Monday, July 1, 2013

Tablets most often used for consuming video on the sofa


Android tablet users, what smartphone do you use? graph of japanese statisticsMobile Marketing Data Laboratory recently conducted a survey with a lot of useful data points, looking at tablet device issues.


Between the 18th and 20th of June 2013 568 members of the MMD research panel who were also users of both tablets and smartphones completed a private internet-based questionnaire. The ages were between 20 and 59 years old, but no further information was provided.

There?s a lot of great data here that I?ve been hoping to get my hands on for a while. Over 20% of Android tablet users being iPhone owners is not a surprise to me; given that the iPhone is the biggest-selling smartphone in Japan it is statistically quite normal (I think!) that there is such a split. However, I would like to know why iPhone users chose an Android tablet, or did Android tablet users choose the iPhone? At a guess, I would say that price would be the deciding factor, but I wonder how many of those choosing an Android did have a significant investment in iTunes and app purchases? Perhaps next time we can get answers to these questions.

Research results

Q1A: iPad users, what smartphone do you use? (Sample size=355)

Apple iPhone 68.5%
Sony Xperia 9.0%
Sharp Aquos Phone 4.2%
Samsung Galaxy 4.2%
Other 14.0%

Q1B: Android tablet users, what smartphone do you use? (Sample size=213)

Apple iPhone 21.1%
Sony Xperia 19.2%
Samsung Galaxy 10.8%
Sharp Aquos Phone 9.9%
Other 39.0%

Q2: Where or when do you use your tablet and smartphone? (Sample size=568, multiple answer)

? Tablet Smartphone
When relaxing at home 71.5% 51.6%
When watching television 37.7% 33.5%
When passing free time outside 37.1% 63.9%
At a cafe, restaurant 31.2% 50.7%
While riding a train, bus, airplane 31.0% 65.1%
For work, studying 26.4% 26.9%
While waiting for a train, bus, airplane 25.7% 58.3%
At break times at work, school 23.6% 47.2%
When working outside the office 22.4% 29.2%
When cooking in the kitchen 20.8% 13.4%
During meals at home 11.3% 14.6%
In the bath 7.4% 11.3%
Other 8.8% 9.3%

Q3: What genres of apps do you use on your tablet at least once a week? (Sample size=568, multiple answer)

Video 43.8%
Weather 39.3%
SNS 34.7%
News 30.1%
Game 28.5%
Electronic book, magazine 25.9%
Lifestyle 25.5%
Work efficiency 25.4%
Navigation 20.4%
Photos, home video 19.7%
Catalogue 18.8%
Dictionary 16.7%
Entertainment 15.0%
Travel 14.4%
Free voice calls, chat 14.1%
Education 13.7%
Utility 13.4%
Business 11.8%
Music 10.7%
Health care, fitness 10.4%
Sports 8.5%
Finance 8.1%
Medical 3.9%
Other 3.0%
None in particular 12.1%

Q4: Do you share your tablet with your family? (Sample size=568)

No, have exclusive use 59.3%
Yes, share it 40.7%
Read more on: mmd laboratory,tablet



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