Friday, February 1, 2013

Antioxidants Fight Against Anxiety And Stress | Your Health Journal

By Irina Carter

stressMore likely, everybody does experiences what it seems like an unwanted tension, uneasiness, apprehension or what is generally known as anxiety. People may frequently feel anxious, worried, distressed or troubled when being faced against a certain situation or problem that totally needs a crucial decision making.

However, anxiety disorders are considered to be a completely other enormity which speaks of anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder and phobias. Generally, these assortments of expressions of anxiety can obstruct with how a person lead or live a normal life.

Often times, due to stretching out or excessive use of physical, mental and emotional strength, people experienced stress and been burned out.

Often times, due to stretching out or excessive use of physical, mental and emotional strength, people experienced stress and been burned out. Many of those who suffered from the condition do not want to incline treating their selves with pharmaceutical drugs or medicines as they are highly aware of their arduous effects that include depression, sleep disorder and loss appetite for romance or bed activity. Thus, leading them to find for a more effective treatment that could cause them no unnecessary effects as well as could not stressed their budget.

There was a study conducted last 1998 that has been made known and available to the public through the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine stating that Antioxidants have the potential or can be an aid to perk up mood of people who have been experiencing and suffering from anxiety as well as stress.

It was shown in the test, that of blood serum of men and women who have been suffering or under anxiety condition have a much low levels of antioxidant vitamins, compared to the blood levels of those men and women with normal conditions. In the same test, the result also indicates that after giving antioxidants vitamins supplements to persons with anxiety and stress, there?s a remarkable increase in their blood levels and at the same time, their depression and anxiety scores are decreasing.

In the said case study wherein a patient who has this lateral arterial problem was being subjected to a treatment featuring an antioxidant-rich products or solutions, significant progression has been observed. Despite the fact that the treatment conveys no major result on different disease levels or on cholesterol, it shows noteworthy mood improvements on the patient.

orangesAntioxidants which could help to fight contra anxiety and stress are found in foods that have high beta-carotene level as well as those rich with vitamins C and E. The best source of these foods with antioxidant presence are fruits such as pomegranate, pineapple, grapefruit, berries; vegetables like beets, peppers, kale and spinach to name some few; legumes ? soy beans and broad beans; nuts and seeds especially those of walnuts, pecans and sunflower seeds. Aside from the mentioned above, there are still other sources of Antioxidants, those that naturally coming from other agents such as selenium, zinc, and pyridoxine.

It has been studied and proven that Antioxidants plays an important role in the human body most particularly in protecting and regulating the defence systems of the body. There?s evidence implying that this property has something to do with the protection of lipoprotein cholesterol, in the process of oxidation. Also, a support epidemiological study was done, barely suggesting that high antioxidant takings could result to a reduced threat of heart associated diseases.

Antioxidants extremely help a person to fight from her/his anxiety and or stress by protecting the body?s polyunsaturated fatty acids from the process called peroxidation that also influence atherogenesis, which is associated to depression and even cognitive impairment of elderly men. Having just limited or insufficient levels of some antioxidant compounds, zinc, pyridoxine, ascorbic acids, selenite and more, are most likely associated with anxiety, depression, decreased appetite and etc.

vitaminsIn conclusion, the supplementation of antioxidant vitamins as well as food supplements can be a very useful and effective way for the treatment of individuals who have been in the quest of their anxiety, stress and depression condition. For those who are not yet aware of its essentials, Antioxidants serve as adjuvant remedy for those with stress-associated and psychiatric disorders.

There is a way to fight for the biochemical transformation which will highly occur as the effect of stress. Antioxidant is one that can be counted on in defending the biological system. Antioxidants in the form of Vitamin E and C; beta-carotene, these are used to fight stress and anxiety with their possible negative effects.

- Irina Carter is the author of the site: Generic Viagra where you can get a valuable run-down about ways of men?s problems and its medications. She loves writing about men?s health, supplements, nutrition, fitness and beauty.


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