Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The ecological consequences of offshore drilling

Offshore drilling is a rule in which the action of underground mineral resources in the earth beneath the sea floor slouching near the coast. Normally, the term "offshore drilling" used to express the process of extracting oil from the continental coasts, although the term can also be used with the holes in the seas and lakes. The first offshore drilling was in the 19th Century, which ends in Baku in the field of "Bibi-Eibat" and performed in the year 1896"Summerland" field on the California coast. Oil and gas production in the sea is the most difficult and that the floor and a large part of the improvement of the offshore oil industry revolves around meeting these challenges. This is a high demand ", are structures of the team must be kept above the sea level." Of

This can be achieved on the sea floor with great buildings and their foundations, as a "troll" ? a room in one platformDepth of 300 meters. With a height of 472 meters, can be recognized as the largest man-made furniture. Kind from other types of floating platforms anchored to the seabed. These floating platforms to trim the cost of construction, but additional measures are needed to reset the apparatus and pull-out due to the strong waves. In both groins of oil, add the sea several hundred feet to the drill column in the growing LNG "Bottom HolePressure ", and the increasing amount of energy needed to remove sand and cuts for oil from the sand separation on the lift. In modern times, as the focus of the subsea oil companies to the maximum production of devices to share such behavior to the sand of oil and sand before re-injection pump up to the platform. In this process there are no facilities visible above the sea level.

Subsea installations to improve the oil industry, exploiting the natural resourcesGradually, the deep waters that were previously inaccessible. It handles multiple challenges in relation to sea ice, as in the Barents Sea.

These rigs with crew logistics and human resources challenges

A ridge offshore oil can also be more or less like a small world can be defined with the support utilities such as cafeteria, maintenance and administrative center of offshore wind farms. In the North Sea are the people transported by helicopter to a platform2 weeks in use. This in turn means that air pollution increased. Materials and wastes are transported by ship, and it should be cautious because of insufficient range to maneuver on the platform. To date, it exerts tremendous efforts in the movement of staff recruited to the ground.

In the open sea and its importance

The continental boundaries, the geographic area of ??the misleading and off a coast have become increasingly important for theNatural gas and oil industry last century. The continental boundaries is composed of three parts:

1) The continental shelf consists of a low water depth is rarely more than 200 meters or 656 meters only, and is extended to the sea at a distance from the coast of the sea, 20 kilometers or 12.3 miles at a speed of 400 statute km anchored 249 miles or statute.
2) The continental slope, where the seabed drops at the bottom of the canyon up to 5 km or 3.1 miles,and
3) The continental rise that dives to the sea surface from the base of the continental slope and ready to be washed sediment at the bottom track is discharged.

Environmental Issues

There are a variety of environmental risks, which are allied with offshore natural gas and oil discovery and production. Among them many things, such as waste or leakage of toxic substances into the sea, damage toat poachers marine life and assist in the rapid extinction of many rare species, if they intentionally or unintentionally damage to the coastal home because of the structure and functions of the mass of infrastructure and tax base impact on coastal residents.

Oil pollution and shares the structure of the plumage of the birds metabolism by reducing the level of insulation, so that the birds are susceptible to temperature fluctuations and weaken theirBuoyancy. It also damages the ability of the bird that it is difficult or impossible to escape predators. In an attempt to groom the birds swallow usually oil, which lead to kidney damage, liver dysfunction and respiratory tract irritation. This limited foraging ability quickly differences due to lack of fluids and metabolic. Most of the birds from an oil spill is excessive pass, unless there is human participation in the rescue.

Marine mammals exposed to oilLeaks are similar exaggerated, such as seabirds. The oil coats the fur of the "Sea otters and seals," reducing their isolation capacity, which leads to frequent fluctuations in body temperature and hypothermia. The oil-supply leads to an "impairment of digestion and dewatering." In the United States only offshore oil rigs and pipelines damaged about 1.9 million gallons of precious oil paid in U.S. waters. There are a total of 224 accidents reported in severeLoss of oil during 1990-1999, an average of 500 liters / day.

Offshore drilling also caused a significant amount of air pollution. As for the investigation of the NOAA National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration {} is shown that all offshore rigs produce only about ? 215,000 of air pollutants per year. A discovery of oil or natural gas is very much standard about 52 tons of harmful nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, 15 tons, 5 tons and 7 tons of sulfur dioxidevolatile organic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, its part in global warming, acid rain and smog, contributing country.

Shares of offshore drilling and huge amounts of toxic waste in sea water. As for the revelations of the National Academy of Sciences} {NAS creates a single source of oil 1500 ? 2000 tons of toxic substances, which will be released into sea water. Debris from cuttings, the stones on the ground in pieces from the top areand mud brought to the drilling platform. This slurry is made from toxic metals like "lead, cadmium and mercury." Other hazardous waste such as "benzene, arsenic, zinc and other known carcinogens and radioactive substances" are regular, without restriction of "produced water".

In 1960, the United States of America witnessed an escalation of environmental awareness that the time has fixed for the development of the environment has veryLegislation, policies and orders of the Board, that too much oil and gas activities "of federal offshore" areas have. All natural gas and oil are required to subject all the way through a large number of environmental reviews, federal, state, in addition to the local authorities. Federal authorities have a responsibility in regulating and synchronizing the environmental laws of the United States includes the "DOI, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department ofCommerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). "

To protect the waters of the United States, has introduced several environmental acts by the government to regulate the companies. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969-The National Environmental Policy Act by Congress in 1969 was legally on the "funnel effect on the environmentShock of the events with several logical alternatives to the action with the help of modern tools such as environmental assessments, environmental impact assessment (EIS) and categorical exclusion reviews appear. An EIS is oriented for each lease sale held by the MMS.

Clean Air Act, all Emerging pollutants from industrial activities are first exhibited at the federal level by the Clean Air Act {} CAA by the U.S. Congress in synchronized1970. Early and present oil and gas facilities, the planning and design as part of their development plans and complete reporting of events and chemicals harmful to the publication of the data show, required in accordance with the CAA.

Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ? The Coastal Zone Management Act was enacted in 1972 requires the establishment to preserve profession, protect, develop, and restore or enhance the resources of the coastal United States. ThisLaw encourages coastal states an individual coastal zone management plan for the coast of the United States and finds a design review of federal actions, which monitors the use of land and water in coastal areas. The uniformity clause of this Act grants states the right not appose any action federal judges are familiar with the permission of the coastal plan. As for the NOAA in 2003 34 of 35 coastal states and U.S. territories were on the agenda and helpthe current situation as nearly 99% of the coast of the United States was covered by the approved plans.

Clean Water Act of 1977 ? The law was with the intention to help control water pollution sea units, set the environment back into force. The Clean Water Act, 1977 (CWA1977) is the primary law, especially the release of pollutants into all waters of the United States. The EPA requires that a "national system of emissions permit Elimination (NPDES)" must be acquired beforeany discharge of pollutants.

As the current situation, enjoying the man the pros and cons of technology and know-how in order with regard to the dependence on polluting oil and gas production with hygienic, safe and affordable renewable energy sources such as wind turbines, etc. progress as a substitute for good rely on unpredictable sources of oil and gas, there is an obligation to adapt the technology to ward off higher energy needs today and well into the future. There is also aneed to identify all the resources like offshore drilling which creates hazardous situations for the environment and need to substitute them. To cope up with the escalating energy needs of US, it is not right to destroy the atmosphere.


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