Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rielle Hunter on Sex With John Edwards: The BEST Night of My Life!

In the forthcoming Rielle Hunter book, What Really Happened, John Edwards' crazy mistress says that the first time they had sex was pretty darn good.

Okay, we're underselling it. It was the most extraordinary night of her life!

Hunter's bombshell memoir was rejected by all major publishers and is being released on Tuesday, June 26 by a small Dallas-based company, Ben Bella.

That's a week away, but a deluge of excerpts released in advance of the book tell you all you need to know ... and plenty you probably wish you did not.

Rielle Hunter PictureEdwards, J.

After meeting Edwards at the Regency Hotel in New York City during his run for president, Rielle went to his hotel room strictly for professional reasons.


"The connection I felt when I walked in the door had only grown and the amount of energy between us was huge and unstoppable," Hunter reveals.

"A moment came while we were talking when something clicked and I surrendered. I took off my teacher hat, let go of all my resistance to him and let him lead."

"And lead he did. He led me toward the most extraordinary night of my life. There was a lot of talk, a lot of laughter and zero sleep."

You may vomit on cue.

Edwards' lover, who was working for his 2008 presidential campaign at the time, says after their initial hook-up, the duo talked on the phone a lot.

"We talked for two hours. He said repeatedly that he couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to me...I was completely fascinated by him," she says.

"Where could this possibly be headed? And was he really already changing his behavior, based on our one night together? Love does evolve you."

"It does encourage you to behave differently. Was he in love with me? That night began our frequent extended phone conversations, usually four hours in length."

"He said he found me refreshing and couldn't believe how easy I was to talk to. He also told me I was the first person in his life that gave him energy instead of taking it."

Not-so-subtle diss of Elizabeth Edwards there, Rielle.

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