Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6 Easy Ways on How to Avoid Injury While Exercising! |

Avoid Workout Injuries

When you have made a commitment to get yourself in shape and ensure that your physical fitness reaches the next level you start following new routines and the next moment you seem to come across a workout injury.

So why does it happen???? Try these easy Pilates to Get Flat Abs!

There are many reasons for this. It could either be due to overdoing a particular activity or it could be doing the activity wrongly and there are chances that you could be doing an activity that does not suit your physical condition. However this is not something that you should feel discouraged about as the next few lines of the article will throw light on the six steps that a person can follow to avoid workout injuries and for improving workouts.

1. Know the condition of your body

The first step is to know the condition of your body. This is one of the most basic aspects of working out but is normally overlooked by most people. Knowing the limitations of your body can go a long way in helping a person avoid injuries during workouts. Many people today have certain weak areas in their body and avoiding activities that impart a lot of pressure on these weakened areas can help them stay away from injuries. Though many people misunderstand this and see it as complete avoidance of a particular activity, the fact is not so. If you have a weak knee then it is always recommended that you do not run on the treadmill and instead use an exercising bike that creates less tension on the knee. Thus one has to know that the basic aspect of avoiding an injury is to know the weak areas of ones body and slowly working out to make it stronger. If a person is unable to do that then enough must be done to ensure no pressure is applied in that particular part.

2. Sex is important :)

The second rule is the sex or the gender. Though one might consider it to be impartial, in general doctors believe that gender plays an important role in workout injuries. Specific types of workouts tend to create psychological issues which can lead to injuries. This can happen both in men and women. Though you must not take this to the notion of avoiding certain activities it is just that you have to show precaution while you are performing them. When it comes to activities based on a rigid plane of motion such as weight lifting, press-ups, men tend to perform better. Women on the other hand are good at activities that require diagonal planes of motion such as yoga, spinning and Pilates which seem to be much more injurious when men perform them. Women however are more prone to injuries than men because of their menstrual cycle during which the hormones increase the looseness of joints.

3. Hire a professional trainer

The third rule which is the most important is to hire a professional. Having a professional to assist your workout can be quite useful when it comes to avoiding injury. A qualified trainer will be able to help you align your body properly during the workout. Exercise injuries mainly occur due to bad posture and hence a good professional trainer can go a long way in helping a person stay away from exercise injuries. Also expert advice can help you stay away from wrong workouts for ones body type. A person who has enough experience in this field can obviously understand more about your body conditions and thereby can suggest the right workouts that you have to practice. Also he will be able to help you make your routines moderate so that you do not overdo any exercise. The trainer will be able to make you understand the importance of pacing the exercises, increase in weights and rest periods properly and will also be able to help your muscles heal properly with the right programme.

4. Act according to your age

The fourth step towards weight training without injury is to learn to behave your age. It is always a possibility that you might return to exercising after a long gap and by habit might start working out on the program that was given to you before. This is where you might end up with serious muscle injuries as the body after such a long time is subjected to sheer pressure. Doing too much for too long can often lead to injury. The shoulders are the ones that are very much prone to injuries and this is the case with old sports men and women who try to return to their old times. A fitness injury in the shoulder mostly occurs when too much force is applied on the shoulder joint or the muscles are made to work in a misaligned way.

5. Take things slowly

The fifth rule expects you to warm up and take things slowly. Irrespective of the fitness activity that a person is involved in it is necessary that he or she takes things slowly. Building up pace slowly is the key to effective workout. Also you have to understand the importance of warm-ups. Though initially warm-ups might look tiring the main reason why it is a must is because it helps the muscle handle stress better so thereby reducing the risk of injuries.

6. Do it again & again

The sixth step is something that you must have heard about over and over again. Doing an exercise over and over again can evidently lead to you doing it perfectly but according to experts it can lead to a lot of injuries. Overuse and repetitive use of the same muscles can lead to injuries such as never-ending muscle sores. Varying workouts everyday is a very good solution to such problems. Also one must make sure that adequate rest is given to the muscles before workouts to ensure injury less workouts.

Thus for every training program to be successful and fruitful it is necessary for a person to understand the importance of these six steps and the advantages of following them. An injury can make you to stay in rest for a long time reversing all the hard work that you have put into making your body look fit and toned.

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