliest in Brazil since at least 1961, when a fire that swept through a circus killed 503 people in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro.

Sunday's fire also appeared to be the worst at a nightclub since December 2000, when a welding accident reportedly set off a fire at a club in Luoyang, China, killing 309.

In 2004, at least 194 people died in a fire at an overcrowded nightclub in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Seven members of a band were sentenced to prison for starting the flames.

Several years later, in December 2009, a blaze at the Lame Horse nightclub in Perm, Russia, killed 152 people after an indoor fireworks display ignited a plastic ceiling decorated with branches.

Similar circumstances led to a 2003 nightclub fire that killed 100 people in the United States. Pyrotechnics used as a stage prop by the 1980s rock band Great White set ablaze cheap soundproofing foam on the walls and ceiling of a Rhode Island music venue.


Associated Press Writer Stan Lehman contributed to this report from Sao Paulo.

Associated Press


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2 rescued after small plane crash on Hudson River

YONKERS, N.Y. (AP) ? Two people were rescued Sunday when their single-engine plane crashed and sank into the icy Hudson River off Yonkers, authorities said.

The small plane was carrying a man and a woman on a sightseeing trip, and crashed about 5:20 p.m., Yonkers Police Lt. Phil Collins said. The two were wearing life vests and were able to get out of the plane before it sank, Collins said.

The cause of the crash was under investigation.

The couple were plucked from the waters within 30 minutes of the crash and taken to Jacobi Medical Center. They were treated for hypothermia and were listed in stable condition at Jacobi, Lt. Toni Scherer of Empress Ambulance Service said. The names of the two were not immediately released.

Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen described the plane as a Piper PA-32. Bergen said the pilot told local authorities the flight left from the Trenton-Robbinsville Airport in Robbinsville, N.J. It was flying under visual flight rules and not receiving air traffic control services, she said.

The Journal News reported that Yonkers police officers and a retired detective took a boat out to rescue the two.

"Thank God we got there quick enough," said Daniel Higgins Sr., an off-duty police officer who piloted the boat.

In 2009, Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger safely landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River in New York after striking a flock of geese. All 155 people aboard survived.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Geithner sees US economy strengthening gradually

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Outgoing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner thinks the U.S. economy will strengthen this year ? as long as Congress avoids cutting spending too deeply in a budget deal and Europe's economy gradually improves.

In an interview on his last day in office, Geithner tells The Associated Press, "The economy is stronger than people appreciate." He agrees with many private forecasters that economic growth will accelerate this year, in part because the U.S. economy is no longer being held back by oil shocks and Europe's debt crisis has subsided.

Asked about his future, Geithner rules out the possibility that he would return to Washington as chairman of the Federal Reserve next year, when Ben Bernanke's term ends, if asked by President Barack Obama.


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Making waves: Rising economic tide raises boat sales ...

published Friday, January 25th, 2013

Chris Rayburn, left, Spencer Collins, center, and Tom Weber discuss the various capabilities of the 2013 XStar by Motor Craft at the annual Chattanooga Boat and Sport Show. A portion of the proceeds from the sell of this boat are being donated to help pay for cancer treatments for the Service Manager Tammy Tippins' 9 year old son Joseph Tippins. Chris Rayburn, left, Spencer Collins, center, and Tom Weber discuss the various capabilities of the 2013 XStar by Motor Craft at the annual Chattanooga Boat and Sport Show. A portion of the proceeds from the sell of this boat are being donated to help pay for cancer treatments for the Service Manager Tammy Tippins' 9 year old son Joseph Tippins. "; objLink.IsAboveImage = false; objLink.LinkTarget = "_blank"; objLink.Render();

Rossville resident John Holder makes the drive up to Chattanooga every year for the Chattanooga Boat & Sport Show ? not to buy, but to look.

"I'm like a little kid," he said with a laugh, surrounded by pontoon boats. "Anything shiny catches my eye."

Holder was in the door moments after the show opened Thursday. He'll be followed by about 6,000 other people this weekend, said Keith Parker, co-owner of BK Productions, which organizes the show.

"There's over 100,000 square feet of boats and accessories," he said. "If you've been thinking about buying a boat, now is the time."

Showgoers walked on red-carpeted aisles Thursday, browsing sports boats, fishing boats, swimsuits, summer gear, booths and personal watercraft.

Vendors are offering reduced prices and incentives like free extended warranties until the show ends Sunday afternoon.

Parker organizes boat shows across the Southeast, and said more people are attending the events this year.

"At our shows, as well as other shows I'm aware of, attendance has been up anywhere from 14 to 20 percent," he said.

The higher number of people bodes well for the 2013 selling season, he added, and could build on the 2012's successful season.

Across the nation, power boat sales jumped about 10 percent in 2012 -- the first significant increase since sales dropped dramatically in 2008, according to the National Marine Manufacturer's Association.

"The industry was averaging about 300,000 new power boats every year, then in about 2008 we started to see a decline from that," Ellen Hopkins, vice president of communications, said. By 2010, sales bottomed out at just over 142,000.

"This 10 percent is kind of the turnaround for our industry," she said. "I think new power boat sales can be a barometer for the larger economy."

The boat sales leading the increase are boats smaller than 27 feet, Hopkins said, which include aluminum pontoon boats, fish and ski boats, cruisers and jet boats.

"There are a lot of those in your neck of the woods," she said.

Stan Hales, already a boat owner, said he visited the boat show specifically to look at smaller fishing boats. He fishes both area lakes and lakes in Florida.

"We love boats," he said. "But we're strictly fishing boats, not play boats."

In Hamilton County, boat owners renewed 2,737 boat registrations last year, part of over 80,000 renewed across the state. Nationwide, more consumers are making outdoor recreation a priority, Hopkins said.

She said increases in consumer confidence and economic growth have contributed to the industry improvement.

"A lot of people that were thinking of buying that new boat during the recession hit pause on that and kind of waited it out, so we're seeing some of those buyers come out," she said.

Terry Kelley, general manager at Island Cove Outdoor Center, has been bringing boats to the Chattanooga show for 20 years. This year, he brought 25 Tracker boats to the showroom.

"We do make sales from the show," he said, "but it's also a great way to kick the season off and meet and greet customers. It's been a long winter."

He sold about 200 boats last year and hopes to increase that count in 2013. Hopkins said the National Marine Manufacturer's Association expects sale numbers to climb another 5 percent this year, although they'll still fall well short of the pre-2008 numbers.

She added she hopes the industry will eventually get back to a 300,000 sales level.

"If the economy continues to improve, yes, the industry will get back to that 300,000," she said. "But it's really hard to predict."

about Shelly Bradbury...

Shelly Bradbury joined the Times Free Press as a business reporter in January 2013, after starting with the paper as a general assignment intern in July 2012. She is from Houghton, New York, and graduated from Huntington University in Huntington, Indiana, with a bachelor?s degree in journalism and minor in management. Before moving to Tennessee, Shelly previously interned with The Goshen News, The Sandusky Register and The Mint Hill Times. Outside the newsroom, Shelly enjoys ...


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Friday, January 25, 2013

2 TV projects target small NY town Sleepy Hollow

(AP) ? The quiet suburban New York village Sleepy Hollow is a hot topic among television creators.

The Fox network said Thursday it has given the go-ahead to make a pilot episode of the supernatural drama "Sleepy Hollow," based on Washington Irving's much-read short story about a ghostly Headless Horseman who rides through the village in search of his head. The show is created by the producers who made the just-ended series "Fringe."

A pilot is a prospective first episode of a series being considered.

The CW network has its own script about a Sleepy Hollow show that's in development. But the network says no pilot has been ordered.

Sleepy Hollow sits along the Hudson River about 25 miles north of Manhattan. A 1999 "Sleepy Hollow" movie starred Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane.

Associated Press


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Green Blog: A Boost in Radiation Monitoring for Fracking

Pennsylvania will step up its monitoring of naturally occurring radiation levels in water, rock cuttings and drilling wastes associated with oil and gas development in a yearlong study that will be peer-reviewed, the state?s environmental agency reports.

The study will also assess radiation levels in the pipes, well casings, storage tanks, treatment systems and trucks used by the natural gas industry, which has drilled thousands of wells in the gas-rich Marcellus Shale over the last five years.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, which already reviews radioactivity data in wastes generated by the oil and gas industry, said Thursday that it had so far found only ?very low levels of natural radioactivity? in landfills and streams. It will be expanding that work to conduct a comprehensive study of the industry, it said in a statement.

Kevin Sunday, a spokesman for the department, said the new study, which covers both conventional oil and gas development and hydraulic fracturing, was not a response to any evidence of excessive radiation levels at drilling sites. Rather, he said, it is a ?forward-looking? exercise that anticipates the long-term expansion of the industry.

?We recognize that the industry is here to stay, and we want the public to be protected,? Mr. Sunday said.

Hydraulic fracturing, which involves injecting chemicals and water under enormous pressure into underground shale formations to extract gas or oil, got under way in Pennsylvania in 2008.

In New York, state officials are currently weighing whether to allow the drilling process to begin. The state?s health commissioner is conducting a review of whether the state?s Department of Environmental Conservation has adequately addressed potential impacts on public health.

Critics say radioactive materials that naturally occur deep underground are disturbed by drilling and fracking and come to the surface with natural and manmade chemicals in wastewater that can contaminate rivers and streams after it goes through treatment plants.

Myron Arnowitt, the Pennsylvania director for Clean Water Action, a national environmental group, welcomed the new study but said the radioactive content of drilling waste had been known for several years.

?We?ve known for a long time that there is radiation coming back in the wastewater,? Mr. Arnowitt said. ?The fact that they are doing a broad study now indicates that they must have some new data.?

But the state department said that less than half of 1 percent of Marcellus Shale drill cuttings that were disposed of in landfills last year contained enough radiation to trigger radiation monitors, and that those levels would not harm public health.

The environmental agency has recently been faulted for reporting incomplete results from its tests for chemicals in water taken from private water wells near gas drilling sites. This week Jesse J. White, a Democrat in the state assembly, introduced a bill that would require the department to report complete results of any environmental tests conducted on samples taken from landowners or leaseholders.

Mr. Arnowitt suggested that the agency?s announcement might reflect a desire to rebuild public trust after the latest reports of incomplete chemical tests. ?Some members of the public have really lost confidence in the D.E.P., and the D.E.P. may be looking for ways to restore that confidence,? he said.

Mr. Sunday said the new testing was unrelated to that criticism.

So far the natural gas industry has drilled about 6,000 Marcellus wells using a combination of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. About half of the wells are currently in production, Mr. Sunday said.

In 2011, the industry complied with a request from the environmental department to stop taking wastewater to treatment plants that were not equipped to fully treat it. Subsequent downstream monitoring of seven rivers found that radioactivity was at or below normal background levels and complied with federal safe drinking water standards, the department said.

Among the radioactive material often found in drilling wastes is radium 226, which can cause cancer, anemia and cataracts, according to the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

In New York, a state investigation of 10 naturally occurring radioactive materials, including radium 226, in oil and gas wells found that although radium levels were twice the background level in soil and rock, they were not a threat to public health. ?NORM contamination of New York State equipment is insignificant,? said the study, by the state?s Department of Environmental Conservation.


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