Monday, October 22, 2012

How to Get the Most Out of a Press Release | New Wave Web and ...

According to a recent PRESSfeed Online Newsroom and Digital Media Relations survey, only 14 percent of press releases posted on the internet use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. This means that the majority of press releases are not achieving their maximum potential reach.?A press release is intended to be distributed among the masses for them to view and share, without optimizing for search marketers may be falling short.

The following are three easy ways to increase the reach of an online press release.

1. Include Images and?Videos?

The PRESSfeed survey found that a press release with an image or a video is shared three times more than those that only use text in their announcement. In addition, users spend more time with this type of content. However, approximately fifty percent of marketing companies use text-only press releases.

People will be more likely to share a press release if it includes an image or video. It is advise to use high-quality images that really illustrate the news that is being released. Videos should be informational?and relevant, and under two minutes ? anything more may bore viewers. To help illustrate specific points, graphics or charts can be utilized.

2. Utilize SEO Techniques

Press releases should be written in a way that helps online searchers find them. Millions of people, including reporters and bloggers, use search engines to help them get ideas for their stories and for interesting things to share. SEO techniques can boost the potential of a press release. For example, using the right keywords can have a huge impact on a press release?s success.

A company should determine the most appropriate and relevant keywords, and then those should be used?in the title and heading, as well as in the body of the press release.?One thing to remember is that although it is best to optimize search, the press release must still sound natural. Too many keywords awkwardly written will turn your press release into spam.

Anchor-linked text is recommended as well, but the corresponding link should be anchored to the chosen keywords, not the new product or company?s name. Linking to keywords can increase the SEO value of a press release ? link to what people would search for.?Images and videos can also enhance SEO by using the keywords as the image/video title and inserting tags.

3. Get social

Press releases should be followed by a social media explosion. Search engines will rank content higher if there are more back links from other sources leading to it. It?s not enough to post the press release on the company website. Immediately after, it should be tweeted, posted on Facebook, and the images should be pinned. It also helps to make a YouTube video?about the announcement and 1) link it to the announcement on the website and 2) embed the YouTube video into a company blog post and publish the blog post linking back to the announcement page. Also, the press release announcement on the webpage can be shared using other social networks, such as StumbleUpon.

When using social media, there are a couple things to keep in mind. First of all, make sure your post headline is tweetable. Twitter only allows 140 characters per tweet. Second, make sure that the company or product being announced is in the beginning of the post so it won?t get cut off. Lastly, using the chosen keywords in the social media posts make it more searchable, more findable, and thus more shareable.


If these tips are followed, a press release can reach its maximum potential. Using images and videos, SEO techniques, and involving social media will guarantee an increase in traffic and expand reach. To read more on how to boost your press release potential, click here.


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