Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What to Do For Swollen Feet during Pregnancy | healthy lifestyles

08. Oct, 2012

During pregnancy lot of physical changes that occur during pregnancy, such as swollen feet during pregnancy. Swollen feet during pregnancy often occur in the second and third trimesters. A growing belly will add weight to support the body so often become swollen feet. swollen feet during pregnancy is usually caused by blocked blood flow to the legs, but if a woman has a history of hypertension (high blood pressure) then the mother should be checked by the doctor.
There are some tips that you can do to prevent and cope with swollen feet during pregnancy.

  • Apply a good diet with fruits and vegetables multiply and avoid caffeinated beverages and foods high salinity. It is intended not only for the mother who has hypertension but also all women. Consuming enough water
  • Do not dwell too long in a sitting or standing position. Pregnant women in pregnancy are getting closer to the days of labor should increase motion. Mothers who many moves can help blood circulation in the body. The older age of the womb, the more rapid fatigue in performing daily activities. But do not ever give up, do the easiest thing to do, like walking every morning. It works not only reduces leg swelling but also reduce cramps are common during pregnancy. Besides the morning air is also very good for health, by foot making the muscles stronger and easier time of delivery.
  • When working or traveling avoid the use of high-heeled shoes and tight clothing
  • Avoid crossing your legs when standing, they will block the blood flow in the legs
  • When at home is always positioned feet higher, can use a pillow to support or put feet on seats parallel.
  • Regular breaks. Give your body time to rest for 15 minutes for blood circulation. When my mother lay, place feet on a pile of pillows ensure your feet higher than the position of the body so that blood flows in the legs down to the bottom to reduce swelling in the legs. When sleeping try to lie to the left side, this is because the veins on the right side so that it can reduce the pressure

Reduce swollen feet during pregnancy

  • Follow the gymnastics events during pregnancy. It also helps the mother to remain stable condition. It also helps mothers to increase blood flow not only the body but also on the foot so that the foot is not swollen. Use sandals or shoes that are comfortable to wear and most importantly, do not use sandals or high-heeled shoes.
  • Pamper feet during pregnancy there are two ways, that is;
    first, flush feet with cold water, do from top to bottom moving his toes. Do it over and over for several minutes and then soak feet in warm water with salt and lime. How to spoil the second leg is by massaging your feet with baby oil every morning and night.
  • Perform a light massage on the feet using baby oil, massage performed in a circle starting from the palm and the back leg to ankle and both legs to the knee.
  • Watch for swollen feet every morning and weight gain of more than 1 kg per week in mid-gestation, immediately see a doctor. It is a sign of pregnancy poisoning.

(From Various Sources)

?Swollen feet during pregnancy? by Albertus Tri Susanto

Source: http://www.alkeproject.com/health-and-fitness/pregnancy/what-to-do-for-swollen-feet-during-pregnancy?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-to-do-for-swollen-feet-during-pregnancy

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