Friday, February 17, 2012

PETA Says Abusing Animals is Wrong but Abusing Women is Humorous (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | The folks at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals enjoy creating controversy in the name of animal rights. And they've done it again with a new 30-second ad on its website. Unfortunately, this time they've gone too far.

In this ad, we see a half-naked woman walking down the street in a neck brace and shirt. She appears dazed and distraught. As the voiceover explains, her boyfriend went vegan and, well, the sex was so rough, this is the result. The woman arrives home with a bag of groceries filled with fruits and vegetables. The moral of the story: Vegan men have such powerfully intense sex, it'll rough you up and you'll love it.

Personally, after seeing this ad, I'll stick to guys who prefer cheeseburgers to tofu, thank you.

According to the New York Daily News, PETA claims the ad is "humorous" and supposed to show sex is more wonderfully intense with a vegan lifestyle. I claim the ad is disgusting and an example of how PETA cares more about abused cats and dogs than abused women.

One of the most common myths about domestic violence is that its victims somehow enjoy getting beat up. This is what the PETA ad is promoting. There were numerous other ways to show the same message that sex is better as a vegan rather than to show a woman so beaten up she needed a neck brace. The choice to portray such a violent image of an abused woman is misogynist at best. And furthermore, it is not "humorous."

I've always supported PETA's crusade to defend the rights of animals. I don't eat meat or wear fur. But if this means making a joke out of women being abused, I won't stand for it. I'm withdrawing my support for any organization that thinks abusing animals is criminal but abusing a woman (and her enjoying it) is somehow funny.


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