Saturday, March 31, 2012

New doubts about prostate-cancer vaccine Provenge ? Reuters ...

MB Comment: Pharmaceutical companies game the placebo during clinical trials to flatter the safety and efficacy of their tested products. Want to look safe? Use a dangerous placebo. Dendreon may have done that with its so-called prostate cancer vaccine Provenge. There are no regulations for placebos, drug makers have carte blanche from the FDA to fiddle scientific studies with phony placebos.

?Marie Huber, a trained scientist and former hedge-fund analyst, made it her mission in the last year to analyze what she believes are deadly flaws in the studies that led to the approval of Provenge by the FDA.

She argues that the main reason Provenge seemed to extend survival ? a crucial factor in the FDA?s decision ? was that older men in the study who did not receive Provenge died months sooner than similar patients in other studies.

She raises the possibility the ?placebo? they received was actually harmful and made Provenge, known scientifically as sipuleucel-T, look better by comparison.?


New doubts about prostate-cancer vaccine Provenge

Mar 30, 2012

(Reuters) ? Prostate cancer vaccine Provenge has long incited passions unlike any other cancer therapy.

Doctors who raised doubts about it received death threats. Health regulators and lawmakers faced loud protests at their offices. A physician at the American Cancer Society was so intimidated by Provenge partisans that he yanked a skeptical discussion of it from his blog.

The vitriol dissipated in April 2010, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Provenge for advanced prostate cancer, satisfying investors in manufacturer Dendreon and patients who for years had demanded it be put on the market.

But the bell on Round Two sounded when Marie Huber, a trained scientist and former hedge-fund analyst, made it her mission in the last year to analyze what she believes are deadly flaws in the studies that led to the approval of Provenge by the FDA.

She argues that the main reason Provenge seemed to extend survival ? a crucial factor in the FDA?s decision ? was that older men in the study who did not receive Provenge died months sooner than similar patients in other studies.

She raises the possibility the ?placebo? they received was actually harmful and made Provenge, known scientifically as sipuleucel-T, look better by comparison.

As Huber gains traction, most notably with a February paper in the prestigious Journal of the National Cancer Institute, she, too, is receiving threats. One post on an investors? message board last month suggested that ?somebody smack her with a rubber hose.? An email said ?don?t think you will be unscathed in this battle you waged on Provenge.?

Provenge is Dendreon?s only product and the company?s stature with investors has waned with disappointing sales. In 2011, product revenues totaled $213.5 million, far from the $400 million Dendreon initially projected.

The company insists Huber?s analysis is flawed and that Provenge has helped thousands of men with prostate cancer.

?I?m looking forward to getting this to patients around the world,? said President and Chief Executive John Johnson.


Since it won FDA approval two years ago, Provenge has been Exhibit A for the idea that a patient?s immune system can control or cure cancer. The first therapeutic cancer vaccine to reach the market, Provenge tries to engineer white blood cells, part of the immune system, to vanquish prostate cancer, which killed an estimated 33,720 men in the United States last year.

Its path to approval has all the features of a heavyweight healthcare fight ? desperate patients demanding access to a promising therapy, a very expensive drug that extends life only a few months and efficacy data open to interpretation.

The FDA declined to approve the drug in 2007, when a clinical trial failed to show it slowed tumor growth. That incited protests, lawsuits and death threats against physicians on the FDA advisory panel who did not recommend approval, breaking with the 13-4 majority in favor.

?Provenge came along when we didn?t have much to offer for prostate cancer,? said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld of the ACS. ?The advocacy community was bursting at the seams for something that worked. When you have that situation, it inflames passions and that can overtake the science.?

In the pivotal trial called IMPACT, published in July 2010, but shared with the FDA months earlier, Provenge extended median survival by 4.1 months to 25.8 months from 21.7 months. That was sufficient for FDA approval. The vaccine costs $93,000 and patients also incur physician and other charges. Medicare agreed to cover Provenge last year, as have private insurers, but doctors initially balked at a long wait for reimbursement.

Huber had long been ?utterly intrigued? by Provenge and its ?huge promise of harnessing the immune system to battle cancer,? she said in an interview.

In documents JNCI requires authors to sign, she declared no financial conflicts of interest. Neither she nor her former firm nor anyone else she is connected to stands to benefit financially from her analysis, she said.

Instead, she says she is motivated to help ?vulnerable and desperate patients? ? so much so that she gave up her job, salary and health insurance. Arguing that Provenge is harming these men, she called ?the whole thing utterly horrific. The company got away with hiding data and doctors making $7,000 per prescription won?t even engage in discussion? about whether it helps their patients.

After receiving degrees in biochemistry and bioscience enterprise from Cambridge University, Huber began working as an analyst for a hedge fund in 2007. A Thomson Reuters analysis of securities filings confirmed her former firm has not held any positions in Dendreon.


Each dose of Provenge is custom-made. A nurse or technician withdraws white blood cells from a man?s arm in a three-to-four hour procedure called leukapheresis.

The cells are shipped to a Dendreon manufacturing facility, where for two days they are incubated with a ?fusion protein:? One protein that stimulates the cells? growth and maturation and another called PAP, or prostatic acid phosphatase. PAP is an antigen that studs prostate cancer cells like antennae, pieces of it sticking out of the cells? surfaces.

Dendreon says the patients? white blood cells take up the antigen and within hours their surfaces bristle with fragments of the telltale molecule. The cells are then shipped back to the physician and infused into the patient. A full treatment includes three such procedures, two weeks apart.

Back inside the body, Dendreon claims the modified cells trigger the immune system to produce T cells that kill any cell sporting the PAP antigen ? namely, prostate cancer cells.

In principle, that should eliminate the cancer, but Provenge does not shrink either the primary tumor or metastases.

Steven Rosenberg of the National Cancer Institute, a leading tumor immunologist, says that raises doubts over whether Provenge helps patients live longer, as the IMPACT trial reported.

?We have a lot of data that supports the idea that the product works the way it was designed to,? said Dr. Mark Frohlich, Dendreon?s chief medical officer. ?We?re seeing evidence of immune-system activation. The only question is whether the T cells are killing the tumor.?

The FDA acknowledges that data supporting Provenge?s approval did not show the drug shrank tumors, but says the overall survival benefit was enough to bring it to market. Spokeswoman Rita Chapelle, citing data submitted by Dendreon, said there is a ?lack of evidence of anti-tumor activity,? the reason for which ?is unclear.?


Huber?s analysis comes from data showing that men who received the placebo had very different survival times based on their age. Men older than 65 lived 17.3 months on placebo and 23 months with Provenge. Men younger than 65 lived 28 months after receiving placebo and 29 months after Provenge.

Other studies have shown that age generally does not affect how long a man survives with this form of prostate cancer, says Peter Iversen, a urologist and prostate-cancer surgeon at the University of Copenhagen and co-author of the paper with Huber.

Combining these findings led to the new paper?s conclusion: The four-month edge in median survival from Provenge for all patients was due to longer survival among older men who got the vaccine.

?There is no efficacy in the younger patients, the primary group where you would expect it,? said Huber.

Since the immune system weakens with age, an immune-based therapy should work better in younger men.

Some experts agree.

?If it was really a vaccine, you?d think younger men would show more response, since they are more immunocompetent,? said NCI?s Rosenberg.

On that basis, Huber and her co-authors, including two prostate-cancer specialists, argue the placebo used in the trial may have harmed the older men, cutting months off their lives and inadvertently making Provenge seem beneficial.

One way that could have occurred was through leukapheresis. That process removed about 90 percent of certain kinds of circulating white blood cells, according to calculations by immunologist Laura Haynes of the Trudeau Institute, a co-author of the JNCI paper.

The Provenge men got back about 32 percent of those cells, which had been stored at body temperature. The placebo men got back 12 percent, which had been incubated at near-freezing temperatures. Cold storage has been reported to kill ?most, if not all, of those cells,? notes the JNCI paper. Moreover, said Haynes, ?if you return dead and dying cells to older men you are likely to cause inflammation,? which can stoke the growth of cancerous cells.

Younger men were better able to replace the lost white blood cells, argued Iversen. Older men could not, resulting in early death.

?These cells are very specialized and there is research suggesting that removing them can harm older men,? he said.

Earlier this month, DynaMed, an online database used by physicians, added to its Provenge entry a note on the JNCI paper, but calls the concern ?not substantiated.? ACS?s Lichtenfeld says the analysis ?might inhibit some patients and doctors from going ahead with a very expensive drug.?

Huber says she plans to approach European regulators as they consider Dendreon?s application to approve Provenge.

Investor message boards have lit up in response to the new paper. In February, an anonymous commentator on warned that Huber?s work was about to be published ?a few days before our earnings. Her agenda is obvious.?


Critics of the new analysis argue the number of cells removed is too small to suppress the immune system. Charles Drake, an oncologist and immunologist at Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, said there is no evidence the placebo men in IMPACT suffered more infections or other effects of a depleted immune system than the Provenge men.

The scientist who led IMPACT, oncologist Philip Kantoff of Dana Farber Cancer Center, said colleagues in immunology ?dismissed as nonsense the idea that leukapheresis could hurt individuals.?

He takes issue, too, with the statistics. Dividing the men by whether they are older or younger than 65, he said, is ?arbitrary? and to pick apart data retrospectively is a statistical no-no.

Dendreon?s Frohlich also criticizes the statistics: ?If you do enough of these (post-hoc analyses) then by chance alone you?d expect to get one positive finding.?

In other words, it is almost always possible to find a subset of patients who do better than others.

When Dendreon divided the men by whether they were older or younger than about 71, he added, they found no red flags.

The FDA agrees that such post-hoc statistical analyses ?are exploratory? and their results ?must be interpreted with caution, as acknowledged by the authors.? Yet a paid consultant to Dendreon before the IMPACT trial agreed with many of Huber?s concerns.

?The control vaccine used in IMPACT and in the predecessor trial had never been used anywhere for anything and may well have been detrimental to patients,? said Donald Berry of MD Anderson Cancer Center, a leading biostatistician. ?Here?s a great way to get your drug approved: Kill the control patients.?

Despite the heated rhetoric, Provenge may go out with a whimper more than a bang. Promising new agents for advanced prostate cancer include an oral drug from Medivation Inc called enzalutamide, in the final phase of clinical trials, and Zytiga from Johnson & Johnson, which won FDA approval in 2011. A vaccine that targets PSA, from Bavarian Nordic Immunotherapy, is in late-stage trials.

Dendreon does not disclose how many patients have been prescribed Provenge. CEO Johnson said that about 70 percent of its Provenge revenue comes from sales to community hospitals and doctors and 30 percent from academic medical centers. Some of the latter decline to use Provenge, deterred by lingering concerns over whether it provides a meaningful benefit.

Three such facilities in the Midwest, contacted at random by Reuters, confirmed they do not recommend Provenge. All asked not to be named for fear of receiving threats.

?It is my policy not to make public comments about this drug,? said one oncologist. Patients who ask for it ?are referred to another facility.?

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Literature and Writing Public Programs: Spring 2012| The New ...

NEW YORK, March 29, 2012 - The New School, New York's leading presenter of literary public programming, finishes the spring semester with readings, panels and lectures with leading poets, novelists and critics. Highlights include the PEN World Voices Festival, which will feature influential authors such as Margaret Atwood (May 3), Jennifer Egan (May 4), and Tony Kushner (May 5), as well as a panel influential European novelists, led by Aleksandar Hemon (May 5).

EDITOR'S NOTE: CLICK FOR A FULL CALENDAR OF EVENTS. All public programs are subject to change.

Poetry takes center stage at several author discussions this spring. Red, White and Blue: Poets on Politics (Apr. 2) brings to campus Filip Marnovich, author of The Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology and others, while the Poetry Forum series will feature Jill Alexander Essbaum (Apr. 3), Terence Winch (Apr. 10) and David Trinidad (Apr. 18). In addition, Creative Writing at The New School's ongoing partnership with African American poetry collective Cave Canem will offer events with Tim Seibles (Apr. 11) and Tracy K. Smith and Patrick Rosal (Apr. 28).

Two panel discussions will explore the links between literature and film. Film Criticism Today (Apr. 4) is a discussion between both established film writers and up-and-coming voices from the field: Phillip Loapte will join Slate's Dana Stevens, Movieline's Stephanie Zacharek, the New York Times' Dennis Lim, and Alt Screen's Paul Brunick. The Rattapallax Poetry and Film Festival unites verse and movies with screenings of international award-winning shorts accompanied by readings and commentary from poets including Christopher Merrill, director of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa; James Ragan, author of The Hunger Wall; and others.

EDITOR'S NOTE: CLICK FOR A FULL CALENDAR OF EVENTS. All public programs are subject to change.


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Ruth Osgood, early air traffic controller at Midway later involved with ...

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Yesterday at 7:01 a.m.

Ruth Osgood was one of the first female air traffic controllers at Midway Airport. (March 28, 2012)

Ruth Osgood was one of the first female air traffic controllers at Midway Airport. (March 28, 2012)

Ruth Osgood got her private pilot?s license while in college, and she signed up for the Women?s Airforce Service Pilots in 1944, only to see the program canceled weeks after she joined.

She then found work as one of the first female air traffic controllers at Chicago Municipal Airport, which later became Midway. Later in life, she was active in civil rights andwomen?s health issues.

?She was fearless in many ways,? said her daughter, Amy Woodbury. ?She had her passions and she pursued them.?

Mrs. Osgood, 87, the former head administrator of the now-shuttered Concord West Medical Center in Westmont, died of complications from a heart attack on Thursday, March 22, at Westminster Place retirement community in Evanston.

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Published March 29, 2012 & Filed in Loan


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to use Home button and gesture navigation shortcuts on the new iPad

There's only one physical hardware button on the front of the new iPad so it's little wonder Apple has put it to work with single, double, triple, and even more levels of functionality. While all the basic things are covered by the good old single click, there's a lot more, and a lot more advanced functionality hidden beneath that Home button. There are also multitasking, multitouch gestures built in that can be faster even than using the Home button. Here's how.


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ShoeDazzle, Now 10M Members Strong, Expands To Offer Women?s Clothing

sd_socialite2ShoeDazzle, the subscription service that sends out its own selection of women's shoe designs curated each month by celebrities and Hollywood stylists, has expanded its offerings to include women's clothing and lingerie. ShoeDazzle CEO Bill Strauss said in an interview (embedded above) that the expansion was inspired by the company's subscribers, who have been asking for clothing to match ShoeDazzle's shoes for months. ShoeDazzle, based in Santa Monica, Calif., was founded in 2009 and counts reality star Kim Kardashian as a co-founder and its "chief fashion stylist."


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Whatever you ultimately choose to perform or purchase, there are numerous opportunities out there to organize some thing magnificent that is distinctive as well as thoughtful. The simplest way to take action would be to take into consideration their hobbies and interests and simply have a go, you never know what you are able come up with.

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How to Grow Your Business with Social Media Experts | Online ...

The inclusive impact of a World Wide Web has been a genuine bang in new years. The internet creates it probable for one hold communication, joining users from all over a world. Better still, a accessibility of a internet around mobile inclination has done life faster and easier as well, with users accessing a web from any plcae in a world?no some-more need to an costly laptop of mechanism and some form of broadband connectivity. This has ensured that some-more and some-more people can now entrance a web, and with it an event for businesses to foster their products by amicable networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The justification

Thanks to a unusual to a expansion of a amicable networking sites, businesses, tiny and medium, have adopted new selling strategies to proceed their aim network of assembly in a online marketplace; and this plan has come to be famous as Social Media Marketing (SMM). With a assistance of SMM, your business can have a glorious height for coming a impending business and so trigger proceed communication with them. SMM is all about holding your products to a clients; and with over 700 million users, we positively wish your business on Facebook!

The strategy

Social media selling utilizes a many candid strategies, that can move smashing formula by viral marketing. The basement of SMM is to benefit bearing to your code while generating trade to your store. However, we need a use of a veteran amicable selling experts to assistance pattern your selling policies, pattern and guard your amicable networking activities and assistance in enhancing a prominence of your business to your aim audience. Remember, amicable networking sites are not designed for selling functions though rather for family and crony interaction; thus, we have to use them with a lot of counsel lest a whole debate backfires on your business.

The platform

Social Media Marketing companies have a group of amicable optimization specialists who know a right buttons to press for optimal results. These amicable selling experts trigger a modernized optimization techniques by blogging, essay submission, personal advertisements, video pity and other effective strategies that will raise your brand?s recognition in a online marketplace.

Social networking sites have turn effective platforms for proceed communication and hence a elemental selling collection for tiny business. However, crude and unrefined amicable selling techniques will not move preferred outcome to your business. Thus, it is required that we give it a veteran proceed from a onset. Once a finish design is clear, it will be easy to come adult with some singular strategies that we will use to foster your business to your aim audience. With a right amicable media selling experts, we can foster your business online and beget a preferred trade to your website.

Related posts:

  1. Social media selling techniques and process
  2. Social Media Marketing Specialist For Growing Your Small Business
  3. What Is Social Media Marketing And How Can You Use It For Your Business
  4. Benefits of Local Social Media Marketing
  5. Generate online Business leads by Social Media Marketing
This entry was posted in Social Marketing and tagged Social. Bookmark the permalink.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Senate to soon move on new Iran sanctions: Reid

[ [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 12]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '450', ' ', 'Reuters/Jonathan Ernst', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Short-term bridging loans for private or commercial usage Send ...

For years people have been utilizing bridging loans as a short term finance solution when money is needed swiftly but only for a short time period. This has been as a rule for bridging a hole in finances during the purchasing of a new residence and the sale of an existing home when completion of the sale and purchase are not able to be set up for the same exact day. A new bridging loan can offer you the money required to complete the purchase ahead of the sale of the present property has completed. Later on, when the selling of the old residence has completed the bridging loan would be paid back.

For businesses, if money is required for a short period of time, commercial finance can frequently be the most suitable option given that setup costs and early repayment charges is often less expensive than long term finance alternative. When applying for commercial bridging loans it is vitally important to factor in that commercial bridging finance should only be used as a short-term manner of finance. It is because they normally have a high rate of regular monthly interest and are consequently a costly long-term option. Besides the commercial bridging lenders will need their money back at the close of the agreed timeframe, and being unable to do so will incur more expenses and quite possibly bring about the losing of the property.

Even so bridging loans can be used for lots of reasons and since the credit crunch there has been an increase in the number of bridging finance loans being taken out when other types of lending has appreciably reduced.

For upgrading and extending, home and property finance may be raised by using bridging finance. On the other hand an even more convenient and less expensive method tends to be development loans, which may additionally be kept for refurbishment and extension plans. Usually development loans are used for new build developments, which could be developing a new single building or for large scale housing and business developments. The advantages of development loans are that it can be specifically designed to supply the funds needed for property development and may be released in phases as it is called for. Interest only and roll up methods are available in the market and development loan solutions generally have borrowing periods of 3 years.

Bridging finance can be organized quickly because they have flexible lending conditions. The bridging loan providers take into consideration the value of the property or properties that are being given as security, as well as the method by which their loan will be paid back. This adaptive lending criteria means that less processing needs to be done which helps you to save time. Also, it is this flexibility that has in part brought about the increased financial lending for bridging finance, as more people choose bridging loans as an alternative solution to the banking institutions who?ve got much more significant restrictions.



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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On optical fiber technology in radio communications and television ...

Technology Center

Fujian Radio Film and TV group left Germany

Abstract: This paper describes the use of optical fiber communication, optical characteristics of optical fiber transmission, the implementation of SDH technology in the field of transmission of radio and TV signal, return the application. An example is carried through the network of long distance fiber optic, remote, multi-point real-time interactive TV, live shows, and use of fiber optic connector tips .

Keywords: fiber optic communication systems SDH optical fiber transmission characteristics of optical fiber technology connection

In recent years, optical technology fiber communication system in the cable television and other communication systems are widely used, people become more familiar with optical communications and technology optical fiber communication matures.

In the field of radio signals and television broadcasters to fiber optic transmission media as a much greater importance and application.

fiber optical communication system 1 in the form of basic system fiber optic communication system is based, such as carrier waves through optical fiber communication transmission system. System optical fiber communication consists of optical transmitters, receivers, optical repeaters, optical fiber connectors and couplers and other passive devices composed of five sections. Its basic form in Figure 1

Optics fiber communication is the basic material, divided into the optical transmitter and optical the optical receiver, which directly affects the performance of the transmission quality of the optical communication system of the communication system to the fiber optical signal source sent to the transmitter, the optical transmitter sucked signal light modulated optical signal by the optical fiber transmission of the remote control input, the receiving end of optical sensors inside the gloss will restore the optical signal of the fiber into electrical signals, amplification, shaping, regeneration , the recovery of restoration output. Optical systems for fiber communication repeaters long range necessary, its role is to read the long fiber optical attenuation and distortion by the weak signal after amplification, the distortion of the pulse waveform set shaped, a certain intensity of light correcting signal generated to continue forward to ensure good communication quality.

The function of fiber optics communication of each party:

(1) optical transmitter: optical transmitter to perform the conversion of the signal electrical / optical optical. It consists of a light source, the reader and the modulator. Its function is to come from the signal source (video, audio or radio frequency) signal sent to the electric light source is modulated wave modulated light, and then modulated optical signal coupled to the optical fiber to transfer.

(2) optical receiver: optical receiver is an optical / electrical conversion of optics. It consists of optical sensors and optical amplifiers. Its function is to transmit optical fiber or an optical cable to the optical signal by the optical detector into electrical signals (video, audio or RF) and then the weak electrical signal amplified by the amplifier circuit to a sufficient level, sent to the receiving user to go.

(3) or fiber cable. Optical fiber or of the formula channel transmission cable serves to adjust the optical transmitter signal was sent through the optical fiber or optical distance fiber transmission, the coupling to the receiving end of the optical detector until to send the information to complete the task.

(4) Repeater: repeater by the detector, the light source of light and regeneration circuit saves. Its role is twofold: one is the compensation for the transmission of optical signals in optical fiber by the decay, the other is the distortion correction signal pulse


(5) fiber optic connectors, couplers and other passive components: Since the fiber length or fiber optic cable driven by technology and fiber optic cable construction conditions , and the length of the drawn fiber is limited (as tested one kilometer). Therefore, there may be a multi-fiber fiber optic lines connected to this problem. Thus, the connection between the optical fiber, fiber, and coupled to the optical connection on the fiber optic connectors, couplers and other passive components used is essential.

Second Characteristics transmission fiber (cable)

High purity optical fiber is composed of glass materials. The line fiber of the optical fiber, fiber optic connectors, the fiber fiber optic connector is the main form. Fiber optic lines, is used to receive the actual number of fibers in the fiber optic cable

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Acquiring Momentary Motor Insurance for Permanent Drivers ...

By by itself auto insurance is complicated enough for many individuals. Putting in the -wrinkle like short-term car insurance policy is often a touch a great deal. But relax, short-term car insurance policy is quite particular and incredibly is not that scary.

As you would have it, short-term auto insurance is a insurance plan developed to remain force for a short period of time as well as for a particular celebration. Phrases for plans are frequently proper in days or weeks. Short-term car insurance policy need not be mistaken with items like not for-had auto insurance, this is a total-term auto insurance insurance plan that includes a person rather than cash usa
motor vehicle.

Short-term Vehicle Insurance for Leases

Although there are other purposes of it, the most frequent use of short-term car insurance policy is due to a rental predicament. Lease short-term auto insurance will not be true car insurance policy just as much as regarded as deal among you and the procurment organization for the organization to repay you for problems. This is an added in cost on your procurment and constantly offered being an upsell.

A lot of insurance firms will on auto-pilot protect you no less than somewhat in the rental-car when you stay in the us or The us. Short-term car insurance policy provided by the procurment organization may perhaps get the slack, or can be levi strauss
totally unnecessary.

If you plan to hire an auto in the future and are undecided about your insurance policy coverage, check with your broker prior to letting. It could help you save quite a lot in unnecessary rental-car costs. If you hire, anticipate another Usd6 to Usd12 on a daily basis in procurment costs ? expensive if you annualize that top quality.

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land, having said that, you need to seriously think about taking the procurment business?s short-term car insurance policy. As well as The us, most U . s . auto insurance plans banish foreign insurance policy coverage in general and insurance policy coverage in South america specially. The probability is great indeed your car or truck insurance coverage back home probably will not be there once you get off of that foreign airline flight. That procurment auto insurance could be the only point among as well as a regrettable foreign unpleasant incident in the event you get involved a car accident.

Short-term Vehicle Insurance in South america

A different frequent use of short-term car insurance policy requires generating southerly of your border, whether or not it is private automobile. Unlike in The us, where by any nearby auto insurance insurance plan is valid and usually recognized by neighborhood government bodies, legitimately generating in South america offers a completely diverse number of demands.

U . s . insurance firms don?t do small business in South america or offer Philippine auto insurance. You?ll have to reach working for yourself to have the insurance policy coverage you would like.

Short-term Philippine car insurance policy can be out there in your real estate agent by means of protection brokerage firm, on the internet, or by using an company centered close to the border. When purchasing short-term auto insurance for use in South america ? specifically when looking at realtors or organizations you don?t know ? make certain that you are basically acquiring Philippine auto insurance. Also be sure you?re shelling out an excessive amount.

There are various trustworthy Philippine insurance firms to pick from which includes Expert Seguros, HDI Seguros, Grupo Nacional Provincial and the like. Avoid being frightened to do some research on these companies as much have A. Meters. Best comparisons for economic safety just as their U . s . brethren. In .Seguros,In . incidentally, is How to speak spanish for In .insurance coverage.In .

Now that you?ve got your Philippine insurance coverage, that you are pretty much nearly executed. You need to get a Philippine traveler charge and also a In .Short-term Auto Importation Allow forIn . in your vehicle. Although this make it possible for is not needed in Baja Los angeles and aspects of Sonora from the northwestern area of the land, don?t think about generating without it in another place in South america. Should you be captured that don?t have them, your car or truck will probably be confiscated and you might inevitably be hanging out behind Philippine jail bars.

The charge and give are obtainable for the cultures dock of gain access to for the border or at the Philippine consulate. An Language-terminology on the internet software to the make it possible for is usually out there, that will help it can save time for the border. All in all the full financial commitment for generating in South america will cost you several hundred dollars, having said that high of that is a deposit around the make it possible for. You will definately get the deposit back when you surrender the make it possible for about time for america.I have to become a kid

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Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Planning for your family's financial future


Estate planning means putting in place a structure to organise your financial and personal affairs before any future incapacity and your death. A complete Estate Plan enables your family, your business associates and others close to you to know your wishes and how you would like them carried out.


A Will is the document which sets out how your estate will be distributed upon your death.

It deals with property that you personally own but may also direct control of other entities such as family trusts.

Issues to consider in your Will

o Who will be the Executor ? that is the person who administers your estate

o Who are the family members or dependants that you should make provision for in your Will

o If your beneficiaries are minors or have a disability you can structure your Will to take these factors into account

o The tax consequences of distributing your estate

The Will must comply with the procedures set out in the Wills Act including being witnessed by two independent witnesses who sign in your presence and in the presence of each other.

It is important that your Will is reviewed often and updated as your circumstances change.

Marriage and divorce revoke a Will in Western Australia.


Why should you have professionally prepared Will?

If you pass away without a valid Will, your estate is distributed pursuant to legislation (in Western Australia called the ?Administration Act?).

The Act divides your estate in set proportions depending on which family members survive you.

The Act does not allow for your wishes to be considered in the distribution of the estate.


A document by which you appoint an Attorney to make decisions about your financial affairs on your behalf.

An Enduring Power of Attorney is effective only during your lifetime and ceases to have effect on your death. It is effective during any period of incapacity.

An Attorney must act in your best interests and cannot use your finances to benefit him or herself.

It is a power that you give only to a person you trust absolutely as it authorises third parties such as banks and the Titles Office to deal with your property on the instructions of the Attorney.

If you change your mind, you can revoke the EPA and appoint a different Attorney.

Why should you have an EPA?

If you become incapable of managing your own affairs, and you do not have an Attorney authorised to act for you, a person must be appointed by the State Administrative Tribunal to administer your financial affairs.

If there is no suitable person to act as an Administrator, an independent body such as the Public Trustee may be appointed to make those decisions for you.


A document by which you appoint an Enduring Guardian to make health and welfare decisions for you during periods when you are unable to exercise reasonable judgment.

The types of functions that an Enduring Guardian can perform include: deciding where you will live, what medical treatment you will receive and conducting legal proceedings on your behalf.

If you would like to discuss your Estate Planning needs or require further information about any of the information above, please contact Darren Miller or Michaela Speering at Culshaw Miller Lawyers on 9488 1300 or make an appointment.


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Use Zero Cost SEO Applications To Display World Wide Web Rank ...

Getting a new major an element of the SEO Services internet advertising promotions, Motor optimization can be major component your entire marketing strategies method. Bringing together the vehicle engine reputation is often an indispensable step since plenty of opportunities home buyers group vacation spots are applying SE?s to visit to find highly targeted plans and simply suggestions.Ecommerce business marketing strategies will be only way for one web page or perhaps a the web webpages found in potential consumer start. A search engine optimisation enterprise analyzes the relationship involving the offered web site algorithms and simply browser behavioral to access the search phrase introduced and simply positioned at the top of critical yahoo and google, Ask, and simply Search engines.

An actual believed Motor optimization enterprise suits a talented combination of Motor optimization professionals who usually are up-to-date when thinking about the routing happenings and simply progress included in the knowledgeable modern advances and simply Motor optimization uses. Such a been through Motor optimization team identifies a new search engine optimization would need in the online businesses. Folks think about almost regarding a new maintained SEO and simply discovered white-hat Motor optimization quick make sure that highly regarded boost in your entire domain?s search engine rankings. It also helps huge during modernizing SERP positionings extraordinary most current listings for your business web page.A search engine optimisation enterprise has a field created by search engine optimization goods and services to its element customer. Of these goods and services, prospective buyers trust in a new on-page and simply off-page search engine optimization in the inexpensive Motor optimization price tags, the top field pertaining to highly targeted search phrase, maintained Motor optimization positioning your site and simply web page tumour and simply repair of net. A search engine optimisation enterprise claims top 10 positioning your site with the it can be information into and simply experience in Search marketing services location.

Such a Motor optimization understanding start and simply sensational valuable experience insures your web sites top 10 positioning your site in relation to almost all critical search engines together with 100% full top 10 positioning your site during regional online research motors bridal shower invitations identical.If you think knowledgeable will be conceived, internet marketing is rather a vital plan in which a assortment of search engine optimization and simply mental business enterprise involves usually are contented suitably. Consumer credit card debt would need huge search engine optimization competencies and simply complete drive created by choices unpredictable moment and simply capabilities. A range of promotions do the job with one another assuring intensifying qualified {traffic|visitors


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Farrell to Discuss Legal Topics with Women Business ... - ZRFM Law

Monday, March 26th, 2012

Ryan P. Farrell, a partner at Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle, will speak on ?Business Law for Women Business Owners? at an April 3 event in Crystal Lake. The presentation takes place at Exemplar Financial Network, 413 E. Terra Cotta Ave. (Route 176), between 6:30 and 8 p.m.

Farrell?s talk will focus on legal issues and topics frequently encountered by women entrepreneurs, whether they are acquiring, operating or looking to sell a company. He will include comments on the advantages of certain business entities, the benefits of women?s business enterprises, the pitfalls of being an employer, incentive compensation, and succession planning.

Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle is the largest law firm in McHenry County, Illinois. ?Farrell is a Certified Public Accountant who practices primarily in corporate business law, banking, taxation, estate planning, employee benefits, real estate and local government law. More detailed information about his credentials is available in Ryan Farrrell?s biography.

Exemplar Financial Network works with financial professionals who are looking to take their business to the next level. To learn more about Farrell?s presentation, please view the information on Exemplar Financial Network?s registration page.


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