Thursday, January 5, 2012

Carl Peterson involved in interviewing Fisher as coach

By Staff Writer January 3, 2012 03:07 PM

Carl Peterson, the former Kansas City football czar and long-time friend of Dolphins owner Steve Ross, is involved in the interviewing of the new Dolphins head coach, two sources said on Tuesday.

Peterson stepped off the helicopter that landed at Dolphins headquarters in Davie with Ross and candidate Jeff Fisher, the sources said.

It's not known whether this means Peterson will have an active role in the franchise or if he's simply doing this as a favor for Ross and general manager Jeff Ireland. On Monday, Ireland announced he and Ross were formulating their plan to carry out the interviews.

Ross said a few weeks ago that he hadn't discussed a role with Peterson and that Ireland was his general manager.

The Dolphins announced just after 3 p.m. the interview with Fisher was completed.

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