Thursday, June 30, 2011

Phobia ? There's Nothing Simple About It

Starting a new job, moving to a different neighborhood, Christmas dinner with relatives or joining a local club should raise nothing else but positive emotions ? yet for some of us they can bring about sweaty palms and that dry mouth feeling.

Sure, you want that new home. You?re all excited about being on your own but the moment you sign the mortgage papers, these surprising stomach churning sensation show up. That?s called feeling anxious. There?s nothing wrong to experience it especially that it usually it passes in a matter of minutes or days. The fact that it passes makes the bigger difference between anxiety and anxiousness.

Fear and stress reactions are crucial for human survival. It can help prepare the body for action, thus improve performance in a range of situations but it also enables people to pursue important goals. But in some cases anxiety becomes a great problem especially if this feeling comes out of nowhere and linger for no rational reason persistently interfering with a daily life. That?s a first sign of an anxiety disorder.

The anxiety disorder is much more than nervous anticipation or tension. It?s a broad term for a variety of conditions but all of them base on fears that are irrational or not based on fact and amount of willpower or ?just get over it? advice can change the way a person feels.

When the persistent anxiety is focused on a particular type of object, animal, activity idea or situation, it?s called a specific or simple phobia. If you suffer from any of these conditions, then you know it doesn?t feel ?simple? at all.

The person with a specific phobia may show with mild anxiety and even panic behavior when confronted with the prospect of facing the fearful situation. He or she doesn?t even have to be close to potential danger but the thought of this possibility can trigger variety of reactions, including the feeling of being immobilized and overwhelmed with alarm.

One in ten adults has some kind of specific or simple phobia. Common phobias include the fear of blood, dark, water, high places, bridges, flying, crowds, certain animals and bugs or lightening. Specific Phobia may have its onset in childhood, and is often brought on by a traumatic event but most of them end by adolescence. However if a specific phobia start in teen or young adult years there?s a greater chance it?s going to chase you for a long time.

If your phobia doesn?t really impact your life that much, it?s probably nothing to be concerned about. For example: if you live in the big city and are deathly afraid of snakes it shouldn?t create a big problem since the chance of running into one is minimal. But if avoidance of some specific object or situation interferes with your normal functioning and keeps you from doing things you would otherwise enjoy, it?s about time to seek professional help to reclaim control of your life.


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