Friday, February 24, 2012

Pseudonymous Mobile Messaging App Vibe Acquired By Betaworks

vibeBack during the heyday of #OccupyWallStreet in New York City (before winter dispersed most of the protestors there), an iPhone app?called Vibe?became popular among that community. It allows people to post messages, photos, and videos within a geo-fenced radius?everything from a "whisper" (visible only to people within 165 feet) to a "bellow" (visible worldwide). The messages can be set to expire and users can post with a pseudonym or link the app to their Twitter account. Vibe is the creation of Hazem Sayed, and his two-person startup was acquired by betaworks last December. Betaworks never announced the deal, but I've been able to confirm it. Sayed and at least one other person who worked on Vibe now work at betaworks. The deal was likely in the low six figures, with betaworks now owning a majority of Vibe.


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