Thursday, October 11, 2012

Best Practices for Creating Innovative PR ... - Business 2 Community

Practicing PR in industries that are ruled by regulations can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, especially when you want to break through the communication clutter with innovative campaigns. Sadie Wilks, Vice President of Administration and Communication at the Louisiana State Medical Society, and Lesley Bruinton, Public Relations Coordinator for the Tuscaloosa City Schools, shared the challenges they face and

how they overcome them in our latest best practices webinar, moderated by Eric Warner of Thomson Reuters.

If you were unable to join the live webinar or would like to watch it again, it?s available on demand. You can also download the panelists? slide decks as reference guides. In the meantime, we?ve recapped four things you need to know from the discussion so you can forge ahead building novel PR campaigns while still playing by the rules.

Start by learning the ROPEs. A basic tenet of building successful PR campaigns that applies to building strategies in any industry ? Research, Objectives, Programs, Evaluation ? can be executed only if you truly understand your industry. Immerse yourself in the industry or business you are representing and become an expert by:

  • Learning the language
  • Knowing the rules
  • Leaning on your industry colleagues and peers

Identify what you CAN talk about. Whether you are working within government regulations such as HIPPA or FERPA like our panelists, or you are facing a different kind of red tape when creating your public relations campaigns, remember the following:

  • There is plenty you are able to talk about, focus on those points
  • Working within regulations doesn?t mean you can?t do something, it just means having to go through the proper channels and approvals
  • Keep yourself informed on new and updated regulations and policies to ensure you?re always in compliance

Break through the clutter. Regardless of the industry, the information you are communicating is important but there is a tremendous amount of competition for people?s attention. Developing campaigns that incorporate the newest communication methods will help you stay on the cutting edge and generate the buzz that will give you a successful return on your efforts. Despite being in very different sectors, both the Louisiana State Medical Society and Tuscaloosa City Schools found big success using video to communicate with their respective audiences.

You are not alone. Other PR professionals in similar industries or organizations can serve as great resources from which to learn from, float campaign ideas and swap war stories. Coming together to leverage data, successful experiences and lessons learned from failures can provide one of the most valuable tools possible for creating cutting-edge campaigns.


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