Sunday, July 31, 2011

Can I Include Back Owed Income Taxes in My Bankruptcy?

Many people who are filing for bankruptcy wonder if they are able to have back owed income taxes discharged during the bankruptcy process. The short answer is: Maybe. The type of bankruptcy you are filing will determine whether you can include back owed income taxes in your bankruptcy, or not. Educating yourself on the different items that can ? and cannot ? be included in your bankruptcy filing can help you make the most informed decision about your finances, and determine whether it really is economically wise to proceed with such a drastic step.

Back Owed Income Taxes and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

In most cases, all income tax debts are discharged when you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but other taxes such as payroll tax will still be owed.

Income taxes must meet all of the following requirements if they are to be discharged when filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy:

  • They are solely income taxes ? no payroll taxes, trust fund taxes, or any type of debt you?ve accumulated because of a penalty from fraud
  • Taxes were assessed a minimum of 240 days before you filed for bankruptcy
  • The taxes are due three years from the date of your bankruptcy filing
  • Your tax returns were filed at least 2 years before filing for bankruptcy
  • You have not committed any type of fraud or are guilty of tax evasion
  • You have proof that you filed your tax returns for the last four years

Back Owed Income Taxes and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, only some of your back taxes may be discharged and most have to be repaid over the next three to five years. You will be set up with a repayment plan that usually runs three years, unless you are making less than the state median income, in which case it will be about five years.

Income taxes must meet all of the following requirements if they are to be discharged when filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy:

As you can see, it?s not very easy to have your income taxes discharged when you are filing bankruptcy. It is in your best interest to work with a bankruptcy attorney to determine what types of debts can be discharged, and what you need to do to request a discharge of income taxes owed.

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Tags: back taxes, drastic step, filing for bankruptcy, state median income


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Israel seeking formula for Palestinian talks (AP)

UNITED NATIONS ? Israel's defense minister says his government is trying to find "a formula" that will enable Mideast peace mediators to agree on a way to revive Israeli-Palestinian talks.

Ehud Barak told reporters after meeting U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday: "I cannot promise you that it will happen, but we are still trying to do our best to enable it."

Diplomats from the so-called "Quartet" ? the U.S., U.N., European Union and Russia ? failed earlier this month to find a basis for moving the peace process forward.

"We are still trying to find a formula that will enable understanding between the members of the Quartet in a way that will enable resumption of negotiations," Barak said.


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Good Affiliate Marketing Books | BP Web Marketing

Article by Mario Pesce

If you want to start your business as an Affiliate, you need to learn how to promote it and what to do to achieve success. A good way to learn is to read some affiliate marketing books written by expert authors.

A list of good books that you can easily find on Amazon is the following:

1. Make a Fortune Promoting Other People?s Stuff Online: How Affiliate Marketing Can Make You Rich by Rosalind Gradner. The author writes with firsthand experience and shows you how to identify a niche with a huge market, how to research and understand that market, and how to sell the benefits of the products that you represent.

2. The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing on the Web: How to Use and Profit from Affiliate Marketing Programs by Bruce C. Brown. A customer review describes it as his favorite affiliate management book, because it covers a lot of tips and new content for those of us who are managing/leading affiliate driven businesses. The book is comprehensive and includes many how-to resources and strategies.

3. How I made my first Million on the Internet and how you can too! by Ewen Chia. The author is a successful Internet marketer who lives in Singapore and, even if English is not his mother tongue, has been very successful marketing in English speaking countries. The book is a collection of practical experiences and suggestions about developing a successful business.

4. Internet Riches: The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires by Scott C. Fox. This book has more than 100 customer reviews. Many describe it as awesome because the author details what others have done to achieve success, the steps one must take and the work involved in each kind of online business, the different types of business and what business model is most suitable to each kind. This book is perfect for those who need to know more about what exactly it entails and how one would make a business like this profitable.

5. A Practical Guide to Affiliate Marketing: Quick Reference for Affiliate Managers & Merchants by Evgenii Prussakov. This book was written by someone who has actually managed affiliate programs successfully. It?s obvious that he speaks from experience when he gives specific details about how to manage every aspect of your program, including how to structure a sales promotion. One of the customer reviews describes the book as the BEST business book he ever read.

6. Niche Internet Marketing: The Secrets To Exploiting Untapped Niche Markets And Unleashing A Tsunami Of Cash by Leigh Burke. The book is a great resource. It is perfect for the beginner or experienced Internet marketer. In order to be successful you must find a profitable niche. This is a good niche marketing book useful to anybody who want to learn about the subject and the steps.

7, Keys to Affiliate Profits: How to Profit from Affiliate Marketing on the Internet by Barry Richardson. A good guide

You will find many other Affiliate marketing books and plenty of Affiliate marketing ebooks, I hope that the list above can be useful as a starting point for your own research.

About the Author

Mario Pesce is a Computer consultant who has become very interested on the Internet.He has become actively involved in Affiliate Marketing and Home Business and publishes a blog on this subject with url can also visit the website


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Friday, July 29, 2011

Opinions on the Playstation Move (PC MW2 Gameplay/Commentary ...

Another commentary featuring my thoughts and opinions on the PS Move, which I got last week. Let me know what you think. There is a giveaway video. The giveaway will end August 1st. ______ Follow me on Twitter: Contact Info: XFIRE ? eoxz Steam ? katanagfx Skype ? katanagfx Tags: Sony PS Move Sony Playstation move pc mw2 call of duty modern warfare 2 codmw2 montage commentary tutorial katanahd katanagfx eoxzhd voxelgaming first impressions opinions technology tech media motion gaming wii xbox 360 kinect microsoft playstation 3 ps3

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Fashion ED Hardy match with Abercrombie | coach adjustable strap ...

Article by Rowlin

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Norway's 'lone-wolf' attacks stir angst in Europe (AP)

OSLO, Norway ? Norway casts it as the isolated act of a lone-wolf terrorist whose boasts of a far-flung network of anti-Muslim warriors were the fantasies of a deranged mind.

European officials at an emergency counter-terror meeting see a continent-wide threat from right-wing extremists amid mounting Islamophobia ? and warn of possible copycats.

Two visions of the Norway atrocity emerged Thursday as Europe gropes for answers following the massacre that claimed 78 lives.

The twin attacks carried out by Anders Behring Breivik have stirred questions in Europe about whether authorities have neglected the threat of right-wing extremists in their push to crack down on Islamist terror groups after 9/11.

Security officials insist they have not, and statistics from the European police agency Europol show no surge in right-wing terror.

Still, many politicians saw the Norway attacks as a violent expression of a far-right populist movement that has swept anti-Muslim parties calling for strict immigration limits into parliaments across the continent.

At an emergency meeting in Brussels, European Union counterterrorism officials warned radicals who share Breivik's ideology might be tempted to follow his lead.

"Clearly, one major risk is that somebody may actually try to mount a similar attack as a copycat attack or as a way of showing support," said Tim Jones, principal adviser to the EU's counterterrorism coordinator. In September, EU interior ministers are to meet to discuss responses to the Norway massacre.

Across Europe, far-right groups were quick to distance themselves from the Norway attacker. Geert Wilders of the Netherlands' right-wing Party for Freedom tweeted: "Terrible attack in Oslo, many innocent victims of violent, sick mind."

But some political leaders in Holland, which like Norway has grappled with an increasingly fractious debate about Muslim integration, said firebrand anti-Islamic rhetoric can fire the mind of a man like Breivik, who referred to Wilders repeatedly in his sprawling manifesto.

"Wilders has now distanced himself," said Dutch Labor Party head Job Cohen. "But I think it's good to realize that your words do have an effect ? and that goes for all politicians, including Wilders. They can influence people and play a role in all kinds of ways."

Ahead of Thursday's emergency counter-terror meeting, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom spoke of a "huge lack of political leadership" in allowing right-wing sentiment to bleed into mainstream society.

"Blaming Islam or immigration for all sorts of problems has become normal," Malmstrom told the Brussels-based European Voice newspaper. She cited a "permissive climate" in which such views "are no longer seen as extreme."

German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said Germany's intelligence agencies had far-right groups under "intensive" surveillance, but there was a greater risk in extremists like Breivik who operate alone and under the radar.

"Among the right extremists, we know of some who could be dangerous. But they're not the problem ? those who we have an eye on ? but rather those who radicalize in secret," he told the Rheinische Post.

European security officials, on high alert following the July 22 attacks against Norway's government and a Labor Party youth camp, say no information has emerged to support Breivik's claim of belonging to a shadowy group of modern-day crusaders against Islam, with cells all over Europe.

The head of Norwegian security service PST said the 32-year-old Breivik, most likely did it all on his own ? concocting, planning, and executing the massacre with near-total precision, and without telling anyone else of his murderous designs.

"He's devoted his life to this mission, if you can call it a mission," PST director Janne Kristiansen told The Associated Press.

She said Norway's laws, with strict limits on when and how the government is allowed to spy on its citizens, may have to be changed to give authorities a better chance to detect lone wolves who live an outwardly lawful and moderate lifestyle.

"We will sit down and go through all our laws and regulations. Can we do something differently?" Kristiansen said. "We will do that with our sister agencies all over Europe. I'm certain that my colleagues want to talk to me about 'What can we do if we are in the same position?'"

Breivik has admitted he set off a car bomb in the government district of Oslo, killing at least eight people, then carried out a shooting spree at the ruling Labor Party's annual youth camp on nearby Utoya island, where 68 people died, many of them teenagers.

Magnus Norell, a terror expert at the Swedish Defense Research Agency, cautioned against drawing far-reaching conclusions about the strength of right-wing groups from the attacks.

There is a risk that Breivik's actions could inspire like-minded extremists to try something similar. "But it's highly unlikely that this would trigger a wave of lone wolves who could pull off this type of complicated operation," he said. "It remains difficult to do this kind of thing yourself."

In a manifesto released just before the attacks, Breivik describes in detail how he secured weapons and bomb-making ingredients, including six tons of fertilizer. Most plots fail during that stage, experts say. But Breivik had the discipline to stay totally mum about his plans, which is highly unusual.

"The Norwegians have his computer," said Bob Ayers, a London-based former U.S. intelligence officer. "If there was significant dialogue, there would have been a footprint. Acting alone gave him the advantage of not being watched by security personnel."

Security officials in Norway, Germany and Britain said they had found nothing to support Breivik's claims of belonging to a network bent on starting a revolution aimed at ridding Europe of Muslims.

"The Norwegian authorities have said they haven't found any links to Britain that are of concern," a Scotland Yard spokeswoman said on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to speak about ongoing police inquiries. "We wouldn't contradict that."

Still, police were on high alert across Europe. Finnish officers said they had arrested an 18-year-old man who ordered 22 pounds (10 kilograms) of fertilizer from Poland to make explosives. Police said the case appeared to have no connection to the Norway massacre; the national broadcaster YLE cited police as saying the man told them he wanted to make fireworks.

Kristiansen, the Norwegian security chief, said Breivik appeared to be a unique case.

"It's a unique person. He is total evil," she said.

The national sense of heartbreak is being renewed daily as police slowly release names of the dead. Twenty-four names were added to the list late Thursday, including 23-year-old Tamta Lipartelliani of Georgia, who Georgian officials said was found in waters near the island.


Melvin reported from Brussels. Paisley Dodds in London, David Rising in Berlin, Arthur Max in Amsterdam, Jim Heintz and Louise Nordstrom in Stockholm and Ian MacDougall and Bjoern H. Amland in Oslo contributed to this report.


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In LOVE & WAR Online: Post-Divorce Dating Club? Launches Nationally

Post-Divorce Dating Club? Launches Nationally
A new community dedicated to helping re-singles mix, mingle, & maybe meet, launches nationally

The Post-Divorce Dating Club? (PDDC), a division of the Post-Divorce Group LLC, launched its website today for divorced, separated or people who have been in a long term committed relationship. PDDC combines both online dating with offline Miixzee's?, seminars, coaching, matchmaking, and post-divorce resources and services to help build a comprehensive support network around individuals looking to move past their divorce.

The PDDC was founded by Lee Block, a divorced mom of two, after she discovered the difficulty divorcees encountered when seeking out quality dating partners. Block is the author of The Post-Divorce Chronicles, a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, and a post-divorce coach as well. According to Block, CEO of the Post-Divorce Group LLC, ?I noticed a common recurring theme that ran through my sessions. Dating. I then started to think about online dating, and how when you date online, what do you get? You get men and women that come from a different place than you and don't understand the place that you are at! How do you weed through all those people to find the like minded people you want to date? You can't just throw a man or woman who was married for 15 years out to the wolves on online dating and expect them to come back without a couple of limbs missing! So, Post-Divorce Dating Club was born.?

This site offers an all encompassing community. Everyone on PDDC is divorced, in the process of divorce or has been in a long term committed relationship. Some of the services that they offer are background checks and a professional profile writing service. It only takes 5 minutes to fill out your profile on this site. PDDC also offers an offline matchmaking service that is personalized and one on one.

The services and resources directory is searchable by city and state and there are several ways to learn online through teleseminars and webinars, as well as expert bloggers that cover topics ranging from relationships to finance. The offline Miixzee's?, where you can learn and mingle in a relaxed atmosphere, will be slowly starting up in major cities across the United States as the site grows and there is also a forum where you can chat and give suggestions for the site.

According to Block, ?This community is growing quickly and the feedback has been excellent. We pride ourselves on our customer service and providing a safe place for re-singles to date and get to know each other. We are a positive upbeat unbeatable and downright unbelievable community for re-singles who want to mingle!?

PDDC is offering the first 500 people who join a free 6 month membership through August 15, 2011. For more information about the PDDC, please email lee(at)postdivorcedatingclub(dot)com or visit the website at


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cane Furniture ? alright varieties of private fixtures for your home

The alternatives?and?conclusive?range?for?Cane conservatory furniture?is terribly?from time to time?an issue?of?imperative?discernment.?you have to?maintain?certain?facets?under consideration?whilst?searching?them.?vital?among them?is always that?the items?will have?a constant?outer?display?that can?retreat?them?wiped out?with?for the period of?a?peppered?state of affairs?within?a short?duration. Thus, you will need?a choice of?chairs?over and above?tables that are?potent?enough?to resist?display?to?average?issues?along with?continue?such?for longer?intervals.

an additional?topical?element?of?garden?household furniture?is?delicate?together with?secure?forms?in?this?varieties. The chairs should be?cosy?in addition?restful?for the?enjoyment?hours?that you?fork out?for the period of?the?open air?spaces?of?the house;?too, they should add?grace?to?the position?sites?like the?yard?or the?terrace?over and above?the portico.?the essential?outline?should be?colorful?and mix?well?on top of?the surroundings?in the process.

those?good points?are?adequately?present in?types?of?cane?home furniture?that is?chiefly?crafted?together with?composed?for outside?parts of?a house. This is?derived from?the?naturally?available?stalks?with?stems of?hands?trees.those?are?awfully?good?and durable. There is?a number?internal?patterns?that are?bejeweled?over and above?elaborate?methods?of the weave of the cane fibers.?you will find?specially?intended?chairs?for added?indulgence?in additioncalm ease.?there are?sofas?that have?prime?backrests?and also?a continuity of the weave?to make?widespread?along with?broader?arm resting?destinations?on chairs. It?designs?a complete?reinforce?for?the head?and?the?gonealongside?your?complete?arms?just?anytime?you need it the?main.

there are?other forms?of?patterns?during?cane?household furniture?that can be?an attractive?appendage?to the?external?parts of?your private home?? the?terrace,?patio, verandah or even the?lawn?over and above?the?lawn. If you have a swimming?pool?in your own home, you can?make your mind up?for loungers that?are made?of the same fibers.?these kinds of?are available?for the duration of?a?mixed?wide range?of colours?on top of?their?unrefined?coloring?is?a light?brown?colour.?those?are?light and portable?which?tends to make?shifting?together with?disposal?them?occasionally?a lot easier.?a lightweight?coat?or spraying a disinfectant would?make sure?termites?in addition to?parasites?do not?set?for the duration of. but the?accent?of this?category?is its?sustenance?to?exterior?situation?? it can?ultimate?through?all the?other forms?of seasons.?


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Monday, July 25, 2011

Tesco Personal Finance- Free helpful Roadmap For Google Stock ...

Article b? Vik

Buying ??? selling stocks ?? generally a straightforward process ?ft?r opening ?? investment account. W?t? banks ??? brokers ?t?s generally ???t a case ?f a telephone call ?r visiting t???r offices f?r ?? individual meeting. Both ??? offer investment products ??? potentially information ?? t?? best way t? invest. Each stock exchange involves paying a brokerage charge.

Y?? see, w? ?????? b? unusually thankful t??t w? ?r? born ?? t??? modern generation b?????? ?f t?? existence ?f t?? internet. W?t? t?? Net, each info ( whether ?b??t tesco personal finance ?r ??? ?t??r ??k? online stock broker, investors, dow jones average today ?r even ?? 801k plans broker stocks ??? b? discovered without difficulty online, w?t? ?r??t articles ??k? t???.

Buying ??? selling stocks ?? usually a simple process ?ft?r opening ?? investment account. W?t? banks ??? brokers ?t?s customarily ???t a matter ?f a phone call ?r visiting t???r offices f?r ?? individual meeting. Both ??? offer investment products ??? m??t ??k??? advice ?? t?? r???t way t? invest. Each stock transaction involves paying a broker?s fee.

W??? potential buyers outnumber sellers, t?? price raises. Eventually, sellers attracted t? t?? high selling price enter t?? market ??? / ?r consumers leave, achieving equilibrium between purchasers ??? sellers. W??? sellers outnumber buyers, t?? price falls. Eventually customers enter ??? / ?r sellers leave, again achieving equilibrium.

BREATHER ? A? ??? pause ?? studying t??? article I ?m hoping ?t ??? ?? far provided ??? w?t? judicious information related t? tesco personal finance. Even ?f ?t hasn?t ?? far, t?? remainder w???, whether ???r interest ?? tesco personal finance immediately ?r ?t??r related angle such ?? aust stock exchange, dow jones, companies listed ?? t?? indonesia stock exchange, investing.

A situation ?? w???? stock professionals uses a methodical sort ?f research ??? give t?? intraday tips ?? ?? t? give maximum satisfaction t? t?? financiers w???? w??? ???? t??m ?? best trading. T?? intraday stock tips ??? b? short term ??? w??? depend ?? t?? expert researcher ?r investor?s outlook f?r t?? exact stock?s price.

A? owner ?f stock usually ??? ??t t?? r???t t? participate ?? t?? management ?f t?? corporation, usually thru regularly prepared backers ? ( ?r shareholders? ) meetings. Stocks vary fr?m ?t??r stocks ??k? notes ??? bonds, w???? ?r? company duties t??t ?? ??t represent ?? ownership interest ?? t?? enterprise.Blue chip stocks ?r? stocks traded ?? ?? instruments exchange ( listed stock ) t??t ???? minimum risk thanks t? t?? corporation?s financial record. Listed stock means a company ??? filed ?? application ??? registration statement w?t? both t?? Securities ??? Exchange Commission ??? a securities exchange.

Many ?f ?? hunting f?r <u>tesco personal finance</u> ???? searched online f?r wal mart stock prices, corbis, ??? even west coast stock car hall ?f fame,day trading.

Stocks selling ?t ??rt??? price below a particular level aren?t considered respectable w???? suggests t??t t?? speculators belittle t???? companies earnings, money flow, growth, ??? stability. S?m? monetary analysts disagree t??t a reverse stock split ??? achieve instant respectability.T?? desire ?f stockholders t? trade t???r stock ??? led ?? t? t?? creation ?f stock exchanges. A stock exchange ?? a body t??t offers a market ????? f?r trading shares ??? ?t??r derivatives ??? financial products.


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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dan Walters: California sales tax issue's just a sideshow (Sacramento Bee)

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BUSINESS ETHICS: Microdermabrasion in Austin

Hi ladies. How are you? Hope you are enjoying your life. I would like to share some most important product spa facial. Nowadays all women?s are using lots of beauty cosmetics because they want to looks beauty in this around world. Microdermabrasion skin treatment is better than the use cosmetics, microdermabrasion in austin which helps you to give a beauty look and develop new cells in your skin. It also gives unique approach that will give you a new outlook on how you view your skin. Using this type of treatments you people avoid removes the rough skins, dead skin and replaces them with healthy new skin cells. Peoples can see the benefits after this treatments like as wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation spots, and acne scars are minimized. Here they are providing skin texture treatment, which helps you to improve healthy glow to your skin. You peoples do not fear about if your skin have damaging while using this treatment, because they are using very well required procedure is non-invasive. So this treatment is the best and also safe for all skin types, whether sensitive or normal, and all pigmentation's skins. This type of treatment is not only for women?s; here they are also providing treatments for men?s too. They are providing two types of session treatments one is multiple and the other is single. And here the price amount is also very cheapest and reasonable. I knew you women's are very interesting to know about this then just visit this web, so for that am happy to prefer this all.


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Five unique sports to watch in the 2012 Summer Olympics (Yahoo ...

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games are scheduled to begin next July 27 in London. Millions of people around the world look forward to the Games every four years, anticipating such events as gymnastics, athletics (running, jumping, throwing, etc.), and swimming and diving. But did you know that there will actually be 26 different sports in the 2012 Olympics? Here is a look at a few of the most unique competitions included on the schedule next summer:


Before researching this article, I never knew that fencing was an Olympic sport. So imagine my surprise at learning that it is actually one of the few sports to be featured at every modern Olympic Games since they began in 1896! Three types of weapon - the Foil, Epee, and Sabre - are used in both individual and team competitions.

Fencing seems to be a very outdated sport with little relevance in modern times, yet I am somewhat intrigued by this "tense, compelling battle of wits and technique." If you're tired of watching events to see who can go faster, throw farther, or score more points, perhaps this would be a nice change of pace.

BMX Cycling

At the other extreme, BMX Cycling is the newest sport to be added to the Olympic program, making its first appearance in the 2008 Beijing Games. Many people enjoy the road, track, and mountain biking Olympic events, but the BMX competition should be even more exciting.

BMX (bicycle motocross) Cycling was inspired by the motorized version and began in the late 1960s, when motocross became popular in the U.S. The 2012 Olympians will compete on a short, specially built, very technical outdoor track with "jumps, bumps, and tightly banked corners." It should be very interesting to watch serious adult athletes performing maneuvers we usually think of as kids' tricks.

Synchronized Swimming

A fairly recent addition to the Games, debuting in 1984, Synchronized Swimming is one of only two Olympic sports contested only by women. Pairs or teams of eight swimmers perform graceful routines set to music, which are judged according to various components such as choreography, difficulty, and execution.

To me, this sport has always seemed a bit odd, though beautiful. Even though the athletes, who look more like artists or dancers, make the routines look easy, they are actually extremely challenging to perform. These women must be strong, flexible, and able to hold their breath for long periods. If it doesn't seem like a real "sport" to you, just go to your local pool and try a few of these moves, then watch next summer with renewed awe and admiration.


Growing up, badminton was a yard game we'd play casually at family barbecues, but nothing more. And when I lived in China for a couple years, I would often see university students tapping a birdie back and forth on campus after class. I never thought of it as a serious sport. However, shuttlecocks can travel as fast as 250 mph in this dynamic competition! I'm actually very excited to see how much different the game looks when true athletes are competing for the gold next summer.

Here are a few more interesting facts about this sport:

-It was named after the Duke of Beaufort's Gloucestershire residence, where the British officers who'd brought it back from India played the game in 1873.

-The best shuttlecocks are thought to be made from the feathers of the left wing of a goose, and the 2012 Olympic shuttlecocks will each be made from 16 such feathers.

-Asian countries have dominated the sport since badminton was added to the Olympics: China, Indonesia, and South Korea have won 23 of the 24 gold medals awarded since 1992.

Equestrian - Dressing, Evening and Jumping

In the 2012 Olympics, a total of 200 athletes will compete in six medal events spanning these three competitions. The sport of Equestrian is truly unique in the Games since it is the only one in which humans and animals compete together. In addition, it is the only time when men and women will compete against each other on equal terms.

I find these events curious as Olympic sports since the horses seem to be a more important component than the riders. Do they receive their own medals in the victory ceremonies? Are their names recorded in the books? Do they have to come from the nation for which they're competing? How do the horses get to London, and what kind of accommodations do they receive? Very curious, indeed.

Note: This article was written by a Yahoo! contributor. Sign up here to start publishing your own sports content.


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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gold Auto Parts Increases Social Connections with Automotive Repair

Gold Auto Parts Increases Social Connections with Automotive Repair Shops, Automotive Technicians, and Vehicle Owners

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) April 28, 2011

Gold Auto Parts, a Dallas-based remanufactured auto parts provider specializing in automotive air conditioning compressors and A/C parts, is expanding its online presence through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and a new blog.

Gold Auto Parts is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and the best in quality when it comes to re-manufactured auto parts. Gold Auto Parts is looking forward to building connections with small automotive repair shops, independent technicians, and vehicle owners looking for high quality, low cost, re-manufactured A/C compressors and parts with an outstanding warranty.

?We are very excited to start engaging and building a strong community through social networks and to connect with our customers on a much more personal level,? said Lane Weitz, who is a partner in Gold Auto Parts. ?We hope that our efforts online will result in a strong connection with people as a trusted partner for re-manufactured compressors and automotive A/C parts, and a source for valuable information within the automotive repair industry.?

Gold Auto Parts is committed to increasing the communication among automotive repair shops, automotive technicians, and vehicle owners, and that includes dedicated social media efforts.

About Gold Auto Parts Recyclers

Gold Auto Parts re-manufactures automotive AC compressors for customers worldwide. We offer a high quality product at a price you can afford! Our reliable product is backed with an industry leading warranty. We provide the compressor for your AC system repair. We are committed to superior customer service, high quality product, and the best pricing available.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

James Murdoch contradicted by his ex-legal manager (AP)

LONDON ? A British lawmaker said Friday he will ask police to investigate a claim contradicting James Murdoch's testimony he was not aware of evidence that the eavesdropping at one of his newspapers went beyond a jailed rogue reporter.

Murdoch's former legal adviser and an ex-editor say they told media mogul Rupert Murdoch's son years ago about an email that suggested the rot at the News of the World tabloid was more widespread than claimed.

News International said James Murdoch stood by his Tuesday statements to the parliamentary committee investigating the spreading phone-hacking scandal, but the allegation could deal a blow to his credibility. The Murdoch family is struggling to limit the damage from the scandal, which has already cost the media empire one of its British tabloids, two top executives and a billion-dollar bid for control of a satellite broadcaster.

Tom Watson, a lawmaker in the opposition Labour Party, told the BBC Friday he would ask "formally" for police to investigate the claim.

The conservative lawmaker who heads the committee, James Whittingdale, said James Murdoch could be called to clarify his testimony, but he said it would be in writing and the media executive would not be recalled before the committee.

Scotland Yard, which is still reeling from allegations that it turned a blind eye to the scandal, was also asked to investigate another explosive claim: That journalists bribed officers to locate people by tracking their cell phone signals.

The practice is known as "pinging" because of the way cell phone signals bounce off relay towers as they try to find reception. Jenny Jones, a member of the board that oversees the Metropolitan Police Authority, called for the inquiry into the alleged payoffs by journalists at Murdoch's now-defunct News of the World.

James Murdoch, in the grilling by lawmakers on Tuesday, batted away claims he knew the full extent of the illegal espionage at the News of the World when he approved a massive payout in 2008 to soccer players' association chief Gordon Taylor, one of the phone hacking victims.

Murdoch's News International had long maintained that the eavesdropping was limited to a single rogue reporter, Clive Goodman, and the private investigator he was working with to break into voice mails of members of the royal household.

But an email uncovered during legal proceedings seemed to cast doubt on that claim. It contained a transcript of an illegally obtained conversation, drawn up by a junior reporter and marked "for Neville" ? an apparent reference to the News of the World's chief reporter, Neville Thurlbeck.

Because it seemed to implicate others in the hacking, the email had the potential to blow a hole through News International's fiercely held contention that one reporter alone had engaged in hacking. If Murdoch knew about the email ? and was aware of its implication ? it would lend weight to the suggestion that he'd approved the payoff in an effort to bury the scandal.

Murdoch told lawmakers he was not aware of the email at the time, but in a statement late Thursday, former News International legal manager Tom Crone and former News of the World editor Colin Myler contradicted him.

"We would like to point out that James Murdoch's recollection of what he was told when agreeing to settle the Gordon Taylor litigation was mistaken," they said. "In fact, we did inform him of the 'for Neville' email which had been produced to us by Gordon Taylor's lawyers."

Almost at the same time, it announced it had fired yet another journalist in connection with the scandal ? identified in the British media as a former News of the World editor who now works at its sister newspaper, The Sun.

The request for a pinging inquiry, meanwhile, stems from an allegation made by the late Sean Hoare, a former News of the World reporter who spoke to the New York Times about skullduggery at the tabloid.

Hoare ? who was fired in 2005 ? said officers were paid nearly $500 (300 pounds) per trace. The paper cited a second unnamed former News of the World journalist as corroborating Hoare's claim.

Hoare was found dead on Monday at his home near London; police say the death is not suspicious.

Pinging joins a host of alleged media misdeeds being put under the microscope as police, politicians, and the public weigh allegations that journalists at News of the World engaged in years of lawless behavior to get scoops.

Murdoch's News Corp. is trying to keep the damage from spreading to its more lucrative U.S. holdings, including the Fox network, 20th Century Fox and the Wall Street Journal.

What began in 2005 as a slow-burning scandal over one reporter's efforts to spy on voice mails left on the phones of Britain's royal household has exploded into a crisis that has shaken Murdoch's media empire and led to resignations of two of Scotland Yard's most senior officers.

British politicians have felt the heat too, with the country's top two party leaders falling over each other to distance themselves from papers they once both courted assiduously.

Prime Minister David Cameron's former communications director ? Murdoch newspapers veteran Andy Coulson ? came under fresh scrutiny Thursday after it was reported that he did not have a top-level security clearance, which spared him from the most stringent type of vetting.

And there was further intrigue injected into the scandal after Britain's Cabinet Office released correspondence showing that a senior official believed he had had his phone broken into as recently as last year, when Coulson was already in government.

Although the issue had been covered off-and-on over the years, almost exclusively by the Guardian, allegations of illegal behavior at the News of the World have received feverish attention since a July 4 report alleged that someone at the tabloid hacked the phone of 13-year-old murder victim Milly Dowler in 2002 while police were still searching for her.


Robert Barr and Raphael Satter contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pc Gaming | PS4? Xbox 720? No Thanks. - Buy Computer Games

If you were to attend to the gossip mill, you?d be told that the next console era is only on the horizon. Then again, the gossip still continually insists that we?re on the verge of a Final Fantasy VII reconstitute and you all know how that?s gone.

But I digress, they might have a indicate with this one. This console era has been going for awhile now. My PS3, the plant of regular college dorm moves, has long since had its polish transposed by scuffs and my Wii has changed over its location as a dirt magnet and has transitioned in to spider web collection. The only reason my Xbox 360 still wears the glaze (metaphorically speaking, I paid for the black matte slim) of novelty is because I?ve had it for reduction than a year.

Even with the earthy age of the hardware now on the market, I still subject if you need new hardware even this far in their life cycles. With half a decade of stream gen games at the back me I still find myself consistently tender by the visible achievements of new titles. I have nonetheless to come upon a diversion that could have been improved if the hardware was stronger? outward of the Wii library of course.

In fact, whilst I?m still keeping out on entirely judging the Wii U, I find it revelation that Nintendo opted only to bring the machine?s visuals up to standard with its stream competitors. Granted, this may once again only be an e.g. of Nintendo perplexing to save allowance by carrying out new things with aged technology. Even so, maybe they?re moreover noticing as I hope Microsoft and Sony do, that there are more critical things than raw power.

Versatility, more than visuals, should be the running light of console makers.

The greatest reason for new consoles in the past was to spread on the talent set of the machines already on the market. The stream era comparatively, comes with the built in capability to change and blossom with time. People similar to to protest about the visit firmware updates that come with the PS3 experience, but any a represents a change and in many cases growth. When the PS3 initial launched trophies weren?t a segment of its repertoire. Now they?re deliberate a functional necessity. The Xbox 360 and the Wii have both vanished by comparable changes with time, expanding on their capabilities and in spin stemming the cyclical prerequisite of a new console every couple of years.

If you need serve indication of the significance of adaptive gaming machines, only look at the PC. The solitary reason Personal Computer gaming survives and to an border thrives is since the platform?s capability to change depending on the needs of diversion makers, markets and gamers themselves. The capability to emanate and use mods alone is more than sufficient to keep many gamers bending to the rodent and set of keys even if a console might frequently be more convenient.

I will confess there other reasons that I don?t wish new consoles any time soon. Keeping up with new hardware may be incredibly expensive. More than that even though is only the fact that the ?it?s been 5 years you need a new console? mode of considering is only solid outdated. More than that though, I only have a request to see what developers can do with the stream consoles even if they?re aging. It may be good to have absolute new tools, but in many cases a few of the most appropriate functions of many mediums were innate inside of in the limits of paltry resources. Compare A New Hope to The Phantom Menace , Master of Puppets to St. Anger , or Chrono Trigger to Final Fantasy XIII . The portion of a diversion falls well over its shininess, and even then, there?s still lots of sparkle go around.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Business & Human Rights : Links

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Title: The Church threatens to pull supermarket investments over bargain booze [UK]

Visit: The Church threatens to pull supermarket investments over bargain booze [UK] Author: Evening Standard
Dated: 29 Jun 2011

The Church of England could threaten to pull its investments from supermarkets which fail to meet minimum standards on the sale of alcohol as part of a new "carrot-and-stick" policy?New tests of corporate responsibility are to be introduced?to judge whether it will invest in companies with more than 5% of turnover from the production and sale of alcohol?.A Church spokesman said the minimum standards would test whether companies were engaging "sensibly" with the Government to mitigate the harmful effects of alcohol through measures such as labelling, marketing and pricing and promotion?An advisory group of experts from health?order charities will help implement the policy...Professor Richard Burridge?of the EIAG?insisted that the Church of England could have an impact on policy as was shown in the decision to abandon ?3.8 million of shares last year in mining company Vedanta Resources over ethical concerns.

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