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Magnetic Energy Generator For Free Energy ? How it Works and How ...

Magnetic Energy Generator For Free Energy ? How it Works and How You Can Get One

Magnetic Energy Generator For Free Energy ? How it Works and How You Can Get One

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Home Page > Home Improvement > DIY > Magnetic Energy Generator For Free Energy ? How it Works and How You Can Get One

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Magnetic Energy Generator For Free Energy ? How it Works and How You Can Get One

By: Scott Harris
Posted: Aug 27, 2010

The magnetic energy generator was for many years nothing but an unproven concept. Today, tens of thousands of enthusiasts the world over are now making their own generators in their garages and within five to ten years the first industrial applications of this technology are expected. In this article, I?ll explain what one is, how it works and how you can get access to this technology for yourself.

What Is A Magnetic Energy Generator?

A magnetic energy generator is a device that harnesses the intrinsic properties of magnets to drive a motor at near-zero cost. The motion of the motor can then be converted into electricity (much like a gasoline generator converts engine motion into electricity).

Unlike other generators, you need only input a tiny amount of energy to get out much, much more. This is all thanks to the properties of magnets.

What Is The Science Behind It And How Does It Work?

When you put one strong magnet close to another, the attraction is so strong that you may have no time to pull yours away in time before they get stuck together. Such is the intrinsic power of magnets.

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When the magnets are stuck together, everything is still. But what if you could pull the magnet away quick enough and pull along the magnet with nothing else but the force of magnetism?

This is exactly what a magnetic energy generator does. It is a simple disc shaped motor with various magnets strategically placed around the outside. When not operating, the motor is still. But if a small source of energy is put into the system then the motor will start and become self sustaining. All that was needed was the initial input of energy into the system. Unlimited energy comes out of it.

I?ve Been Told That The It Violates The Laws Of Science ? Is This True?

Many say that it violates some laws of Physics. That you cannot make unlimited energy from nothing.

Even the pioneers of this technology say that they cannot explain exactly how it works. Nobody can. What we do know is that the intrinsic properties of the magnets and the forces they are able to deliver are more than able to overcome the frictional losses of the motor. This is why the motor can easily self sustain itself.

Also, there are countless video demonstrations that have stood up to scrutiny. Hence why there are several commercial organisations that are heavily investing in this area and trying to grab as many patents as possible.

How Can I Get One?

Commercial applications will soon be able to use this technology but a product for the home market is still some 5 to 10 years away.

In the meantime, you can simply construct your own. The generator is a very simple concept and consists of no more than some fabricated parts, wiring and strong magnets. The easiest way to get started, rather than go through the trial and error of pioneers, is to get yourself a set of good plans that detail each step you must take, how to source parts for cheap and how to assemble the motor and get it running. A small investment of 50 bucks or so is much nicer than the migraine that you will get if you try to go it alone.

Scott Harris ? About the Author:

Quit paying the power company ever increasing amounts of your hard-earned cash. Get free tips on how to make your own magnetic energy generator here: Magnetic Motor Generator.



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