Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Open Laboratory 2013 - submissions so far

It is now expected by the science blogosphere that I post the full updated listing of all the submissions every Monday morning. This serves as a reminder for bloggers to submit their (and other people?s) posts, and to some extent prevents duplicate entries. But most importantly, it presents a growing listing of some of the most exciting work on science blogs. This is a weekly post where bloggers can discover each other and discover blogs they were not previously aware of. Thus it is also a promotion for all the bloggers involved.

The submission form for the 2013 edition of Open Lab is now open. Any blog post written since October 1, 2011 is eligible for submission. We will close the form on October 1st, 2012.

We accept essays, stories, poetry, cartoons/comics, and original art.

Once you are done submitting your own posts, you can start looking at the others?, including on aggregators like, and

You can buy the last five annual collections here. You can read Prefaces and Introductions to older editions here.

Help us spread the word by displaying these badges (designed by Doctor Zen):

<a href=?><img src=?></a>

Or take the Open Lab 2011 submission bookmarklet ? Open Lab ? and drag the link to your browser?s toolbar to have it always handy as you browse around science blogs.


3 Quarks Daily (Julia Galef): My Little Pony: Reality is Magic!

The II-I- blog: We, the pioneers.
The II-I- blog: The Great Revolution

Bug Girl?s Blog: How to get free media coverage for a bogus beehive design
Bug Girl?s Blog: Transcript of my ESA talk about Social Media

Cocktail Party Physics: The Science of Mysteries: Of Granular Material and Singing Sands

Cosmic Variance (Sean Carroll): Everything is Connected

Deep Sea News (Dr. Alistair Dove): On common names

DiverseScholar: #SCIO12 Policy Report: Academia is Productive but Messy ? Effects on (Mis)Communication

Gaines, on Brains: Seeing into the future? The neuroscience of d?j? vu

Green Tea and Velociraptors: What is a Fossil Species..?

io9 (Maria Konnikova): What Happens When Alice and Anti-Alice Meet? (A Celebration of Lewis Carroll?s 180th Birthday)
io9 (Annalee Newitz): You are bitching about the wrong things when you read an article about science

Listen to Us!: Moby the Manta Ray

Magma Cum Laude: This is what a geologist looks like

My Growing Passion: When Plants Parasitise Fungi: myco-heterotrophy

Neurotic Physiology: Do you love Science? Well, that depends, do you like sleep?
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: Does your menstrual blood attract BEARS?!
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: Laptops and WIFI are coming for your SPERM. Again.

Powered by Osteons: Line on the left, one cross each: Bioarchaeology of Crucifixion
Powered by Osteons: A Brief History of Bioarchaeology ? Part I: America
Powered by Osteons: Lead Poisoning in Rome ? The Skeletal Evidence

The Scicurious Brain: Cocaine and the sexual habits of quail, or, why does NIH fund what it does?

Science Sushi: Evolution: The Rise of Complexity
Science Sushi: Time ? and brain chemistry ? heal all wounds
Science Sushi: The Joke Isn?t Funny ? It?s Harmful

Skulls in the Stars: Fran?ois Arago: the most interesting physicist in the world!

Social Dimension: New Ways to Measure Science
Social Dimension: The Fractal Dimension of ZIP Codes

The Starving Neuron: Fooled by the senses.
The Starving Neuron: 24 hours in the lab
The Starving Neuron: Bad behaviour

We Beasties: Allergies 101
We Beasties: Allergies 101 ? Part deux
We Beasties: Allergies 101: Part the Third

Words in mOcean: I?m a marine biologist, but sometimes I wish that what I did sounded a bit less interesting?


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