Monday, May 21, 2012

Time Off to Interview

From our Discussion Forum - Time Off to Interview: "I'm struggling with a boss, the type that will think you are great one day and then next she can only find fault in what you do. It has been getting worse and I have decided to leave my job. I've been on a few interviews but it is getting very hard to find creative ways to get off work to go to a job interview."

Check the comments (below) for suggestions and add yours, if you have a creative solution for taking time off to interview. So far, we have using vacation or sick time, trying to arrange the interview early in the morning, late in the day, or after work, transporting a friend to the airport - and even burglary! Here are more excuses to use when you need to take time off to interview.

Have a Good Excuse? Share a Good Excuse for Missing Work

Interviewing Resources

berkshire hathaway ufc 144 james jones james jones aladdin black forest ufc 144 fight card

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